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Bernie is running

The email scandal aside, is there any chance that this analysis exposing charty fraud at the Clinton Foundation could send Killary's campaign crashing, and hand Bernie a second chance?
Charles Ortel
Wall Street 'Whistleblower' Analyst Exposes Clinton Foundation As "Charity Fraud" | Zero Hedge

Everyone knows Hillary's bent though. It's part of the deal. I don't see that bringing her down. Especially as the links on that page for previous articles on the topic go back 6 months and it hasn't touched her yet,
It seems the only way it might touch her is if the Trump campaign makes a massive deal of it to the point where it starts to skew the polls in his favour... The Clintons seem to be made of teflon with a graphene coating...
Everyone knows Hillary's bent though. It's part of the deal. I don't see that bringing her down. Especially as the links on that page for previous articles on the topic go back 6 months and it hasn't touched her yet,
Yeah he's been blogging about it for (over) 6 months but is now ready to realease the data of his analysis.
Ortel, a longtime financial adviser, said he has spent the past 15 months digging into the Clinton Foundation’s public records, federal and state-level tax filings, and donor disclosures.That includes records from the foundation’s many offshoots—including the Clinton Health Access Initiative and the Clinton Global Initiative—as well as its foreign subsidiaries.

This week, Ortel is starting to release his findings in the first of a series of up to 40 planned reports on his website. His allegation: “this is a charity fraud.”
But yeah, i see what you mean about everyone knowing she's bent already
'I've been silent': Harvard's Clinton backers face life on a pro-Bernie campus

Media seem to really like this Hillary supporters silenced/bullied by hordes of Bernie supporters (who are also misogynists) angle.

Edit: just wanted to add something I've thought about from the beginning of Bernie's run. I've heard speculation that Elizabeth Warren decided not to run because of some sort of deal with Hillary (maybe in exchange for the promise of a job in her administration, for example). Whether that's true or not, it seems unfortunate for this more progressive movement within the Democratic party that their candidate was an old white (Jews seem to be mostly considered white in America now?) male at a time when sensitivity and activism around women's rights/feminism/whatever are very high. Hillary can basically deflect any and all criticism as misogynist and it works quite well. She can also get a lot of support from the people who buy into the vicarious liberation (I just made that up so maybe not the best word) where someone who shares some aspect of their identity getting money, success, or power means good things (or at least some sort of psychological satisfaction) for all who share that identity. The same would not have been true if her opponent in the primary was also a woman. I guess Hillary knew if Warren became her opponent in the primary she would lose.
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'I've been silent': Harvard's Clinton backers face life on a pro-Bernie campus

Media seem to really like this Hillary supporters silenced/bullied by hordes of Bernie supporters (who are also misogynists) angle.

Edit: just wanted to add something I've thought about from the beginning of Bernie's run. I've heard speculation that Elizabeth Warren decided not to run because of some sort of deal with Hillary (maybe in exchange for the promise of a job in her administration, for example). Whether that's true or not, it seems unfortunate for this more progressive movement within the Democratic party that their candidate was an old white (Jews seem to be mostly considered white in America now?) male at a time when sensitivity and activism around women's rights/feminism/whatever are very high. Hillary can basically deflect any and all criticism as misogynist and it works quite well. She can also get a lot of support from the people who buy into the vicarious liberation (I just made that up so maybe not the best word) where someone who shares some aspect of their identity getting money, success, or power means good things (or at least some sort of psychological satisfaction) for all who share that identity. The same would not have been true if her opponent in the primary was also a woman. I guess Hillary knew if Warren became her opponent in the primary she would lose.

“I’ve been silent": Harvard's Bakunin backers face life on a pro-Marx campus
One of my American mates retweeted "After a year or so not one person has tried to persuade me to support Clinton over Sanders based on her policies or principles."

A little OT, but I think one of the best things we could do is to liberate ourselves form the absolute stranglehold Harvard, Yale, Stanford, the U. of Chicago, etc. have on the intellectual capital of the US. Those ivy league schools have become so mired in their own self importance and stodgy theories that it's a drag on the country. I'm not being anti-intellectual here. I just think it's time that other voices are put into the mix.

As for Marx at Harvard. When they graduate, they'll all take that $300K a year to be a corporate lawyer and become good Republicans like their parents.
A little OT, but I think one of the best things we could do is to liberate ourselves form the absolute stranglehold Harvard, Yale, Stanford, the U. of Chicago, etc. have on the intellectual capital of the US. Those ivy league schools have become so mired in their own self importance and stodgy theories that it's a drag on the country. I'm not being anti-intellectual here. I just think it's time that other voices are put into the mix.

and they go ont be lawmakers, journalists, politicians, doctors,- what we call the 'proffessions'. So their stranglehold on public discourse is just reinforced year after year

its much the same as our oxbridge mafia situation.
The point was the pity apart from the content. if i had a problem with the content then i would have said that rather than saying something quite different.

Fair enough no problem with content but who would you rather have written it and published it?
Fair enough no problem with content but who would you rather have written it and published it?
I reckon there's a fair few tens of million people concerned with the stuff mentioned in the article - which means there's tens of thousands of people writing about them. But to the jacobin bubble they don't exist (stalinists and other dodgy people do) because they're not in their bubble. And those tens of thousands of people writing this stuff probably think fuck the jacobin, they sounded like they meant it but the proof is in the pudding and their posh fucking mates got to eat it all.
I reckon there's a fair few tens of million people concerned with the stuff mentioned in the article - which means there's tens of thousands of people writing about them. But to the jacobin bubble they don't exist (stalinists and other dodgy people do) because they're not in their bubble. And those tens of thousands of people writing this stuff probably think fuck the jacobin, they sounded like they meant it but the proof is in the pudding and their posh fucking mates got to eat it all.

No idea about Jacobin bubble business or their posh mates or whatever. Fuck 'em!
I reckon there's a fair few tens of million people concerned with the stuff mentioned in the article - which means there's tens of thousands of people writing about them. But to the jacobin bubble they don't exist (stalinists and other dodgy people do) because they're not in their bubble. And those tens of thousands of people writing this stuff probably think fuck the jacobin, they sounded like they meant it but the proof is in the pudding and their posh fucking mates got to eat it all.
Not getting your point here. Jacobin shouldn't publish it because elite bubble? We shouldn't bother with Jacobin because ditto? Maybe you could link to something less bubbly?
I was hoping you might elaborate on "those tens of thousands of people writing this stuff".
In what way? By pointing to the tens of thousands of people not published in jacobin? And the narrow elite liberal university profile of those actually published by and who run jacobin?
This discussion also got me thinking about something. While that Jacobin article sounds likes a pretty fair assessment of the mainstream Democratic party's beliefs. I think it's also true that, at least in the United States, leftists who would never associate with the Democratic party embrace what seems like a similar line of reasoning. For example, I'm sure some of you are familiar with the book Settlers by J. Sakai (link to pdf). I admit I haven't read it (I plan to very soon) but I've heard it come up a lot and my understanding is that basically Sakai argues there is no white working class in the US, that the whites often called that are more accurately labor aristocrats who have historically exploited the labor of non whites (who are the real working class in America). I am not sure what Sakai himself argued about whether or not one should bother organizing labor aristocrats or not but it almost always gets brought up in left circles I've been around as a basically infallible book filled with reasons to ignore the concerns of working class whites.

I know most of you are UK based but have any of you engaged with this debate in general or have any thoughts?
This discussion also got me thinking about something. While that Jacobin article sounds likes a pretty fair assessment of the mainstream Democratic party's beliefs. I think it's also true that, at least in the United States, leftists who would never associate with the Democratic party embrace what seems like a similar line of reasoning. For example, I'm sure some of you are familiar with the book Settlers by J. Sakai (link to pdf). I admit I haven't read it (I plan to very soon) but I've heard it come up a lot and my understanding is that basically Sakai argues there is no white working class in the US, that the whites often called that are more accurately labor aristocrats who have historically exploited the labor of non whites (who are the real working class in America). I am not sure what Sakai himself argued about whether or not one should bother organizing labor aristocrats or not but it almost always gets brought up in left circles I've been around as a basically infallible book filled with reasons to ignore the concerns of working class whites.

I know most of you are UK based but have any of you engaged with this debate in general or have any thoughts?
It's a disgusting book that's that is so American-centric in it criticism of eurocentrism that it becomes laughable in approach. Oh yeah, and all the massive historical errors. It's maoist shit.
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