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Beating the Fascists: The authorised history of Anti-Fascist Action

I'm gathering the info I said I'd send you RS, including stickers and even a NF membership card I managed to get hold of from '89 I forgot I had. Postage costs are likely to be high. ;)
Absolutely not.

Word about the meeting came to South London AFA via a person known to us and who also worked for Searchlight. It was interesting that word came to South London AFA rather than East London AFA where the event was actually taking place - the calculation on Searchlight's part being, no doubt, that South London was somewhat more vulnerable to manipulation than East London.

In any event, steps were taken to ensure that no-one stuck their necks out too far and that we avoided the rather obvious bait - though we did have reconnaissance in the area to see what transpired. Hence the video footage. But Tyndall absolutely did get a clump - though from a couple of SWP members who weren't quite as clued up on what they might be walking into. Prosecutions certainly resulted, though I don't recall whether they ended up with convictions.

You are correct about one thing - it is Copeland next to Tyndall. The footage was later made available to the BBC - with the express condition that AFA be credited. Their failure to honour that agreement resulted in the court case Joe alluded to earlier (possibly in the thread specifically about the BTF video).

Stratford where the event took place was also, it was noted on the day, one of the most CCTVed areas in the capital. And Andy Bell, previously of Searchlight, was the BBC producer, who left the room just as the credits should have been added. The reason he told the court, was because he had to take a call from a victim's family - cue violins. The magistrate was not impressed.
i cd
Looking at some flicks on the liverpool occupy page and realised i have this set of nf/edl pics and haven't shared on here yet. i dunno where is best to post this but since this seems to be the main anti-fascism thread on urban I thought this will do...enjoy, steal at will and add comments to the pics if you can.


i cd use some of these for the book if thats okay. will pm you tho!
does anyone know who has the copyright for the attached as it wd make a cracking cover!


  • waterloo.jpg
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does anyone know who has the copyright for the attached as it wd make a cracking cover!
put on the inside 'every effort has been made to contact copyright holders for pictures in the magazine / paper. if we have missed anyone out, please contact us and a credit will be provided in a future edition' or something along those lines
ah pickmans, i knew i cd rely on you to be thorough!!!! cheers for that. i made a dummy cover for the proposal and it looks proper good!
Tyndall absolutely did get a clump - though from a couple of SWP members who weren't quite as clued up on what they might be walking into.

A SWP speaker on fascism, who I know from experience and stood with (when fascists turned up to a meeting we were both at) was certainly clued up then:

A SWP speaker on fascism, who I know from experience and stood with (when fascists turned up to a meeting we were both at) was certainly clued up then:

I seem to recall that when I was in the SWP he was fighting a victimisation case against his employer (think it was a hospital) and, if I remember correctly, the union as well. I think it might have been fash that provoked the dispute but my memory of it is hazy. Do you know if that ever got sorted? Whenever I went to national meetings he was always collecting for his case, was a big thing within the SWP at the time.

Edit: Ought to have watched the video first, the woman mentions it when she introduces him.
does anyone know who has the copyright for the attached as it wd make a cracking cover!

Wasn't it Leo Regan? (author of the Public Enemies book). Could be wrong. It may actually be worth asking around if anyone has any previously unpublished photos you could use? Either here or on other forums, through Flikr etc. I remember a guy in Notts we used for AFA stuff had a huge collection, although I haven't seen him in years.
A SWP speaker on fascism, who I know from experience and stood with (when fascists turned up to a meeting we were both at) was certainly clued up then:

Lot of time for Yunis and can remember when he first joined but you are missing the point about being clued up if you read both PC's and Joe's posts. Clued up about Searchlight.
I seem to recall that when I was in the SWP he was fighting a victimisation case against his employer (think it was a hospital) and, if I remember correctly, the union as well. I think it might have been fash that provoked the dispute but my memory of it is hazy. Do you know if that ever got sorted? Whenever I went to national meetings he was always collecting for his case, was a big thing within the SWP at the time.

Yunus won his case against his employer, who unlawfully sacked him, but despite that his employers have refused to obey a court order to re-employ him. It's in the hands of a leading employment lawyer now.

yunus often gets a mention in private eye too. unison up here don't like swp/yunus and won't even let them have stalls at unison events. i never met him so can't comment on him personally but he should get his job back.
has been rumbling on for months this - he's a mentalist, a fantasist and a creep

That may well be true, but given the unprincipled (even by their low standards) campaign against BTF authors and Freedom Press prior to publication, and the repeated threats of legal action via Carter Ruck thereafter, that the said 'creep' is also a friend and long time Searchlight collaborator, I, (ever so tentatively you understand) suggest there is a possibility that this latest threat of legal action may actually be part of that same dance.
That may well be true, but given the unprincipled (even by their low standards) campaign against BTF authors and Freedom Press prior to publication, and the repeated threats of legal action via Carter Ruck thereafter, that the said 'creep' is also a friend and long time Searchlight collaborator, I, (ever so tentatively you understand) suggest there is a possibility that this latest threat of legal action may actually be part of that same dance.

his behaviour and various communications to third parties and FP about it does seem to suggest an agenda other than a straightforward resolution of (alleged) copyright infringement - although looking at his recent court battles, they don't seem to have taken a straightforward approach either
Interestingly a 'known' journo of an anarcho bent has also had threatening legal letters from the same bod, after putting an image of BTF on his site
I seem to recall that when I was in the SWP he was fighting a victimisation case against his employer (think it was a hospital) and, if I remember correctly, the union as well. I think it might have been fash that provoked the dispute but my memory of it is hazy. Do you know if that ever got sorted? Whenever I went to national meetings he was always collecting for his case, was a big thing within the SWP at the time.

Edit: Ought to have watched the video first, the woman mentions it when she introduces him.

He hates women that's for sure.
Yeah, I must say that just about everyone I've ever met that knows him thinks he's a massive cunt and a bully. But I don't know him at all so I'll reserve judgement.
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