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Beating the Fascists: The authorised history of Anti-Fascist Action

thanks everyone i am collating all this at the weekend. hectic at the moment. please keep em coming. official announcement on the book soon plus more details etc. ta loads you guys!
i need info on the 62 group. there seems to be very little apart from some in copsey (2000) and a bit by renton. is there any original source material rather than reiterating their stuff. its a big gaps between 43 group and anti NF stuff. anyone?
(another one for Malatesta if he wants to include it....)

My background was primarily from the Anarchist-punk scene. I’d moved over to Nottingham, from a small town near Leicester, when I was seventeen. We’d go to gigs, hang out around a couple of local pubs and frequent the Rock City night-club almost every Friday and Saturday. Even though, looking back, I wasn’t terribly clued-up politically I became aware that organised Fascist groups (along with a certain amount of passive supporters and friends) were established around Nottinghamshire and the Derbyshire border area.

The main pubs we drank in were The Salutation, and another one called The Dragon (just off the Market Square). Sometimes groups of Blood and Honour skinheads would drink in the same places, and I knew that Donaldson and his mates had been regular visitors to The Dragon some weekends before making their way up to Rock City. As young kids, we always thought it best to stay well away from them, but it wasn’t always possible and I remember two incidents in particular.

The first instance was when a punk gig in the town was attacked. Two boneheads had come up to the rear of the venue and CS gassed the people on the door. Then the second was when myself and two younger lads had gone into Rock City, and one of my mates was wearing an "End Racism" t-shirt with a picture of Martin Luther King on the back. They’d wandered off while I’d chatted to some other people, and came back later looking a bit shaken. They’d both explained that a big skinhead had approached them and said to the one with the t-shirt "how come you’re flashing your politics, eh? I don’t show mine!" (regardless of the fact he himself was wearing a No Remorse t-shirt, and an assortment of B+H badges). Before my mate could say anything, the skinhead pulled his jacket aside showing a huge carving knife stitched onto the inside. He went on; "we’ll go outside if you like? I’ve been to prison and I’m not afraid of going back." With that he turned and wandered off. It seemed pointless telling the doorstaff, as everyone knew the security were friendly with the skinheads anyway. Later I kept wondering who these fuckers thought they were just wandering around bullying a couple of young lads out for a drink.

Another strange thing was the way that the social circles sometimes overlapped. I knew that quite a few of the heavy-metal guys we hung around with had also been seen chatting in a friendly manner to some of the skinheads. One of these interestingly was Rob Sherlock, who later became a close associate of Ian Stuart Donaldson and was actually driving the car the night the Skrewdriver singer was killed. As kids he always came across as a nice guy, but slightly insecure. So it probably shouldn’t have been a big surprise when the Fascists started taking him under their wing. Apparently he’d been regaling people with stories of how Donaldson was a great bloke, and how he’d even sorted him and another mates’ bus fare out when they went to see his band play. Rob had also started taking Skrewdriver records along to the local pub and insisting on the DJ playing them while he sat in a corner headbanging and Sieg-Heiling. The whole thing was a bit sad and finally many of us just told him to fuck off, people even began ignoring him in the street.

It was just after this that I became more conscious of the fact that it was one thing to hold an opinion, but the importance was to act upon it. Most of my mates considered themselves "politically minded" but had no real inclination to become politically active. I honestly reckon they were much more satisfied with listening to Crass records and drinking cider. The encroachment of Fascism and Fascist ideas within some areas of Nottinghamshire really needed to be addressed. So one day when passing the local radical bookshop I took a glance at their noticeboard and saw an advert for a meeting of the "East Midlands Anarchists". A few days later I was off over to Derby to attend it. I’d no clue what was going to happen and half-expected (or hoped) for at least a few fiery speeches calling for the violent dismantling of the system.

Not anything of the sort. Instead I was faced with a room of around half a dozen people drinking herbal tea, talking about one of them (who looked like a candidate for a Mental Health Unit) publishing his own poetry. I was fucking despondent. But just before I was about to leave, a crowd of other people turned up. This was a much more rough and ready bunch. As the speaker mentioned attending an upcoming CND march in London, one of the new comers dressed in a flight jacket with a shaved head covered in a jigsaw puzzle of scars, said ironically "aye, fuck, I bet it’ll kick off". To which the rest of them laughed. Discussion was then re-directed for the afternoon with talk of "kicking fuck out of the fash" and how "two BNP brothers who looked like the Proclaimers, and a rat-faced bastard called Graham Tasker" had been done for attacking an SWP paper sale. Seemingly the general consensus amongst the new comrades was that the judges hammer was probably best replaced with the sort you could buy from a Wilkos hardware store. As we left the meeting I sensed that my idea of revolutionary action was more in line with these guys, as opposed to the crowd in the open-toed sandals. I agreed to meet up with them in Nottingham over the following days, and that’s pretty much how I came to be involved in Anti-Fascist Action for the next several years.
sol, thats great. midlands was a scary place for fash, especially the smaller places on the otuskirts of nottingham which is probably why ISD ended up there. rock city was a dump and lots of folk boycotted it. also there was a security firm who used fash skinheads quite a lot but cant remember the name as it was years ago.
Looking at some flicks on the liverpool occupy page and realised i have this set of nf/edl pics and haven't shared on here yet. i dunno where is best to post this but since this seems to be the main anti-fascism thread on urban I thought this will do...enjoy, steal at will and add comments to the pics if you can.

yeah that's what I thought at first but I'm more interested in the NF and their hangers on rather than edl but i'll post it in there too! i don't have to pay extra do I?:D
On the subject of the book itself, according to a journalist on Twitter, a photographer is claiming that the cover image belongs to him and was used without permission. Threats to sue, etc.
if he had a valid case to make, he has all the appropriate information to pursue the publisher in the normal way - has he done this? no

instead he's set about harassing & threatening individuals in a manner that borders on stalking
On the subject of the book itself, according to a journalist on Twitter, a photographer is claiming that the cover image belongs to him and was used without permission. Threats to sue, etc.

I noticed a blokes Flikr page (claiming to be a photo-journalist), where he'd uploaded a load of fash/anti-fash pics. Closer inspection seemed to confirm that he'd lifted a lot of these images from websites and then placed his own copyright logo on them.

Also, loads of the tags for the photos were incorrect such as "NF members attack photographers with chairs at meeting" (bollocks). and getting the names wrong of various well known Fascists.

Wonder if it's the same guy. If so, he definitely seems like a fantasist.
I noticed a blokes Flikr page where he'd uploaded a load of fash/anti-fash pics. Closer inspection seemed to confirm that he'd lifted a lot of these images from websites

are you sure that wsn't my flikr page :D

(just for the record I took over half of them myself and i admit I stole the rest on my flikr profile)
if he had a valid case to make, he has all the appropriate information to pursue the publisher in the normal way - has he done this? no

instead he's set about harassing & threatening individuals in a manner that borders on stalking

Could we recommision PK to sort things out?
Only just watch that BtF video. It's mint. Particularly like the images of Tyndall's head smashed in.

I'm pretty certain that was a paint job, not blood and convicted bomber, Copeland, is featured in one of the photos next to Tyndall wearing a baseball cap.
Absolutely not.

Word about the meeting came to South London AFA via a person known to us and who also worked for Searchlight. It was interesting that word came to South London AFA rather than East London AFA where the event was actually taking place - the calculation on Searchlight's part being, no doubt, that South London was somewhat more vulnerable to manipulation than East London.

In any event, steps were taken to ensure that no-one stuck their necks out too far and that we avoided the rather obvious bait - though we did have reconnaissance in the area to see what transpired. Hence the video footage. But Tyndall absolutely did get a clump - though from a couple of SWP members who weren't quite as clued up on what they might be walking into. Prosecutions certainly resulted, though I don't recall whether they ended up with convictions.

You are correct about one thing - it is Copeland next to Tyndall. The footage was later made available to the BBC - with the express condition that AFA be credited. Their failure to honour that agreement resulted in the court case Joe alluded to earlier (possibly in the thread specifically about the BTF video).
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