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Beating the Fascists: The authorised history of Anti-Fascist Action

That's a nice piece imposs - does anyone know when the NF left "Excalibur House"? Seems to have been the main prize in their post 79 factional fighting.

The building would be worth millions today... (it's now a language school, ha ha!)

Excalibur House was gutted by fire while it was still occupied. A quantity of NF literature was salvaged and one of their more imaginative papersellers was later seen at the top of Brick Lane trying to sell scorched copies of the Turner Diaries as 'genuine fire-damaged' ones. Soon after that the NF vacated the premises.

'Simon Day's' experiences of infiltrating the NF were written up in the brief-lived anarchist paper 'Xtra!'.
(Get the kettle on then...)

The attack by Fascists on a Radical bookshop in Nottingham in 1994, was significant in helping galvanise people towards a more militant anti-fascist stance in the East Midlands. Places like Heanor, Ilkeston, Mansfield, Sutton etc had seen surges in Fascist activity in previous years. Especially when Donaldson had relocated there after being booted out of London. There were still Blood and Honour gigs and other activities, which had kept up his legacy after his demise.

"Mushroom Bookshop" had been a part of the Left wing landscape around the area and was a great place for picking up newspapers like Red Action, Class War, Republican News and other stuff. But on the 15th of January that year a bus load of Fascists from Notts and Derbyshire had diverted into Nottingham city center when the gig they were travelling to down south had been cancelled. They made a bee-line straight across the Market Square and into the Hockley area where the shop was located. Many of them shouting abuse at people, sieg-heiling and so forth. On reaching the target many of them steamed in and started assaulting members of staff and customers, whilst trashing the place. Computers were wrecked and a fire extinguisher was thrown through the front window. Due to the ad-hoc nature of the attack around 39 arrests were made as they tried to make an escape.

Out of these only around 9 people were actually brought to trial. During the case East Midlands AFA had kept a close eye both inside and outside the courtroom. Due to this we noticed that the accused Fascists and their supporters were always travelling down in the same transit van, and parking across on some waste ground turned parking lot (which is now taken up by the Capitol One building). When the final day of the trial came, we had people sat in a pub round the corner, a couple in the public gallery and two of us doing circuits around the nearby streets. One of the first things to do was immobilise their vehicle, so three of us in a scout car pulled up into the parking lot next to their van. I gave 'D' an old lock-knife I had and he opened his side door, knelt down and began to slash the tyres. Unfortunately the knife was a bit shit and at one point he bent the blade back, cutting his own fingers with a loud "fuck!". Anyway, job done we felt certain the bastards weren't going to go anywhere that day.

The usual settling in, watching and waiting wore on and I could tell people were getting restless. Plus there was the typical eye of suspicion from the pub landlord at having to serve 30 people halves of coke for two hours. But as I came out the bar and walked down the street towards the court I saw one of our female members who'd been sat inside come running up: "they're coming out!". So I turned and ran like fuck, to stick my head round the door and notify everyone that it was all on. We'd briefed people the day before about not rushing straight in front of the courthouse (due to CCTV and obvious Press cameras) so we took a back route behind the court and up a side street into the car park. On entering it we saw just two guys next to the van, and their jaws just fucking dropped. We didn't know it but the other several members had been sent down and they had no back-up with them - these were the only ones left. With no other main exit from the car park I saw one of them, who was dressed in a Crombie, run and launch himself at the top of a wall. It must have been the adrenaline because he caught the top and managed to scramble over onto the canal walkway as three guys were trying to grab his legs.

Tempting as it was, some people held back so as not to create overkill, and watched as a bunch of us approached what was probably at that point "the loneliest man in the world". He began by saying in a terrified voice "I'm not a Nazi!...I just give lifts to boneheads!" (always amazes me how the fucking master race are quick to deny their ideology under pressure...I don't think if I was cornered in the same way I'd be screaming "don't hit me! I'm not a Socialist!"). Anyway, immediately afterwards I remember a few of us hoofing him around the car park whilst he desperately grabbed onto wing mirrors and bumpers to steady himself. He was originally quite smartly dressed and turned out, but by then I recall him as a mess, half crouched in a puddle with blood pouring from his mouth as someone kicked him repeatedly in the ribs. One of our Leicester lads was a kickboxer with a massive square head, and I remember him swinging a kick but just missing him. I was so close I actually felt the wind from his boot on my face. Also, despite some of the Brummie lads saying it looked "a bit too much", it was later stated that a couple of them couldn't resist giving him a few digs and saying "say No Surrender now then you bastard!".

As we walked back out, the parking attendent, who throughout all the commotion carried on sweeping the ramp and puffing on a fag just said "c'mon now lads. he's had enough".

Unfortunately the getaway had a few problems, when one of our lads ('B') was heading off, he took a wrong turn and was lifted by the cops who caught him with blood on his hands (which later secured a jail sentence). Another lad managed to hide under a car while the cops hunted around for him.

Later that day. Local TV news showed the Fascists defiantly walking into court, with the hapless individual coming up the rear smirking and giving a finger to the cameras not knowing what would befall him. The voiceover pointed out "this man was later hospitalized by political opponents".
top read,. and the 'being called out by middle class lefty twonks for swearing etc ' will be familiar to many from that era - but I'm a bit surprised by the NMP picture you paint - I remember some of Asian lads from NMP being pretty game / and sound ? ( didnt know lots of them, or any white associates of theirs , but there was a few of them who used to be always out and about it seemed

I would direct you to this part of my post

In fairness to those centred around the NMP, there were some very capable, principled, hard-working activists among them, but there were fundamental political, tactical, strategic and social differences between them and us – and there were also some of (what we saw as) the worst examples of hysterical, white middle-class, lifestyle lefties.

It's probably not fair to label these people as NMP members/supporters (there was CARF and believe it or not LARF as well) - but the NMP were the group around whom they gathered. People like Unmesh, who is now a Labour councillor, were always gameball.
Tempting as it was, some people held back so as not to create overkill, and watched as a bunch of us approached what was probably at that point "the loneliest man in the world". He began by saying in a terrified voice "I'm not a Nazi!...I just give lifts to boneheads!" (always amazes me how the fucking master race are quick to deny their ideology under pressure...I don't think if I was cornered in the same way I'd be screaming "don't hit me! I'm not a Socialist!"). Anyway, immediately afterwards I remember a few of us hoofing him around the car park whilst he desperately grabbed onto wing mirrors and bumpers to steady himself. He was originally quite smartly dressed and turned out, but by then I recall him as a mess, half crouched in a puddle with blood pouring from his mouth as someone kicked him repeatedly in the ribs. One of our Leicester lads was a kickboxer with a massive square head, and I remember him swinging a kick but just missing him. I was so close I actually felt the wind from his boot on my face. Also, despite some of the Brummie lads saying it looked "a bit too much", it was later stated that a couple of them couldn't resist giving him a few digs and saying "say No Surrender now then you bastard!".

As we walked back out, the parking attendent, who throughout all the commotion carried on sweeping the ramp and puffing on a fag just said "c'mon now lads. he's had enough".

Scary how two out of these three stories has resulted in a jailing.

Speaking as an East Midlands member, we only had that one conviction in over 4 years of activity. Some people had been lifted from time to time, but evidence was either weak or witnesses had refused to come forwards, so the accused were let go without charge. I'd say that was pretty good odds considering how much we managed to do in that time. I'm also quite proud to say that between the whole of Nottingham, Leicester and Mansfield we were never caught wrong footed and turned over, as I'm sure the Fash would have liked to have done. The Fash themselves on the other hand, suffered badly in terms of both arrests and physical assaults.
Speaking as an East Midlands member, we only had that one conviction in over 4 years of activity. Some people had been lifted from time to time, but evidence was either weak or witnesses had refused to come forwards, so the accused were let go without charge. I'd say that was pretty good odds considering how much we managed to do in that time. I'm also quite proud to say that between the whole of Nottingham, Leicester and Mansfield we were never caught wrong footed and turned over, as I'm sure the Fash would have liked to have done. The Fash themselves on the other hand, suffered badly in terms of both arrests and physical assaults.
Even Robin Hood's mob took nickings round there!
Wont hap-pun
Ive got a couple of stories Ill post when I get to work(why should I do it in my own time) You know the being chased by a monster but your laughing as you run. Near misses and stumbling onto something...out takes if you want...
(Get the kettle on then...)

Tempting as it was, some people held back so as not to create overkill, and watched as a bunch of us approached what was probably at that point "the loneliest man in the world". He began by saying in a terrified voice "I'm not a Nazi!...I just give lifts to boneheads!" (always amazes me how the fucking master race are quick to deny their ideology under pressure...I don't think if I was cornered in the same way I'd be screaming "don't hit me! I'm not a Socialist!").


You are the hardest man in the universe then intersol. I on the other hand remember making my way back ( to the Cottons Gardens IS headquarters to bum the bus fare home)through the East End of London on my own after getting out of jail after being arrested on an anti fascist do in circa 1976. Unfortunately the NF hadn't yet fully dispersed - and I was suddenly surrounded by about 10 Union Jack wearing boneheads - MY pockets still packed with LOTS of Lefty papers and leaflets. "Who you ?" grunted a bonehead. Now, was my answer:

a) I'm a fucking Red anti fascist hero you Nazi twats and I'll take you all on !"


b) "oh hi, I'm a tourist here , and I've been collecting some great interesting stuff off everyone today... have you got any literature I can have ?"

You'll NEVER guess !
You are the hardest man in the universe then intersol. I on the other hand remember making my way back ( to the Cottons Gardens IS headquarters to bum the bus fare home)through the East End of London on my own after getting out of jail after being arrested on an anti fascist do in circa 1976. Unfortunately the NF hadn't yet fully dispersed - and I was suddenly surrounded by about 10 Union Jack wearing boneheads - MY pockets still packed with LOTS of Lefty papers and leaflets. "Who you ?" grunted a bonehead. Now, was my answer:

a) I'm a fucking Red anti fascist hero you Nazi twats and I'll take you all on !"


b) "oh hi, I'm a tourist here , and I've been collecting some great interesting stuff off everyone today... have you got any literature I can have ?"

You'll NEVER guess !

By whatever means necessary :)

In fairness though, you HAD a chance to blag it and choose discretion as the better part of valour. Good thinking though.
You are the hardest man in the universe then intersol. I on the other hand remember making my way back ( to the Cottons Gardens IS headquarters to bum the bus fare home)through the East End of London on my own after getting out of jail after being arrested on an anti fascist do in circa 1976. Unfortunately the NF hadn't yet fully dispersed - and I was suddenly surrounded by about 10 Union Jack wearing boneheads - MY pockets still packed with LOTS of Lefty papers and leaflets. "Who you ?" grunted a bonehead. Now, was my answer:

a) I'm a fucking Red anti fascist hero you Nazi twats and I'll take you all on !"


b) "oh hi, I'm a tourist here , and I've been collecting some great interesting stuff off everyone today... have you got any literature I can have ?"

You'll NEVER guess !

Good story and nicely handled. Although I doubt if I'd have had the bravado to stick my chest out and go for a). It's quite likely I would've just thought "oh fuck" and taken the kicking.
Good story and nicely handled. Although I doubt if I'd have had the bravado to stick my chest out and go for a). It's quite likely I would've just thought "oh fuck" and taken the kicking.

Yep, I went for b), and as, thank the gods, I had taken off all my Leftie badges in the police station, my open, guileless,sincere, smile, was obviously more than the bonehead could handle. He actually grunted "No.. (as in "no I haven't got any NF leaflets to give you... why would I, I can't read ?").. but the bloke round that corner has got some NF News you can buy ". I thanked him profusely and sidled off swiftly, and he and his chums ran on in their knuckle dragging way to hunt for some (more obvious) Lefties to beat up. I then ran like fuck - a few hundred yards down the road to Cottons Gdns and the IS headquarters and printshop - possibly feeling a wee bit sweaty and bothered , BUT VERY LUCKY!

I then spent the rest of the day, night, andfollowing morning, dragooned into joining many other IS members on a shift system on the roof parapet of Cottons Gardens, surrounded by loads
of bricks and bottles - expecting an NF attack at any moment due to "intelligence received". Did they attack ? Did they fuck ... unreliable AND stupid the fascists !
Do you want the early editions?

Hopefully there will be a full set with Red fairly soon.

On a separate note, do you have a copy of that ANL newsletter we did way back at the resource centre. Had all the old reds and blues against the nazis stuff in it, if I remember correctly.Would be worth putting up...if only to show how amateurish we were back then.
I just hope someone puts up an archive of Fighting Talk with proper scans instead of the black and white photocopy version that did the rounds a while back (which I also think had a few editions missing?).

to add: I gave my entire collection to an old friend, I'll mail him and see if he still has them.
I gave 'D' an old lock-knife I had and he opened his side door, knelt down and began to slash the tyres. Unfortunately the knife was a bit shit and at one point he bent the blade back, cutting his own fingers with a loud "fuck!".

and still one of 'D''s favourite stories to this day! :D
I just hope someone puts up an archive of Fighting Talk with proper scans instead of the black and white photocopy version that did the rounds a while back (which I also think had a few editions missing?)

to add: I gave my entire collection to an old friend, I'll mail him and see if he still has them.

Yeah I have three fighting talks which I'll put up.

Here is a wanted section I've put on the website: http://afaarchive.wordpress.com/wanted/
Hopefully there will be a full set with Red fairly soon.

On a separate note, do you have a copy of that ANL newsletter we did way back at the resource centre. Had all the old reds and blues against the nazis stuff in it, if I remember correctly.Would be worth putting up...if only to show how amateurish we were back then.
I think I know which one...f'kin hell the resource centre...MARC..still have the smell of the old roneo stenciler in me nostrils...Ill have a look.
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