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Anti social behaviour in local authority centres

Did you not have security people? Most public buildings I have worked in or visited do including libraries. If you want to do something, other staff members are concerned and you're not just a big man on the internet then organise. Make it the central issue in every meeting and appraisal. Refuse to work/turn up/leave until something is done. Then again you're not on the job anymore so you probably missed your chance
Did you not have security people? Most public buildings I have worked in or visited do including libraries. If you want to do something, other staff members are concerned and you're not just a big man on the internet then organise. Make it the central issue in every meeting and appraisal. Refuse to work/turn up/leave until something is done. Then again you're not on the job anymore so you probably missed your chance.
The senior manager for libraries refused to authorise security as it would "show libraries in a bad light"
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
FoIA requests about antisocial behaviour in North Tyneside libraries
These are a few of my favorite things
All this happened for two decades while you were the manager? It's probably best if you turn yourself in to your local police station.

Is there anyone who can help me get a public enquiry into this?
No one can report on the family court. It is comparable to courts in Nazi Gernany and the USSR. No scrutiny.
Have you met CharlotteF1 yet?
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