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Beating the Fascists: The authorised history of Anti-Fascist Action

Unfortunately the exact details escape me, I'm sure someone here will have a clearer recollection or a copy of the original account, needless to say it gives "Beating the Fascists" a run for it's money...
Perhaps you could collaborate with 39 and provide some much needed colour to the story. It sounds so exciting, I can hardly contain myself...

'The Tale of the Epsom Arsonist - lessons in delusion by PK'

This'll be the Epsom which is so racist that none of my Asian mates had any probs getting busy with the ladies there, or chatting blather with the locals. Perhaps there's a Dr Who-like time portal where you can't move for goosesteppers in that part of the world.
yes that'll be the one... but it was reeeeeeally dangerous before the Epsom Arsonist sent Johnny Fascist on his way, I can tell you. Thank god for PK, I say. Perhaps we should start a fund to erect a statue of him in his nazi-free hometown
This is how it has been explained to me :there were a couple of years around the turn of the century when PK was going through his zero tolerance period. This involved a number of incidents in which said zero tolerance was delivered, not only on Urban but in the real world. Obviously this is when he wasn't DJing at raves or conducting his tour of the world ( an experience described by many as a modern day version of The gospel comes to New Guinea) . On some occasions grateful citizen and passers by applauded especially when zero tolerance was shown on public transport.On other occasions for example where fascism raised its ugly head their meeting place at a public house was firebombed and the threat of a fourth Reich receded, if only momentarily.Details are scant but i am sure you will appreciated the sensitivity of such operations.

On other occasions when Butchers requested to meet face to face he failed to turn up though. Sometimes life's like that.
Fucked if I can make out the lyrics but the bit without music at the end is quite clear. Anyone know them or their history?

IME most 'anti-Red Action' people didn't actually know very much about Red Action or indeed many people IN Red Action. much of the anti-RA prejudice I encountered was just that, PRE-judice.

Just briefly passing through today - i believe this song is a reference to the Matty Blag/Dave Simpson incident in 93 - the lyrics fit and it mentions EMI as well. So it's a hissy fit about an incident that happened 18 nearly years ago, written today for some reason.
that must have been after he sorted the place out

Showing those lily-livered cowards in AFA how it's really done. Everyone in Epsom must have been so cowed by him that no-one ever mentioned, whispered, talked about etc this one-man army of justice, this nemesis of non-righteous public houses everywhere. Fear got their tongues.
Showing those lily-livered cowards in AFA how it's really done. Everyone in Epsom must have been so cowed by him that no-one ever mentioned, whispered, talked about etc this one-man army of justice, this nemesis of non-righteous public houses everywhere. Fear got their tongues.

Wasn't there another episode where he through a bottle at a fash march and cut off soemones ear?
Wasn't there another episode where he through a bottle at a fash march and cut off soemones ear?

I think you could well be on the money there. I await with baited breath the reports that he single-handedly planned and organised the Battle of Waterloo, and that AFA jumped on his idea and took all the credit.
Wasn't there another episode where he through a bottle at a fash march and cut off soemones ear?

As is often the case with these things, the truth is actually funnier than the (sometimes deliberately misremembered for comic effect) fiction.....

As I recall (and I do have the thread saved - it's been deleted from here) all of this happened on the SHAC UK thread which had been going on for some 11 or so pages with PK giving it large/throwing his weight about with some of the younger annakisseds at the time before reality intervened. He was berating people/threatening dire consequences for unprovoked attacks on the police and various other innocents before being pulled on his own claims that he had;

a) attacked an NF march and cut a participant's ear off - the claims were later "downgraded" to his having thrown a bottle at the march but not having seen where it landed as he was making his get away across the rooftops. Cue much laughter/embarrassment when it was pointed out that this being the case, said bottle, if it actually existed, was as likely to have hit a copper as an NFer.

b) "sorted out" a pub (I'm not sure Epsom was specified) where the fash congregated by torching it. Again cue much laughter/embarrassment at the silence which followed when he was asked whether (bearing in mind his loudly professed anger at those who caused injury to innocents) he'd bothered to establish that there were no bar staff/itinerant navvies sleeping in the rooms upstairs before he'd got all Prodigy on their asses.

All this riled him up so much that he came to the conclusion that honour would be most suitably restored via a face to face with butchers where (as we used to say in the parlance) a "full and frank exchange of views" would take place. It may have been that PK felt fairly secure in making this suggestion knowing, as he did, that butchers lives in Bristol. In any event, it was me that offered to substitute for butchers and it was me that later had to break the bad news to everyone that PK had failed to show for the suggested meet. :(
^^^ :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

So here we have pk - the Warrior of Freedom and Anti-Fascist justice so righteous that there's no way he'd be bringing out Jeffrey Archer-style "accounts" of his actions, or put the editor of this forum in danger of being banged up by posting a load of highly libellous "gossip" here. No, not at all. Never.
LiamO - I've read, digested and conjutated your link - clearly, PK is a lion of a debater, someone who is ready and willing to back up his assertions w....oh dear, I feel all faint and dizzy, let me sit down and start again - clearly, PK is a total oaf who couldn't out-argue a block of Asda cheese, and a fantasist, a smear-merchant and a coward to boot. "Anti-fascist" my eye - he would have been thrown out of AFA faster that Lawrence Rustem was.

I expect now that the Epsom One will want to deal with me - time to start checking my flat for any incendiary devices, watching if anyone is following me, and screening my phone for foaming, hysterical calls promising "justice". I may not be long for this world, Liam - my careless talk could be my undoing :(
Yup, indeed.

Well that's enough of debunking anti-AFA, anti Red Action mythology and definitely enough wasted on he whom I will no longer name... and shame. :)
^^^ :thumbs: :)

Back on topic - can anyone confirm one way or the other something I saw posted on the old Red Action forum: someone mentioned/claimed on there that far from being a red-blooded John Bull Brit, John Tyndall was acutally born and spent a part of his early years in Ireland. Is there any truth/credence to this? Haven't been able to source any proper info on this to date so far.

But are you suggesting you cant be born on the island of Ireland and not still be 'pride teebee brateeesh'? Cos there are some folk who would disagree...



here's a charming Irish-born Britisher celebrating the fact that some of his chaps killed FIVE Irish civilians in a south Belfast bookies shop... maybe they were backing a horse called United Ireland... so they probably deserved it.
The ex BM leader Michael McLaughlin came from an Irish Republican family, his father fought in the International Brigades.
LiamO - ah, our Loyalist friends - nah, me is well aware of these fine figures of menfolk (ahem) - the first one is Mad Dog, right?, and as for the second, I don't recognise him, but note that his Orange Order sash has a big "LOL" sewn onto the left hand side - any further comment necessary? (except - did he ever condemn the murders outright?) What I was pondering on is how a "nationalist" like Tyndall, who banged on left, right and centre about the "British" (I think we know who he meant by that) would have squared that with his Irish background (if indeed he was born and initially raised in Eire) - not that one should expect any logic and consistency from the likes of Tyndall and Co, of course, but a point of minor interest to me, nonetheless. As an aside, I think Tyndall wrote an article in one of the latter-day "Spearhead" mags advocating a re-invasion of the Republic for "British" Lebensraum....

The39thStep - thanks for that, I knew McLaughlin was from the Mersey area, but had no idea about his familial background. Where on earth did he go wrong then? The Ray Hill book mentions a fair bit about Michael, but much of it not amounting to much more than tatty gossip, from my recollection....
^^^ :thumbs: :)

Back on topic - can anyone confirm one way or the other something I saw posted on the old Red Action forum: someone mentioned/claimed on there that far from being a red-blooded John Bull Brit, John Tyndall was acutally born and spent a part of his early years in Ireland. Is there any truth/credence to this? Haven't been able to source any proper info on this to date so far.

Tyndall was born in Devon somewhere, his family however were from Ireland.
@ Melly

Actually, I think this is a common enough phenomenon. I remember in the late 70's/early 80's Searchlight did a booklet which basically listed all those NF types convicted over the years. A surprising number of the names were Irish.

IME this stems from the fact that British-born Irish people, being white, have a choice (and certainly in the 70's many regarded it as Hobson's choice) whether to identify with their forefathers or with the land they were born in (this 'choice was, of course, not gifted to people with darker skin).

Given the virulent anti-Irish propaganda of the time, it was no surprise many chose to be 'British'. Then of course they had to contend with those on both sides telling them they weren't really British - leading to some deciding they had to be seen as 'more british than the british'. And where or how better to assert that but through the NF or BM?
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