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Beating the Fascists: The authorised history of Anti-Fascist Action

I love it when people expect any one expressing progressive concepts to behave here and now like we are in a Utopia. :)
Finally - in our hands!

Is that your hand?
And what kind of socialist price will it be selling at? :D

I hope they sell it at a good capitalist price so that

1) Freedom Press make a few bob to offset all the infantile abuse they have received for their temerity in publishing/printing it.

2) It generates enough income to provide for a post-traumatic piss-up for all us alcoholic, arrogant, aggressive, dim-witted, macho, sexist, racist, homophobic, sectarian, bullshitting, treacherous, back-stabbing, lying, fat, useless, shit-house, leather-jacketed, old, Red Action cunts (and our equally 'treacherous' DAM fellow-travellers) ... who - according to some silly-billies posing as anarchists on Indymedia - were merely holding back the 'true' anti-fascists from bringing the war to the BNP.:facepalm:
will be available at the bookfair for the exclusive 'just for the bookfair/i wish i was a socialist' price of £10.

Won't in the shops or to buy from freedom/order from the website until after the bookfair. Proper retail price will be £15.
I hope they sell it at a good capitalist price so that

1) Freedom Press make a few bob to offset all the infantile abuse they have received for their temerity in publishing/printing it.

2) It generates enough income to provide for a post-traumatic piss-up for all us alcoholic, arrogant, aggressive, dim-witted, macho, sexist, racist, homophobic, sectarian, bullshitting, treacherous, back-stabbing, lying, fat, useless, shit-house, leather-jacketed, old, Red Action cunts (and our equally 'treacherous' DAM fellow-travellers) ... who - according to some silly-billies posing as anarchists on Indymedia - were merely holding back the 'true' anti-fascists from bringing the war to the BNP.:facepalm:


Well said.
£10 sounds a good price. Would be nice to say hi to a few old RA who may remember me (if the booze has not rotted all of our brains) at the bookfair. Are any of you lot coming?
it's certainly not a version of No Retreat!

It has a national coverage based on many contributors, covers the whole period along with a substantial pre-history and has a consistent narrative throughout. It's importance is just as much for its contemporary relevance and message as it is for the social history it tells

the type size is also readable

ah right sounds good, will invest
i will of course want to know if this is in readable type size , sounds interesting

the type size is also readable

is the type size gonna be readable for blind cunts like me?

if you're that much of a blind cunt that you couldn't read my reply to you the last time you asked this question i don't think it's just the type size you need to be worrying about!

anyone tell me if it's readable type size?

How many times are you gonna ask this question trev?
i thought No Retreat was a great read, by not another No Retreat i hope ya don't mean it's more academic ? Not one of these books that reads like quotes from the local paper instead of from people who were there, in the thick of it?
by not another No Retreat i hope ya don't mean it's more academic ?

i know you should never judge a book by its cover, but in this case surely the cover gives you an idea of what may be contained within its pages no? But there's more than that as well - that was the point being made
Kropotkin said we should not bother fermenting a revolution unless we could offer bread to the masses. I think a bit of central heating would not go amiss to.

the heating was actually put in by kropotkin. As were the electrics and most of the fucking plumbing.
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