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Beating the Fascists: The authorised history of Anti-Fascist Action

i know you should never judge a book by its cover, but in this case surely the cover gives you an idea of what may be contained within its pages no? But there's more than that as well - that was the point being made

aye the cover looks interesting, i was just wondering what was so different about this book as compared to No retreat, cos No Retreat was a great read?
aye the cover looks interesting, i was just wondering what was so different about this book as compared to No retreat, cos No Retreat was a great read?

This one contains political history, political analysis and all the anecdotal fisticuffs stuff... in their proper place and order of priority.

It is a social history told by (many of) the people who helped make it - as opposed to a egotistical hoolie-Lit book with a bit of politics
This one contains political history, political analysis and all the anecdotal fisticuffs stuff... in their proper place and order of priority.

It is a social history told by (many of) the people who helped make it - as opposed to a egotistical hoolie-Lit book with a bit of politics

one out of 3 ain't bad i guess
one out of 3 ain't bad i guess

So just to clarify... you would prefer it was all anecdotal mirth and violence?

I believe the authors have some incredibly lofty notion of it all being about political action... and of leaving both a social history and a handy blueprint for the next generation... should the fash take to the street again... (like the edl in your home town?)
So just to clarify... you would prefer it was all anecdotal mirth and violence?

I believe the authors have some incredibly lofty notion of it all being about political action... and of leaving both a social history and a handy blueprint for the next generation... should the fash take to the street again... (like the edl in your home town?)

i've just always found books to be more entertaining if they're about real life and 2 things that bore me are history (unless it's something i don't already know) and academic writing / analysis. I very rarely see any political books these days but the last great one i read was Keith Mann because although it gave the reader a brief insight into animal rights history it was investigative and down to earth and gripped you

i am not saying this book ISN'T like that but if a lot of it is simply discussing best way to deal with fascists, deep analysis etc it will porbably bore me.

No Retreat was the perfect mix of politics and story telling
i've just always found books to be more entertaining if they're about real life and 2 things that bore me are history (unless it's something i don't already know) and academic writing / analysis. I very rarely see any political books these days but the last great one i read was Keith Mann because although it gave the reader a brief insight into animal rights history it was investigative and down to earth and gripped you

i am not saying this book ISN'T like that but if a lot of it is simply discussing best way to deal with fascists, deep analysis etc it will porbably bore me.

No Retreat was the perfect mix of politics and story telling

'Real life', 'story telling' and history aren't mutually exclusive.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
No Retreat was the perfect mix of politics and story telling

Yep... storytelling á la brothers grimm... painting 'general' dave as the superhero... which was far from the truth. Or does that not matter?

Entertaining bullshit is still just that, bullshit!

Having said that I hope, and trust, this book has the balance right - and that it is indeed an entertaining read. It was certainly entertaining - and great craic - being there at the time.
Dear Comrade,
Ages ago you reserved a copy of “Beating the Fascists” at the advance price of £10. It has now arrived! You can pick up your copy from the shop 12-6 Monday to Saturday 12-4 Sunday. Or you can pay by card online from our website. As we can’t put up a separate button for those of you quick enough to take up the offer use the standard £15 button and we will check you off our list of reservations and give you a partial refund of £2.64 (£10 plus £2.36 postage). We will keep reservations till the end of November. Please ring the shop if you have any problems.

Cheers. :D

Yep... storytelling á la brothers grimm... painting 'general' dave as the superhero... which was far from the truth. Or does that not matter?

Entertaining bullshit is still just that, bullshit!

Having said that I hope, and trust, this book has the balance right - and that it is indeed an entertaining read. It was certainly entertaining - and great craic - being there at the time.

he seemed ok to me, reasonable sounding and critical but not secretarian...but i wasn't there so cannot say if anything was embellished
I found No Retreat an entertaining read but why did Tilzey end up fucking off to join searchlies? I'll give him respect for being anti fash but it doesn't extend to him joining the state.
I found No Retreat an entertaining read but why did Tilzey end up fucking off to join searchlies? .

Stephen's reasons for his political journey are complex... and probably more personal than political. We all need to feel loved... and Mr Tilsey found his with Gerry Gable.

I will be interested to see how he conducts himself over the next couple of months, having failed through legal means to stop this book from being published - despite the best efforts of Carter-Ruck on his behalf.

Searchlight? Carter-Ruck? lie down with dogs...
Stephen's reasons for his political journey are complex... and probably more personal than political. We all need to feel loved... and Mr Tilsey found his with Gerry Gable.

I will be interested to see how he conducts himself over the next couple of months, having failed through legal means to stop this book from being published - despite the best efforts of Carter-Ruck on his behalf.

Searchlight? Carter-Ruck? lie down with dogs...

That's a bit of interesting behind the scenes news i.e. using Carter Ruck to try and stop publication. I can't imagine Tilzey having the funds for Carter Ruck somehow. Who's paying?
That's a bit of interesting behind the scenes news i.e. using Carter Ruck to try and stop publication. I can't imagine Tilzey having the funds for Carter Ruck somehow. Who's paying?

That's an excellent question... why who could possibly love him enough?
Carter-Ruck aren't necessarily expensive. A group I was involved with used them successfully. No win no fee iirc.
Stephen's reasons for his political journey are complex... and probably more personal than political. We all need to feel loved... and Mr Tilsey found his with Gerry Gable.

I will be interested to see how he conducts himself over the next couple of months, having failed through legal means to stop this book from being published - despite the best efforts of Carter-Ruck on his behalf.

Searchlight? Carter-Ruck? lie down with dogs...

fuck me legal eagles!! Looks like the book really will be a good read then - nowt like someone getting uppity to make people eager to check the item in question out
Carter-Ruck aren't necessarily expensive. A group I was involved with used them successfully. No win no fee iirc.

Not sure about this. My understanding is that no-win no-fee only applies if Carter-Ruck are convinced they have a watertight case. That is not the case here by any leap of the imagination. They are also clear that if their client is found out telling porkies and that they have been misled, they will take them to the cleaners.

A snotty letter, a bluffing shot across the bows - to test the resolve of the other party - is one thing. A court case is another.

They have no chance of a win here ... so if Mr Tilsey proceeds, I look forward to his public and expensive demise.
Not sure about this. My understanding is that no-win no-fee only applies if Carter-Ruck are convinced they have a watertight case. That is not the case here by any leap of the imagination. They are also clear that if their client is found out telling porkies and that they have been misled, they will take them to the cleaners.

A snotty letter, a bluffing shot across the bows - to test the resolve of the other party - is one thing. A court case is another.

They have no chance of a win here ... so if Mr Tilsey proceeds, I look forward to his public and expensive demise.

what are Searchlight so concerned about?
Not sure about this. My understanding is that no-win no-fee only applies if Carter-Ruck are convinced they have a watertight case. That is not the case here by any leap of the imagination. They are also clear that if their client is found out telling porkies and that they have been misled, they will take them to the cleaners.

Indeed, and the hamfisted and fuckwitted attempt that came our way, full of ill/mis-informed allegations was anything other than watertight - and CR must have been well aware of this as well when dealing with their 'client' and the 'evidence' presented to them by said 'client' - so on no account would they have accepted the case on a no win/no fee basis - which leaves the rather obvious answer to the question of who has pockets deep enough to pay for a stalling/spoiling tactic that has less legs than Heather Mills
The Lull Before the Storm...

I'm off to London for the weekend and I hope to pick up some copies of the book on Saturday. So I may well miss the first salvo's of post-publication posturing from the lovely chaps at Searchlies.

Although it might sound a bit rich coming from somebody who has (and always had) a tendency to dive straight in, I would recommend a period of reflection before responding to provocative posts on Urban - especially from mischievous 'new' posters.

There is a war of words to be won - and that may involve choosing when, and with whom, to engage in individual battles carefully.

I would respectfully ask that some old comrades who have posted criticism above (and who will no doubt feel they have legitimate personal and political differences with the authors) get hold of a copy and read it before re-engaging. If there are harsh words to be had, best we are all speaking from an informed position.

I offer these suggestions not as anybody of any great importance, just as someone who would rather focus on the positive things we all achieved together in AFA... and there were many.
will put a copy in the post at the weekend!

Slow boat to China?


cogg - wanted to reply to your e-mail but my computer at home has gone belly up (that e-mail address only works through that computer). Hope the settling in is going ok + good luck with the job hunting. I'll maybe try to see if I can do something with the facebook thing - otherwise it's PMs on here. John says hello.
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