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Bands you refuse to listen to because their name is awful

The metal scene notoriously has many grim band names and tracks. I have albums by amongst others Cancer Bats, Rammstein and Zyklon and one or two others on this list
Tonight I shall be mainly attending a cancer bats gig in the fleece Bristol

I am wearing crocs and have no idea
There's a band around atm called something like Smelly Bedroom which I have no plans to listen to,
I saw these guys at the weekend (they are called bdrrmm) and they were actually great. Their recorded output isn't much cop, but defo see them live if you get the chance.
I was quite offended/insulted/embarrassed to be offered earplugs on going into a Rammstein gig, which in any event was not that loud.
I think I've Got Foetus On My Breath was possibly their most offensive version of the name.

Scariest moshpit (at a small/medium sized gig) I've ever been in

i saw Thirwell solo, good enough gig, too small a place for a mosh pit but my 6'5" bud stood front and center and declared to him " love you man, love you."
I’ve got some ear plugs off the bar staff :D

I’m the 50 year old wearing crocs and no black or purple clothes

What a night !!!
Jesus, I can't imagine wearing crocs to a gig. Like, I'm not a crocs-wearer anyway, but surely a gig is an environment where you want some very waterproof footwear? Did you make it through the night without either a) having any beer spilled on your feet and b) treading in any piss?
I think I've Got Foetus On My Breath was possibly their most offensive version of the name.

Scariest moshpit (at a small/medium sized gig) I've ever been in
Solid contender for best industrial act ever, imo, although I never got to see them live.
Jesus, I can't imagine wearing crocs to a gig. Like, I'm not a crocs-wearer anyway, but surely a gig is an environment where you want some very waterproof footwear? Did you make it through the night without either a) having any beer spilled on your feet and b) treading in any piss?

Solid contender for best industrial act ever, imo, although I never got to see them live.
If you were cool enough you could wear anything you like to a gig and not give a thought to what anyone else thinks.
If you were cool enough you could wear anything you like to a gig and not give a thought to what anyone else thinks.
Is it possible to be so cool you don't give a thought to having your toes soaking in beer and/or piss, though?
A friend of mine won't give Two Man Travelling Medicine Show a try because their name is too long. They're an ace band, and I guess I've sung their praises so often now, that it just trips off the tongue.
I wanted to see them as well, but someone I was talking to yesterday told me that they'd cancelled their tour cos of getting covid, so the odds are I probably won't see them either. (ETA: although having now checked, can't see any mention of it being cancelled on their fb or insta, so who knows?)
Apparently they've split up, so we'll never get to see them now. :mad:

(when searching for confirmation of this news I discovered that their final act seems to have been to release a split single with Oozing Wound though, which will doubtless be worth tracking down)
Snapped Ankles.

I think I heard them once and they were okay. Just an instant mental image that I could really do without.

And just cos he was mentioned earlier in the thread, am I the only one who finds Richard Hawley's appeal absolutely baffling? No hate - he seems like a nice bloke. Just don't get it. Sort of Val Doonican for indie types.
I hear they are good, but I‘m a little put off by ”Wet Leg“. It makes me think of someone weeing themselves.
Snapped Ankles.

I think I heard them once and they were okay. Just an instant mental image that I could really do without.

And just cos he was mentioned earlier in the thread, am I the only one who finds Richard Hawley's appeal absolutely baffling? No hate - he seems like a nice bloke. Just don't get it. Sort of Val Doonican for indie types.
Do people outside of Sheffield care about Richard Hawley? I sort of think of him as one of those things that's hard to escape when you're in Sheffield, like the incredibly shit art of Pete McKee, but which no-one north of Barnsley or south of Chesterfield ever needs to think about.
Do people outside of Sheffield care about Richard Hawley? I sort of think of him as one of those things that's hard to escape when you're in Sheffield, like the incredibly shit art of Pete McKee, but which no-one north of Barnsley or south of Chesterfield ever needs to think about.
I assure you, most of us think Hawley is an irritating prick too
I know loads of Hawley fans - mostly ageing indie-rock fans of the 90s who are too cool to still like Shed 7, but not cool enough to like Stereolab
I assure you, most of us think Hawley is an irritating prick too
Oh yeah, I carefully avoided saying that people in Sheffield like Hawley, it's just that he ends up registering on your consciousness when you're there, whereas in the rest of the world it's much easier to go about your day without having any thoughts about Hawley whatsoever.
Listened to the Communal Living EP by the late-2000s band Sex/Vid today. Not a band I refuse to listen to because their name is awful, but a band who for a long time I never tried looking up their music because they seemed potentially tricky to google.
Listened to the Communal Living EP by the late-2000s band Sex/Vid today. Not a band I refuse to listen to because their name is awful, but a band who for a long time I never tried looking up their music because they seemed potentially tricky to google.
Do people really worry that much about what they google or are you just joking?
Do people really worry that much about what they google or are you just joking?
Luckily they're a hardcore band, so I found by searching "sex vid hardcore" I was able to eliminate all irrelevant results. :thumbs:
It was certainly offputting enough that I never got around to listening to them when they were active back in about 2008, and then I suppose I never really listened to them for most of the time since then because it's not that often you get reminded of Sex/Vid, the Olympia hardcore band who put out a few EPs between about 2005-2008? I remember trying to search for Shopping can be a bit of a pain in the arse as well.
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