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Bands you refuse to listen to because their name is awful

Fall Out Boy.

And in the olden times whenever I googled The Fall I'd get about 20 pages of Fall Out Boy shit instead.
DJ Tennis - not exactly the most enticing name. When I first read it, I didn't realise it was an artist at all and thought it was slang for b2b.
I don’t think I could refuse to listen to a band/artist purely because of their name, but

Velvet Condom
Tropical Fuck Storm
Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs
I have now listened to them, and I guess Mrs b must have found some great drugs at green man festival
They were great. Much better than their albums sound and ever such nice young men.

There are almost enough acts at GM this year for them to run a Shit Name stage all weekend
I wanted to see them but it's a week monday and I'll be just back from a festival so don't think I can manage it
I wanted to see them as well, but someone I was talking to yesterday told me that they'd cancelled their tour cos of getting covid, so the odds are I probably won't see them either. (ETA: although having now checked, can't see any mention of it being cancelled on their fb or insta, so who knows?)
Barsteward Sons of Val Doonican

It's also the hand knitted tank tops they wear tbh.

People seem to rate them as a festival band, and say they're a lot of fun, but I'm put off.
Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs

Saw them at Glastonbury, they made not a lot of impression tbh (although my concentration was elsewhere at the time, plus I couldn't see the stage). The name attracted me rather than put me off though.
I think I've said this upthread, but Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs is really fun to say. Also if you're going to say it and you have to remember it, you instictively put a rhythm to it. It's a three beat/rest/four beat thing for me. But how cool is that, you're already thinking in musical terms just saying the name.
Barsteward Sons of Val Doonican

It's also the hand knitted tank tops they wear tbh.

People seem to rate them as a festival band, and say they're a lot of fun, but I'm put off.
Am at beautiful days, they were on earlier, massive crowd for them. I dislike them too - some of their lyrics are downright nasty imho. Loads of people wearing those tank tops here, but all is balanced out cause Katie j Pearson just on was ace.
I refused to listen to them for years because of their wacky name and their terrible fans, but actually they're brilliant.
I've only very recently started listening. I thought they would be some sort of 'john kettley is a weather man' comedy bullshit. Though I am not 'blown away' they were worthy of a listen, but I never gave them a chance because of their comedy name and song titles.
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