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Avoiding coronation

I had my first encounter today. In the queue at the chemist, a little girl wearing a Union Jack cape and a plastic crown, hitting the displays with her plastic sceptre. Obviously tourists - her and the mother seemed to have Midlandish accents.
This seems like a neutral or even dissenting position, but it isn't. The subtext is "very boring and uneventful thing happens which nobody needs to be bothered about." Typical of the Eye, it presents as radical whilst sitting comfortably within the Overton window.

"Man inherits unimaginable wealth, considerable influence, founded on centuries of war and exploitation and is formally celebrated for doing so. In 2023."
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What are your plans? Wondering whether to just barricade myself in the house with some cider and peanuts and watch anime all day.
Going to play all my Prince/King Jammy and King Tubby records.

Then may swing by the Hackney Anarchists pub crawl because why not.
This seems like a neutral or even dissenting position, but it isn't. The subtext is "very boring and uneventful thing happens which nobody needs to be bothered about." Typical of the Eye, it presents as radical whilst sitting comfortably within the Overton window.

"Man inherits unimaginable wealth, considerable influence, founded on centuries of war and exploitation and is formally celebrated for doing so. In 2023."
I would say 'barely celebrated' to be honest, compared to 1953's version for his mum.. Although my dad is musing recreating the cardboard box suit of armour he wore at the village's party for tomorrow.

I've seen the photos, the literal entire village had a massive knees up.

Incidentally my plans have changed again- have had a migraine since last night (it's the overexcitement, clearly...) so won't be going anywhere tomorrow.
I'm not done boozing so I imagine when I wake up, it'll all be over.

No doubt when I'm making dinner I'll hear the rightwing radio shows that my dad loves claiming that Megan Markle tried to ruin the ceremony by giving the Archbishop of Canterbury scabies that she caught from Antifa or that Sir Softie sent the boat people to steal the Stone of Scone to spread gender dysphoria in public schools.
I'm trying to pay little attention to today's shitshow in London, but this caught my eye on twitter; the filth are arresting republic protestors before they could finish unloading their placards from their lorry.

...and his fascist regime...

Imagine my surprise, after asking Mrs Voltz when the coronation was and being told "Today!" I was convinced that it was this coming Monday and that was the reason for the extra bank holiday

'Twould seem I've avoided much of the brouhaha of today's event quite easily

Still, lovely weather for it
Need to get the tube to Camden Town early afternoon today and back in the evening. Do any Londoners and/or travel geeks know if it's likely to make much difference whether I come from Victoria or London Bridge?
Need to get the tube to Camden Town early afternoon today and back in the evening. Do any Londoners and/or travel geeks know if it's likely to make much difference whether I come from Victoria or London Bridge?
If the Thameslinks are running OK, I'd get up to St Pancras, then walk or hop on the bus up to CT.
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