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Avoiding coronation

Just eating a fry up. Then i will carry on with s3 of killing eve which i've been binging the last couple of days (no spoilers :mad: )
Fuck the monarchy and all it represents. Will we never be rid of this awful insulting fiasco? i shall spend the day listening to folk music songs like this:

I'm trying to pay little attention to today's shitshow in London, but this caught my eye on twitter; the filth are arresting republic protestors before they could finish unloading their placards from their lorry.

...and his fascist regime...

View attachment 373536
I'm loving it, it contains elements that were present in the crowning of Saxon kings in the 700s and earlier, what's not to like for anyone interested in history?

My mum is just watching for the horses.
Going for a long swim and then back to eat cakes with my neighbours. My street looks like a loyalist enclave in Derry with the flags on full strength. Me and my immediate neighbour being the exception. Based on the platinum event there won't be any mention of the Royals beyond the fact 5' images are festooned over windows.
My 20 litres of prime homebrew IPA still seems to be bubbling so will only have 3 litres of dark brew plus a magnum of Rioja in reserve.
I wanted to go to the pub to avoid it but all the pubs in my area are showing it, so I'l probably just stay at home and play puta games.

This was my plan. The pub I was / am going to might have it on the TV but the sound will be down. They've been allowed to close the road. However, it's pissing down and I'm not sure I want to effectively sit in the street drinking in the rain...
There is a party planned in my street but its pissing down, can't imagine anyone will go. Wife is watching on the telly, she seems to be well into it. I've had a covid jab and a bath, then I'm off to band practice. Should be easy not to notice it unless there are twats on the tube. I'm pretty sure it's not the sort of thing piss heads are into.
Need to get the tube to Camden Town early afternoon today and back in the evening. Do any Londoners and/or travel geeks know if it's likely to make much difference whether I come from Victoria or London Bridge?

I can't cope with London buses (always get lost) but that walk isn't too long and it'll save a few quid, cheers

would have thought underground at london bridge won't be too bad - victoria might be busy, as the crowds of loyal flag waving types will be in the westminster / victoria area and they may need to stop people going down the underground at victoria if the platforms get too crowded.

if you're going to do thameslink to st pancakes, be aware that you need to have a ticket that's valid to there. a 'london terminals' ticket from south of the river does not mean 'any london terminal station' it means 'any london terminal station that was on the southern region before thameslink existed' - i think it will take you as far as city thameslink (there used to be a ground level station called holborn viaduct about there) but no further north than that.

(just realised you may be on the way by now. have fun...)
Swim pool was as busy as usual. Thought of going to the Queen's Head in Stratford as a guaranteed non royal venue but may as well turn up for the neighbourhood cakes without a head start. To be honest I feel vaguely pathetic I'm not part of the protest..
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I'm loving it, it contains elements that were present in the crowning of Saxon kings in the 700s and earlier, what's not to like for anyone interested in history?

My mum is just watching for the horses.
We're an open minded bunch here, you do you.
I watched a wee bit. He was stood there being handed more and more ceremonial objects (E.g. the gold cloak of bullshit, the sword of Damocles, the bracelet of belligerence, etc.) and it was like an upmarket version of “Double or Drop”. I was expecting a gold cabbage to appear any second..
I watched a wee bit. He was stood there being handed more and more ceremonial objects (E.g. the gold cloak of bullshit, the sword of Damocles, the bracelet of belligerence, etc.) and it was like an upmarket version of “Double or Drop”. I was expecting a gold cabbage to appear any second..

The sword of damacles, handed to him by Penny Mordaunt no less. She gets to hold on to it for him or some shit? Seems dangerous. I watched that bit, it was fully daft but the Greek chant was good.
I'm trying to pay little attention to today's shitshow in London, but this caught my eye on twitter; the filth are arresting republic protestors before they could finish unloading their placards from their lorry.

...and his fascist regime...

View attachment 373536

I seem to remember Ma'am protesters (inc. a former poster) getting nicked on a bus they'd hired and driven away from whichever jubilee nonsense they were protesting - and then getting a pay out. Don't know which bit of public order legislation this was done under, but I wonder if there'll be a similar pay out somewhere down the line?
My main strategy was staying in bed till dinner. After that, in desperation I watched a rerun of England v Cameroon from the 1990 world cup (oh my, England were lucky that night). Might go for a wander now. Not exactly a high octane anarcho-response, I have to admit. :(
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