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And that is why, unethical though it is, I recommend to people that if they're on painkillers and can manage without them for a couple of days, to stop taking them (or at least minimise their intake) 2-3 days before the appointment, so that the desk-monkey gets an inkling of the pain and distress you suffer.

Will it make a difference when they get commission for evey claimant turned down? there is a company called OLM who do a very similiar job on people recieving residential/day care services
To the best of my knowledge ATOS get paid for each person that their assessment turns down, but they don't have to pay anything back if their assessment is overturned on appeal.

That seems nuts to me, I wonder who made the deal?
To the best of my knowledge ATOS get paid for each person that their assessment turns down, but they don't have to pay anything back if their assessment is overturned on appeal.

That seems nuts to me, I wonder who made the deal?
Somebody who is now a lot richer than they were before the deal perhaps? or someone who is lined up for a juicy directorship?
e-mail posted to the programme commissioning editor. Fingers crossed.


A Guardian journalist made the following post in some comments on a recent Guardian article about the assessments:

'I'm researching another piece about ESA and the appeals process. Do email me if you have experiences you'd like to share, or if there's information you think I should be aware of: amelia.gentleman@guardian.co.uk'
Guardian article: http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2...ght-first-time?commentpage=1#comment-14073931
I find that the appallingly evil shit that Atos has been doing to disabled claimants makes a very convincing test cast when you want to convince someone that 'free enterprise' should never be allowed within a million miles of essential public services.
Will it make a difference when they get commission for evey claimant turned down? there is a company called OLM who do a very similiar job on people recieving residential/day care services

It minimises their ability to ignore your obvious disabilities. Claimants can only do what they can do. You can't convince someone who benefits directly from your claim being refused not to be a cunt, but you can maximise the possibility that you'll win an appeal.
A Guardian journalist made the following post in some comments on a recent Guardian article about the assessments:

'I'm researching another piece about ESA and the appeals process. Do email me if you have experiences you'd like to share, or if there's information you think I should be aware of: amelia.gentleman@guardian.co.uk'
Guardian article: http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2...ght-first-time?commentpage=1#comment-14073931

Gentleman is married to the member for Orpington and so is Boris Johnson's sister in law. Not that this should automatically count against her, of course.
After 5 years on IB for mental illness, I've just been awarded the grand total of 0 points and I'm apparently fit for work.

What I'm actually fit for, at the moment, is thinking up ways of getting myself arrested in order to make a statement. Smashing their computers with a hammer springs to mind.
it's a particularly nice touch that one their assessments involves picking up a pound coin with either hand isn't it? I mean it could be a paperclip, or a rubber brick or something, but no, a pound coin. You can almost hear their logic - "Aye, unfit to work, but you can grasp for money, given the chance, can't you?"
Excellent point, Choc. Interesting that we never hear about the money they're grasping for, isn't it?

It's probably clear from my first post that I'm feeling very angry. Apologies in advance - this could be a very long post.

For many years now I've been regarded as worthless - by the government (of any colour), and of course the Daily Heil, Melanie Phillips and, more recently, ATOS.

First, I was stupid enough to become pregnant by rape. Then I was stupid enough to keep my child and bring her up on my own. Immediately I was a feckless single mother, a scrounger. Worthless. Next, I was stupid enough to think it might be a good idea to return to education, in the hope of improving my chances of getting a half-decent job. It didn't work. I tried vocational courses, which got me nowhere, and eventually I moved my daughter and all our belongings to another part of the country, so that I could get a degree. So now I was worthless because I was a student.

I graduated, and couldn't find work of any description. I was always rejected because I was over-qualified. I was then stupid enough to qualify as a teacher. I got 3 months' supply work, but things were so bad by then, financially, that I ended up attempting suicide.

I was now worthless because I was unemployed.

After that I got several NVQs, courtesy of the Job Centre, because that's just what your average graduate/teacher needs, isn't it? Unsurprisingly, I was feeling a bit pissed off by now.

I had two more periods of employment between then and now. First was a temp job in an Education Department, where I seemed to be the only person who knew anything about correct English. Then a couple of years later I did some work experience in a place that ran Literacy and Numeracy classes for unemployed people. I loved that, but of course it didn't last. The existing government won the election that year, and the funding dried up.

By the end of 2006 I was in no fit state to deal with this anymore. I'd spent more than half my life trying to make things better, and I'd failed. The person I signed on with was such an idiot that I went home crying every time I saw him. There was no such thing as stress. He could go out in his lunch hour and get three jobs, why couldn't I do that?

Eventually my GP signed me off on the grounds of mental health. It was about 6 months before I had my assessment, but I was found not fit for work.

Now, 5 years later, and with my mental condition worse than it was before, I am still worthless.

For the record, my daughter is now 30, and she's never claimed any benefit in her life. She is the only reason that I won't make another suicide attempt.
Excellent post culder, can only express my sympathy about your experience at the hands of the cunts which sadly doesn't surprise me.

Oh, and welcome :)
Culder IMHO you are very far from worthless. You raised a child on your own, you've kept trying to improve your circumstances, you've shown your daughter the value of persistence.

As for the tosser who reckoned he could easily get 3 jobs in his lunchtime - if he was as employable as all that I wonder why on earth he was working in a jobcentre with so little in the way of interpersonal skills? ;)
Thanks Greebo. And that's a very good point about the tosser in the Job Centre.

I know they're not all like that - my boyfriend works for the DWP and he's disgusted with the whole thing. He went with me to my assessment, and now he's blaming himself for not helping to get my case across properly. Daft beggar!
Thanks Greebo. And that's a very good point about the tosser in the Job Centre.

I know they're not all like that - my boyfriend works for the DWP and he's disgusted with the whole thing. He went with me to my assessment, and now he's blaming himself for not helping to get my case across properly. Daft beggar!

there's good uns and bad uns. just the bad uns are very good at making you feel like shit.

My wife has to go for her assessment on Friday. Im shitting bricks because frankly without her money we cant afford to live where we are, and we have a 13 month old toddler to think about. Anyone got any advice?

Edit: Can i go into the assessment with her?

Edit: She has an eating disorder and depression, along with other issues i wont go into here and im worried that as things are between us at the moment, and with her that if they turn her down it's going to be the straw that breaks the camels back :(
Yes you can go into the assessment with her, although do not interject. You can help translate (meaning) etc. A good idea quickly to read as much as poss.
Take a notepad and make as many notes as possible. At the end ask the "medical professional" what the exact time is, ask if it's over, check your watch and write the time in you notepad and sign it off.
A good chance they may find this a trifle intimidating.
You could politely ask for name (correct spelling and write it down) and qualifications "before we start".
NB the other issues are probably pertinent.
Please note that we are assessed by a "medical professional" - this is totally meaningless.
Bring on the medical amateurs I say !!
Yes you can go into the assessment with her, although do not interject. You can help translate (meaning) etc. A good idea quickly to read as much as poss.
Take a notepad and make as many notes as possible. At the end ask the "medical professional" what the exact time is, ask if it's over, check your watch and write the time in you notepad and sign it off.
A good chance they may find this a trifle intimidating.
You could politely ask for name (correct spelling and write it down) and qualifications "before we start".
NB the other issues are probably pertinent.

Thanks for that :) I’m not sure my wife will want me to come in with her, and it would mean finding someone to look after our toddler but i’ll check it out.
She does need help (and lord knows ive tried to get her to go) but as anyone will know with an eating disorder it’s a problem that sufferers don’t want to confront and is wrapped up in all kinds of other stuff.

Im hoping it will spur her on to get help and be a kick up the backside rather than the “You’re ok, go get a job!” mentality which would probably see her fall to pieces.

Is having a small child something they should take into consideration?

And can someone give me a brief rundown of what she can expect to be asked/do? (or have a good link to info?)

Are you allowed to make an audio recording?
The audio recording route is made impossible by ATOS as the recording equipment has to be of a certain type and "calibrated". This is all bollocks and the cost makes it impossible.
However no prob in hiding a recording device so that you can check your notes, can be handy.

Sorry, can't give you a link, but you should be able to find all the questions by delving about.
*Anyone help here please?*
What does the assessment relate to - ESA I presume.
Do a lot of research before Friday, remember they ain't going to help you.
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