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Atos Medicals - Questions, Answers and Support

wiki said:
Atos’ Zero Email initiative comes in response to the challenges organizations face as a result of the continuing explosion in data and seeks to find a better way to communicate and collaborate. [7].
An ongoing program was launched in early 2011 [8] using social business solutions and tools such as Office Communicator (OCS) for quick questions or by using Live Meeting to organize online meetings and sharing documents.
Atos’ CEO has stated the company aims to eradicate all internal emails by the end of 2013. This has led to a debate within the industry about how realistic and achievable such an ambition is. [9][10][11]

what utter twats.
Some of us have been harping on about atos for ages and I'd be very surprised if there isn't a Panorama or similar being worked on right now.
Some of us have been harping on about atos for ages and I'd be very surprised if there isn't a Panorama or similar being worked on right now.

I hope so Yardbird. I wonder who to contact to check it out? What about C4 Dispatches?
atos healthcare have fairly large interests in occupational health, they have a contract with the filth and are about to start on public sector workers - they are basically used to lay people off on health grounds, somewhat ironically declaring people unfit for work

they also provide consultancy on 'headcount reduction'
atos healthcare have fairly large interests in occupational health, they have a contract with the filth and are about to start on public sector workers - they are basically used to lay people off on health grounds, somewhat ironically declaring people unfit for work

fuck's sake! :facepalm: :(

Also I'd be happy to do some research myself on this company / translation etc ... whatever may be required. they need exposed, they're an evil bunch of cunts.
CAB have just published some new research:

A detailed year-long study into the coalition government's controversial work capability assessments (WCAs) has revealed new evidence of widespread inaccuracies in the medical reports that help to determine whether individuals are eligible for sickness benefits.

The research, conducted by the charity Citizens Advice, identified a group of people about to embark on the process of claiming employment and support allowance (ESA), which replaces incapacity benefit, and followed them throughout the process from the summer of 2010, looking at how their claims were handled and the accuracy of the medical assessments.

The report's conclusions are stark: of the 37 individual reports examined, 16 (43%) revealed "serious levels of inaccuracy", and a further 10 contained a "medium level of inaccuracy", a level still significant enough to have an impact on the claimants' eligibility for benefits. Only 11 were entirely accurate or had a low level of inaccuracy.


atos healthcare have fairly large interests in occupational health, they have a contract with the filth and are about to start on public sector workers - they are basically used to lay people off on health grounds, somewhat ironically declaring people unfit for work

they also provide consultancy on 'headcount reduction'
Aren't there some cases where they've declared someone too ill to work when wearing their occupational health hats, and then found the same person fit to work when they applied for ESA?
Aren't there some cases where they've declared someone too ill to work when wearing their occupational health hats, and then found the same person fit to work when they applied for ESA?

A former PCS rep in my now branch was given early retirement on medical grounds after the Independent Decision Maker agreed with ATOS OH report that he was too ill to continue working for the DWP and anyone else. A week and one day later he recieved a letter from my office, which dealt with his ESA claim, informing him that he had failed his WCA and was declared fit for work.
Yet if you write to them the DWP replies. :hmm:

ymu said:
The report's conclusions are stark: of the 37 individual reports examined, 16 (43%) revealed "serious levels of inaccuracy", and a further 10 contained a "medium level of inaccuracy", a level still significant enough to have an impact on the claimants' eligibility for benefits. Only 11 were entirely accurate or had a low level of inaccuracy.
Just had all the paperwork to go to my tribunal for ESA. Almost everything is inaccurate. :eek:
Yet if you write to them the DWP replies. :hmm:

Just had all the paperwork to go to my tribunal for ESA. Almost everything is inaccurate. :eek:
I'd like to be shocked by that, but given previous experience, I'm just :rolleyes:, :facepalm: and :mad:.

FWIW the more obvious it is that the report etc is downright inaccurate, the better your chances of winning the appeal. I just wish that people didn't have to take their claims as far as an appeal just to get the money they should have been getting all along.
The ATOS assessors could not cope with MS, I tried to explain complete fatigue and having no idea how I would feel from day to day.
Yep, same with my friend who has severe auto immune disorder. She never knows when a flare is going to happen. Anyway she's had a shit year last year, heart attack in August (after which they took away her DLA). She came out of hospital yesterday, she was in fora fortnight because she'd had a stroke, they discovered evidence of another six strokes since her heart attack. All of this seems to make no difference to Atos. If they see her on a good day, they'll pass her.
'CLIVE says:
November 23, 2011 at 16:12

When i was born in 1953 i had cerebral palsy. after my ATOS assesment i was cured. HOW?'

Unbelievable, where is the Parliamentary oversight?, where is the Audit Office? where is the basic humanity?

You expect oversight when they barely wrote any into the contracting process, let alone making sure the actual practices are regulated?

Oversight is for when you want an efficient delivery system, not for when you want to be able to cull hundreds of thousands of people from the claimant count for IB/ESA (and, soon, DLA).
Yep, same with my friend who has severe auto immune disorder. She never knows when a flare is going to happen. Anyway she's had a shit year last year, heart attack in August (after which they took away her DLA). She came out of hospital yesterday, she was in fora fortnight because she'd had a stroke, they discovered evidence of another six strokes since her heart attack. All of this seems to make no difference to Atos. If they see her on a good day, they'll pass her.

And that is why, unethical though it is, I recommend to people that if they're on painkillers and can manage without them for a couple of days, to stop taking them (or at least minimise their intake) 2-3 days before the appointment, so that the desk-monkey gets an inkling of the pain and distress you suffer.
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