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Assassination attempt on Trump, 13th July 2024

From the BBC

'Donald Trump has said he was "supposed to be dead", calling the assassination attempt a "surreal experience'

Not so, much an assassination, more a shit remake of "A Matter of Life and Death". Presumably he'll be summoned to Heaven and be tried by a jury of people who died at the hands of his regime. Watch the original. It's much better.

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i read as far as i could bear it, then it started getting embarrassing tbh. apologies though, you're right, i should have waded through 20 pages of this shit just to ask my still unanswered question: would you think i was a piece of shit if the roles were reversed. i would be a low down piece of human garbage for celebrating an attempted assassination on biden, right, just the lowest of the low, scum of the earth etc, right? my intention was to illustrate to you how you sound to me, and emphasize that there is no moral high ground on the left, just wild abundances of mental illness and pettiness. going to mute the thread now though, my point was made.

moral high ground

disappointed in you princess .. over 8 years of this cunt vitriol and you think it the left that needs to give him a break ... fuck off
soft body armour the sort you can wear under a suit is only rated to stop handguns or shotguns a high velocity rifle round will go straight through it that's why soldiers wear heavy ceramic plates font and back but you can't wear that sort of thing under a suit.
As you well know, nothing is “bullet proof”, but damage limitation is a thing against such amateur incidents.
I hate the assumption that if we hate Trump, we must love Biden. Biden is a scumbag too, just a more tolerable scumbag since our political system has saddled us with one or the other AGAIN!
We get the politicians we deserve.
They could have had Bernie Sanders but America has been brainwashed to believe anything ‘not right wing’ is pure communist evil.
fucking hell the state of it, Pennsylvania wasn't it:

Pennsylvania ranks 26th among the states for the highest rate of gun homicides. In 2017, 1,636 people died from firearm related incidents in Pennsylvania.

Across the state of Pennsylvania in 2018, domestic violence abusers used guns in 58 percent of domestic violence homicides, shooting and killing 71 people.


Guns are more lethal than other comparable weapons. A novice shooter using a handgun can fire around 3 shots per second. During the October 2017 Las Vegas shooting, the shooter converted a semi-automatic gun to replicate automatic gun fire, firing up to around 400 rounds per minute.
fucking hell the state of it, Pennsylvania wasn't it:

TBF they (Pennsylvania)also get 1200+ road deaths a year which is two thirds of the UK rate with 20% of the population. Maybe they're just mental and want to die.
TBF they (Pennsylvania)also get 1200+ road deaths a year which is two thirds of the UK rate with 20% of the population. Maybe they're just mental and want to die.
I suspect it’s more than 20% of the mileage. People live far from amenities but would drive a few hundred metres. Plus drink driving is a big problem because you wouldn’t walk to a bar or anything.
I wouldn't trust an American with a gun.
Id leave out the bit about the gun..actually id leave out the bit about the gun and replace "American" with "anyone" but then I'm a jaded misanthrope with a wrench in my pocket
Has this been posted yet? Punters pointing out the guy crawling along the roof... Minutes before the shots rang out. What a shame he was such a shit shot.

He should have worn a fake SWAT outfit, nobody would have batted an eyelid. Might have got a few more shots in that way.
Or a black and yellow polo shirt

Basically, there needs to be some empirical research into this, to see which clothing affords its wearer the greatest window of opportunity in the kill zone. It will, if course, require a plentiful supply of willing dupes as TBF the survival rate for test subjects currently stands at <1.
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