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Aristocrat's daughter on the run with sex offender and newborn

If they were rational actors yes. But they’re not, which shouldn’t have astonished the police. Was it beyond their capabilities to covertly follow a man and woman once located .

The police have been searching for them for weeks, they get a call from someone that has spotted them heading back out to open countryside and the South Downs, uniform officers turned-up within a few minutes and arrested them before they disappeared again.

The idea that uniformed officers could have covertly followed them into open countryside without being spotted is frankly ridiculous, especially as about a dozen cop cars raced to the scene, with blues & twos on, all arriving within minutes of each other.

There was simply no time to call in plain clothed officers, specially trained in covert operations, to follow them, it takes time to set-up such a specialist operation, and time was not on their side.
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I’ll leave it. Find the whole thing very upsetting. Was not looking for a fight as I said ages ago.
Yeah it's pretty grim, and it seems fairly inevitable that the baby won't be found alive, if at all.

Ideally, in hindsight, yes the police would have tried some clever rouse to get more info. But in reality they had little choice but to arrest the two and ask them. They couldn't really "wait and see" without potentially losing track of the two, or delaying any possible recovery of the baby.
I suspect they have either handed the baby off to someone to keep them away from the authorities or the baby has died and they’ve buried it somewhere and they don’t want it to be exhumed. :(

It’s only the cctv I’ve seen with the pram that makes me think the baby survived the birth tbh. But the pram they had (IIRC) wasn’t one suitable for a newborn so I do wonder what was in it. Prams are excellent for transporting stuff so would be handy if you have to carry everything you own everywhere you go.

I really worry about the physical and mental health of the mother. I hope she’s getting the care she needs.
You can get done just for suspecting a crime?!??
no they were arrested on suspicion of manslaughter not actual manslaughter as they think the baby is dead but won't know/can't confirm until found
Hopefully alive
Surely the kid has been dead for weeks, that’s what seems most likely to me anyway.
Yes this unfortunately, I think they probably buried it somewhere on the South Downs near Newhaven. If they went to all this trouble so social services wouldn't take it from them then I don't imagine they'll just have left it's body in a bush/shed/compost bin. Only glimmer of hope is that they've left it with someone.
I wonder what the cab driver who took them from East London to Newhaven heard, surely you'd be able to tell if a baby was in your car for a two/three hour journey.
When arrested they were carrying loads of shopping bags, contents would likely have given a clue as to whether baby still with them at that point. But, i'm not here anymore obvs .
A typical piece of coverage by Tom Rawsthorne in the Daily Mail:

"Taxi drivers who ferried them around described them as being ‘paranoid’, requesting to know if their vehicles had interior cameras and suddenly changing where they wanted to be dropped off."

"Paranoid"? The state really has been after them, putting 200 police after them according to reports. It's not paranoia if they really are out to get you.
Surely the kid has been dead for weeks, that’s what seems most likely to me anyway.
They have been identified as having been in taxis at certain points over the last few weeks and drivers have reported the baby was making noise. And the police seem to have reason to believe it was alive recently.
What would you do if someone kidnapped you and said you had to tell them where your child was because they wanted to, cough, check the child was OK, and you had reason to believe their actual intention was to capture your child? If the someone was the police and they could only hold you lawfully for x hours, whether or not you told them anything would depend on whether you'd made arrangements for someone to look after your child for that long, surely?

The police and media are acting extremely nastily in this case, and they may yet achieve an honour killing, lynching, and child death combo - all blamed on the victims, cough cough, Daily Mail, cough.

They haven't been kidnapped. :facepalm:

I am not sure if this newbie is trolling, or just thick.

Arrested = 'kidnapped' is a proper conspiraloon meme. Great stuff :facepalm:
I’ll leave it. Find the whole thing very upsetting. Was not looking for a fight as I said ages ago.
Ditto on 2 and 3. But it's important why so many people have been led to think as you do when you write "They’re obviously not well and not responsible parents".

First they came for women who bore children in the back seats of motor vehicles and who didn't hand their babies over to medics for inspection, and then next they may be coming for you and me.

I find this case very upsetting too. And I'm not looking for a fight either. But you think it's patently obvious they're not well, by which I assume you mean mentally, and that they're not responsible parents, and neither of those points is either obvious or even apparent, to my mind as an opponent of the surveillance state and Chairman DMail Thought. Courageous in not kowtowing to the state, is what I'd call them. Why TF should a woman have to tell medics and the state that she's pregnant, or that she's just had a baby?
A typical piece of coverage by Tom Rawsthorne in the Daily Mail:

"Taxi drivers who ferried them around described them as being ‘paranoid’, requesting to know if their vehicles had interior cameras and suddenly changing where they wanted to be dropped off."

"Paranoid"? The state really has been after them, putting 200 police after them according to reports. It's not paranoia if they really are out to get you.
What are your thoughts on the Matrix?
Ditto on 2 and 3. But it's important why so many people have been led to think as you do when you write "They’re obviously not well and not responsible parents".

First they came for women who bore children in the back seats of motor vehicles and who didn't hand their babies over to medics for inspection, and then next they may be coming for you and me

I find this case very upsetting too. And I'm not looking for a fight either. But you think it's patently obvious they're not well, by which I assume you mean mentally, and that they're not responsible parents, and neither of those points is either obvious or even apparent, to my mind as an opponent of the surveillance state and Chairman DMail Thought.
not doing this sorry, I do get where you’re coming from and probably appear closer to your ‘side’ than anyone else here but not doing it. I have potatoes to eat.
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