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Aristocrat's daughter on the run with sex offender and newborn

so, baby was found close to where they were arrested. IF post mortem says it died since their arrest i do think that questions should and will be asked about police's choices. I think they know that too.
What options/alterative actions do you think were open to the police once they were spotted?
I;ve been told that i have an unrealistic idea about police's resources and competence to have done anything other than what they did, and that may be true.
It just feels like the worst possible outcome, if (we dont know, but if) the parents did keep the baby alive for weeks and weeks and then it died alone whilst they were held in a police station. That just that was my worst ending.
I;ve been told that i have an unrealistic idea about police's resources and competence to have done anything other than what they did, and that may be true. It just feels like the worst possible outcome, if they kept it alive for weeks and weeks and then it died alone whilst they were held in a police station.

You are still making wild speculation, whilst totally ignoring the few facts we know.

The statement said they had found the 'remains' of a baby, which implies the death was not in the last couple of days.
I;ve been told that i have an unrealistic idea about police's resources and competence to have done anything other than what they did, and that may be true. It just feels like the worst possible outcome, if they kept it alive for weeks and weeks and then it died alone whilst they were held in a police station.
The video shows them walking around without the baby before being arrested. If the baby was still alive at that time, and somehow the police knew that, I'm not sure how waiting around while it was lying in the middle of the woods would have been in any way sensible or defensible. It's natural and reasonable to rail against the grimness of it all, but I don't think this would have ended with a living baby alas :(
You are still making wild speculation, whilst totally ignoring the few facts we know.

The statement said they had found the 'remains' of a baby, which implies the death was not in the last couple of days.
i said if several times. i am aware they used that word.
I;ve been told that i have an unrealistic idea about police's resources and competence to have done anything other than what they did, and that may be true.
It just feels like the worst possible outcome, if the parents did keep the baby alive for weeks and weeks and then it died alone whilst they were held in a police station. That just that was my worst ending.
We don't know that that's the case though so it's not worth stressing over tbh. They will have been given plenty of opportunity to retrieve the child too if that even was the case. Like I say it's all ifs and buts and we don't know the half of it.

They've also used the word 'remains' which is sadly, worthy of note. No doubt we'll find out why in due course.

A wee child has died at the end of the day. It's all a shit story now.
You are still making wild speculation, whilst totally ignoring the few facts we know.

The statement said they had found the 'remains' of a baby, which implies the death was not in the last couple of days.
Also, it took three days of searching the same area of woodland, which suggests the baby had been buried.

I don't see what the police could have done anyway. If the baby had been alive at that time, there's no realistic way it could have been saved without the parents cooperating.
Ditto on 2 and 3. But it's important why so many people have been led to think as you do when you write "They’re obviously not well and not responsible parents".

First they came for women who bore children in the back seats of motor vehicles and who didn't hand their babies over to medics for inspection, and then next they may be coming for you and me.

I find this case very upsetting too. And I'm not looking for a fight either. But you think it's patently obvious they're not well, by which I assume you mean mentally, and that they're not responsible parents, and neither of those points is either obvious or even apparent, to my mind as an opponent of the surveillance state and Chairman DMail Thought. Courageous in not kowtowing to the state, is what I'd call them. Why TF should a woman have to tell medics and the state that she's pregnant, or that she's just had a baby?
Because of coercive control for a start, not to mention the high risk of death to either mother or baby.
It's difficult to know all the circumstances and if there have been police fuck ups we need to uncover them. But because of my line of work I've witnessed people being detained or arrested a fair few times. Whether they agree with the reasons for their detention, pretty much to a man or woman, any of them with dependants first thought has been of the safety of their children, family, friends or pets, and wanting to ensure that they are looked after . And at this moment I find it very difficult to get beyond the fact that for whatever reason this may not have happened here, and the beyond tragic consequences of that for such a vulnerable child. Awful.
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yes. maybe i am doing anger because it feels better than sadness. The story and the way its been covered has been just horrible throughout.
I think you're also saying the horrible thing that we're all trying not to think. There are definitely some outcomes that I am 'no no no, head in sand, don't want to think it' about. Maybe that's also why you've had some push back. I definitely have a cross that bridge when I get to it attitude to some of this, because it's so upsetting.
Mrs Doesn't post here, so I will post her comment.

'The body was found near where they were arrested, what the fuck have the police been doing all this time?'. I echo her sentiment.

Near, but we have no idea ATM of actually how near, the search area was 90 square miles, involving hundreds of officers from both The Met & Sussex Police, using helicopters, drones, dogs, handheld thermal imaging equipment, etc - it's been like trying to a needle in a haystack.

Plus. 'remains' have been found does tend to suggest the poor mite was buried. :(
Your endless speculation on this point in particular is verging on the ghoulish tbh.

I fucking hate cops but in this situation they had exactly one viable option open to them and that was to put the parents in custody in hopes of finding the child as quickly as possible.
am done talking about it and apologise if I’ve made it worse for others.
am done talking about it and apologise if I’ve made it worse for others.

I removed the post you quoted pretty much immediately.

There's no points to be scored here, nothing useful to say, no right or wrong way to look at it. Just yet another shit result for humankind. I don't think these threads have been bringing out the best in any of us and I don't want to contribute to that.
I think a map could be helpful in understanding what the search area was, between where they were arrested after using the cashpoint at Mulberry's, a Sussex chain of convenience stores, and where they were last spotted in Newhaven, about 10 miles away.

That's a lot of countryside, on the edge of the South Downs National Park.

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