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Are you (still) an Anarchist poll 2021 edition.

How much of an Anarchist are you?

  • I came here looking for Jim Davison gigs and never left

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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How do I change this 'custom title' thing then?
In many corners Urban 75 is known as an Anarchist message board but is it still? Whilst the majority or posters seem to come from a progressive /left view point (looking at you Spymaster) are anarchists a majority here ?

The poll is by definition a very blunt tool. I am sure there are posters who would want 27 different shades of anarchist thought reflected, well you can start your own poll, perhaps the organisers of the Book Fair could run that one as they seemed to garner near universal support across the anarchist community on here.

As a reformist socialist green fucking liberal, brought up on Marx literally on my mothers knee, but a minion of the state for most of my working life (great pension thanks) with a tiny dollop of Trot a small but bigger one of Stalinist and a pinch of anarchism i offer myself as an honest broker...

The poll is public as otherwise Pickman's model would be on in 3/10th of a second complaining..
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Well in the 20 years or so since I first learned about anarchism the world has gone broadly downhill, in ways predicted by anarchist thought. You no longer have to be a weirdo to believe that the western neoliberal consensus will doom us all, you now how to be a weirdo to believe otherwise.
I got asked the question “are you an anarchist” in crown court once.

If I said yes I was doomed. It was only the huge variety of libertarian socialist ideals and paths that gave a small protection from a perjury charge I thought.

In the end I just said NO.

I remain non aligned.
Reluctantly, even a tad fearfully, dragged ever more anarchic as the years slip by. Currently aided by an enthusiastic consensus from all 3 offspring and partners (although daughter's current squeeze still struggling with liberal qualms).
I don't really know what it means any more to be an anarchist (or a communist) in a time of absence of a living grassroots movement for w/c self-emancipation. Anarchism would always form a specific strain of thought within such a movement pushing in a more emancipatory and radical direction, but in the absence of such a movement so many people ended up within individualist lifestylism or posturing.

I'm an anarchist communist but have lost sight of how to connect that to meaningful political action. Probably partly because I'm middle class in terms of job (comfortable doctor).
I don't really know what it means any more to be an anarchist (or a communist) in a time of absence of a living grassroots movement for w/c self-emancipation. Anarchism would always form a specific strain of thought within such a movement pushing in a more emancipatory and radical direction, but in the absence of such a movement so many people ended up within individualist lifestylism or posturing.

I'm an anarchist communist but have lost sight of how to connect that to meaningful political action. Probably partly because I'm middle class in terms of job (comfortable doctor).
He'd try and flog you a paper but they're all about the PDFs these days. :hmm:
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