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Are you an anarchist but not a member of an anarchist organisation?

Anarchist organisation involvement poll

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"Not everything involves personing barricades or attending meetings" the original post. Replacing it with 'Not everything involves occupying barracades or attending meetings' might just about do as a substitute for the rather poor "personing" but i can't see it catching on like 'comrading'. Comrade covers all gender diffences, so comrading is perfect. Occupying fits, whereas occupy is questionable. Only gramma init;)
"Not everything involves personing barricades or attending meetings" the original post. Replacing it with 'Not everything involves occupying barracades or attending meetings' might just about do as a substitute for the rather poor "personing" but i can't see it catching on like 'comrading'. Comrade covers all gender diffences, so comrading is perfect. Occupying fits, whereas occupy is questionable. Only gramma init;)
Sorry, I thought you were saying occupying doesn’t cover all gender differences.
It a gramatical minefield out there. Don't be sorry danny, i was toying around. i do when i'm bored with being thrashed at online chess yet again. 😐
Absolutely agree danny. The sentiment is exactly right, society needs to ditch the widespread but outdated antiquaries like 'manned' and ' ladies'. Maybe we need a word reboot to find some invented substitues that work. but it aint easy is it? i dont care for 'good evening ladies and gentlemen' - but it does feel to have a politeness factor that functions better than 'good evening men and women'. i can recall decades since a feminist tackling Duncan Hallas when he began his speech with 'welcome ladies and gentlemen comrades and friends'. It became the talk's most controversial aspect iirc, overshadowing the orignal topic. Always a danger.. a bit like i'm doing the noo 🤣 :thumbs:
Was chatting last night, now might be the lowest ever membership numbers of all the anarchist groups (rather than projects or publications)? How many even are there: ACG, AnarCom, AF, IWW... is that it?
Tbf, if you add in the projects I'm not sure it looks that better. I suppose there's always ebbs and flows with antifascism, but I'm not sure that the AFN et al are in the best of health at the moment. Also I dunno how close things ever were in the past, but it feels like the links between eco/climate stuff and anarchism are pretty weak at the moment.
Absolutely agree danny. The sentiment is exactly right, society needs to ditch the widespread but outdated antiquaries like 'manned' and ' ladies'. Maybe we need a word reboot to find some invented substitues that work. but it aint easy is it? i dont care for 'good evening ladies and gentlemen' - but it does feel to have a politeness factor that functions better than 'good evening men and women'. i can recall decades since a feminist tackling Duncan Hallas when he began his speech with 'welcome ladies and gentlemen comrades and friends'. It became the talk's most controversial aspect iirc, overshadowing the orignal topic. Always a danger.. a bit like i'm doing the noo 🤣 :thumbs:

A terse Richie Benaud-style "Morning everyone" tends to allow easy passage over this minefield. Years ahead of his time.
Tbf, if you add in the projects I'm not sure it looks that better. I suppose there's always ebbs and flows with antifascism, but I'm not sure that the AFN et al are in the best of health at the moment. Also I dunno how close things ever were in the past, but it feels like the links between eco/climate stuff and anarchism are pretty weak at the moment.

I think there's definitely links, or people involved in eco-stuff who would say they're anarchists, but digging deeper into that might bring up some things that could illustrate partly why anarchism is a bit moribund. It's a good topic for a thread I think though; The death of anarchism? It certainly feels a bit like that to me.
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The death of anarchism is often mooted before a revival, most infamously by George Woodcock who declared it so just as Situationism was rising and shortly before Paris 68.

It's groups and their membership numbers more than the politics though (although the ebb and flow of the varieties of anarchist ideas has significantly shifted) isn't it? Partly as for many people 'anarchism' is ways of doing things rather than a more antagonistic political movement & theory?

And I don't think it's only anarchist groups is it, plenty of non-political groups that run mainly in real life (as opposed to being internet based) seem to have suffered falling membership and participation I think? Probably unless it's wild swimming or sourdough baking or something similar...
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Broadly yeah the left is pretty fucked atm (which in turn anarchist groups suffer from as the wider scene is obv an important space where they might otherwise recruit).

A good part of it is the Corbynism hangover I think. A lot of what would have been the new generation of left went into that and immediately got handed a crushing defeat/discouraging suggestion that victory isn't just impossible, but that even trying actively makes things worse. It was frustrating to watch and an "I told you so" I wish I couldn't claim.

Not that the anarchists were any better, we made a huge unprovoked error by taking the related opportunity to provide an alternative and spending it bickering like little kids.
Broadly yeah the left is pretty fucked atm (which in turn anarchist groups suffer from as the wider scene is obv an important space where they might otherwise recruit).

A good part of it is the Corbynism hangover I think. A lot of what would have been the new generation of left went into that and immediately got handed a crushing defeat/discouraging suggestion that victory isn't just impossible, but that even trying actively makes things worse. It was frustrating to watch and an "I told you so" I wish I couldn't claim.

Not that the anarchists were any better, we made a huge unprovoked error by taking the related opportunity to provide an alternative and spending it bickering like little kids.
We're not like little kids... and anyway, you started it, you silly poo head :p
Absolutely agree danny. The sentiment is exactly right, society needs to ditch the widespread but outdated antiquaries like 'manned' and ' ladies'. Maybe we need a word reboot to find some invented substitues that work. but it aint easy is it? i dont care for 'good evening ladies and gentlemen' - but it does feel to have a politeness factor that functions better than 'good evening men and women'. i can recall decades since a feminist tackling Duncan Hallas when he began his speech with 'welcome ladies and gentlemen comrades and friends'. It became the talk's most controversial aspect iirc, overshadowing the orignal topic. Always a danger.. a bit like i'm doing the noo 🤣 :thumbs:
Could really do with finding a way of reanimating Duncan Hallas, one of the best speakers I've ever heard and ever will.
The IWW isn't an anarchist organisation, it should probably be pointed out. Just one with anarchists in it. And, as a union, they've probably achieved more than all the UK anarchist and trot organisations put together over the last few years (even if it still isn't very much).
No it isn't, an anarchist organisation but the bombastic claim that it has "probably achieved more than all the UK anarchist and trot organisations put together over the last few years (even if it still isn't very much)." is far from true.
It's not really bombastic, is it? It's achieved something, it's won workplace disputes for workers. Whereas the rest of the scene has put out a few leaflets and the like. Please do correct me about the vast range of anarchist/trot achievements tho Charles.
It has initiated some good stuff in TEFL, among brewery workers etc but the other base unions efforts -UVW-IWGB, CAIWU- organise more workers in workplaces than the IWW (speaking as an IWW member myself, and yes you get a badge and a card).
Sure. That doesn't affect my point tho.

The IWW also organised the bike couriers successfully in Sheff & a few other places. But if you wanted to include the base unions as anarchist successes, then the scene is probably better than any any time I can remember, at least since the poll tax.
The IWW isn't an anarchist organisation, it should probably be pointed out. Just one with anarchists in it. And, as a union, they've probably achieved more than all the UK anarchist and trot organisations put together over the last few years (even if it still isn't very much).

Yeah I debated whether to stick the IWW in the few existing anarchist groups I mentioned earlier, you could argue the IWW is or isn't tbh, but I left SolFed out as thought that was more clearly not.
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