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Are you a Marxist

Are you a Marxist

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Ages ago Melvyn Bragg asked people to vote for their favourite philosphopher (i sttttuttter) on his sometimes interesting radio 4 prog. i seem to remember that Mr marx won by a mile. Radio 4 listeners of the world unite, you have nothing to loose but your brains :D:D
Another useless throw away fact: i did a late degree, as a mature student. At one of the first lectures i attended (politics) the professor asked a very well attended theatre full of students if there were any marxists present. myself and one other dutifully raised our hands (about 1%). Prof observed that when he was a student his assembled student faculty had been asked the same question. Almost every hand in his lecture hall was raised. Of course, that was in the late 1960s, probably a more optimistic time? i did my degree approx 30 years later than that, in the 1990s.

It seems that marxists are pretty useless at transmitting their ideas down the generations. How sad is that?
Another useless throw away fact: i did a late degree, as a mature student. At one of the first lectures i attended (politics) the professor asked a very well attended theatre full of students if there were any marxists present. myself and one other dutifully raised our hands (about 1%). Prof observed that when he was a student his assembled student faculty had been asked the same question. Almost every hand in his lecture hall was raised. Of course, that was in the late 1960s, probably a more optimistic time? i did my degree approx 30 years later than that, in the 1990s.

It seems that marxists are pretty useless at transmitting their ideas down the generations. How sad is that?
Did he say how many of those 60s students had actually read any Marx?
In the 1960s i read OZ and the International Times and the NME. Then Lord of the Rings. Then Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Mechanics and Catch 22. Then (in the 1970s) i tried a copy of the Grundrisse and got stuck on page 1.
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My eldest daughter and her gang caught being left, I don't want to get into difficult discussions until we get to know each other again better
She is a grown up now, and we lost contact for a bit, but she is some kind of left wing.

I was talking about transmitting ideas through the generations, and students,

It isn't fair to sneer at students, even if they might be more interesting in a couple of years,
I was listening to some of the pre-Marx radical songs today, as well as other things.

I know it isn't a universal sentiment, but I believe in comrades together, with a bit of tough discussion sometimes
Seymour's TLS piece....
How Marxist are the Corbynistas?

In terms of their values, YouGov research concludes that these new members are a bit more anti-austerity and a bit more socially liberal than the old ones. This fits in with most research into the character of radical Left parties and alliances across Europe. They tend to occupy the ideological space vacated by traditional social democracy – they are pro-welfare and public services, with an additional emphasis on social libertarianism and “post-materialist” values.
what do people think about the phrase 'socially liberal' without the usual urban epithet for 'liberal' after it?
indeed - it's the definition of 'liberal' that I'd assumed before I came on urban.

Nearly everyone on urban I'd have thought is 'socially liberal' which is why Americans would call the place full of fucking liberals and commies.

So, urban posters are a load of self-hating liberals :(

qed :)
indeed - it's the definition of 'liberal' that I'd assumed before I came on urban.

Nearly everyone on urban I'd have thought is 'socially liberal' which is why Americans would call the place full of fucking liberals and commies.

So, urban posters are a load of self-hating liberals :(

qed :)
Difference between being defined as 'liberal', as in socially 'liberal', and those that self define and are wedded to the key tenets of liberal ideology.
'politically liberal'?

Although I don't think that' has the stigma amongst the general population that is given it by urban and the left.
he's not liberal :p

and not to the extent that 'liberals' are hated on here despite people themselves being generally liberal*

* of course using the most commonly understood Oxford definitions:
1. Willing to respect or accept behaviour or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas.

2. Favourable to or respectful of individual rights and freedoms.


4. Given, used, or occurring in generous amounts.

so anyone disagreeing is by definition an intolerant, unthinking, illiberal, racist homophobic miser :thumbs:
its not even commonly understood between americans and brits. Socially is the contextual key here. Theres a good thread on the use of liberal as an insult tbf, lots of definings and discussion with minimal rudeness. Well, in context for an urban thread anyway
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