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Are you a Marxist

Are you a Marxist

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Paul Goodman's description of the development of his 'Marxism', offers a fairly close fit to my own view.

...I found, again and again, that the conclusions I slowly and imperfectly arrived at were already fully and demonstrably (and I may say, beautifully) expressed by Karl Marx. So I too was a Marxist! I decided with pleasure, for it is excellent to belong to a tradition and have wise friends. This was Marx as a social psychologist. But as regards political action...it never seemed to me that the slogans of the Marxians, nor even of Marx, led to fraternal socialism (that... requires the absence of state or other coercive power); rather they led away from it. Bakunin was better. Kropotkin I agree with.
Goodman, P. (1962). Drawing the Line: A Pamphlet. NY: Random House.
I like to think that I am, but no doubt someone somewhere would cast me out as a heretic for some stupid reason or another.
Historically speaking I would be of the Marxist school, politically speaking I know you may think that, but I could not possibly comment!
I'm just a list. But proud of a lot of the commie jews. Shame on those who keep the Palatinians in such a way.
The language of marx has got lost, it sounds like a cliche even when he is spot on.

Talking about who owns the warehouses, and who ate all the pies is more relevant.
bi0boy 's thread got me re-reading my old (Soviet print) copy of "The Eighteenth Brumaire..." and I have to say I was taken with this:-


Those 'Saving Labour' high priests of order might care to read on and speculate on their fate!

Seems a beter read than Anti-Duhring, which I found a bit stale.

I'm not suggesting Nu-Coke, just we need current language, I think JC did that wonderfully on the debate last night.
Definitely a marxist of the armchair variety.

There is a copy of the Manifesto of the Communist Party in our bathroom, next to the toilet:D. " A spectre is haunting the earth etc.." Loads of marx's tomes on dusty shelves.
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