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Antibacterial soaps banned in the US: “No scientific evidence” they’re safe, says FDA

Interesting, I wonder what happened with the rigorous demand for scientific standards with stuff like Monsanto.

YES! YES! Finally I am vindicated in my deep and long-held hatred of these fucking atrocities and all the idiots who have raved about them as if they're some sort of genius contraption.

I wonder if it takes more or less energy to blow all that hot air than it would to produce, transport and recycle a bog-years worth of paper towels.
I wonder if it takes more or less energy to blow all that hot air than it would to produce, transport and recycle a bog-years worth of paper towels.

Don't know. Don't care. I want them blasted into space and to hell with the financial and environmental cost.
There was some study or another that said that paper towels actually worked out better, environmentally, than hot air driers. Of course, I can't recall who did it, or when it was, and this is the most uninformative post ever, but I was delighted to hear it at the time. :D
I do a little inward leap for joy on the rare occasions I encounter a roller towel. Even when they are a bit damp....

I especially miss them when I feel the need for a strip wash at work - and how are you supposed to towel-off your face with a Dyson ? :confused:
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