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Anti-paedophile demo - Weymouth

but we dont know whether this (ratbook) is a progressive working class movement

its got money behind it, thats for sure, my bet would be some ukip/FA/fringe tory types

whoever it is they dont want to say
No, they don't do they, and that is odd, given we are to believe this is a public spirited bunch of working class folk.

The paymasters, whoever they are, seem unconcerned with hate attacks against gays and lesbians, let alone hate attacks against blacks or jews or muslims. Also an odd omission, one might have thought.

Except that to question this site is dangerous; if one did so, some fools might even accuse one of defending paedophilia.
Let me say it again: there's no evidence that a more punitive attitude to porn and sex reduces the amount of rape and delinquent sexuality.

This isn't about a "punitive attitude to porn and sex". It's about a punitive attitude to images depicting child abuse and images which themselves constitute child abuse.

I'm new to this board so it's not really my place but I'm astonished that this supercillious cunt is tolerated here.
The paymasters, whoever they are, seem unconcerned with hate attacks against gays and lesbians, let alone hate attacks against blacks or jews or muslims. Also an odd omission, one might have thought.

Except that to question this site is dangerous; if one did so, some fools might even accuse one of defending paedophilia.

funnily enough no-one seems to be accusing me of defending child porn

wonder why that is
I'm new to this board so it's not really my place but I'm astonished that this supercillious cunt is tolerated here.
It may well be that you could find a board more welcoming to self-appointed paedohunters.

You fucking prick.
Not sure I 100% agree with you on this one.
Looked through Br*t Democr@cy F0rum, UK C0ll+m et al; the usual place where people of that ilk post and nothing there.

If they were involved these predominately eccentric ego maniacs usually close to suicidal for self publicity would have posted somewhere.

Same argument was put for the EDL.
Think you are putting the Kart Before The Horse on this one!

fair enough, its pure speculation, but those flash games have got adertising agency written all over them and ad agencies dont come cheap

which suggests either a wealthy funder or venture capital, it doesnt suggest a grass roots working class movement

and even if it was cooked up in a dudley chip shop the whole premise of it is flawed and it comes across as reactionary rather than progressive

for the reasons mentioned on this thread there may be a case for communities organising and making each other aware that serious sex offenders are being housed locally but thats a long way from people needing to be informed of the naked ramblers location (described as a pervert) or the fact your social worker neighbour has appeared before a disciplinary hearing
So you say, but that's just your projection; it's not what I said at all.

I'm wondering what you mean by this then

The fact that many of them have since been convicted of child porn offences doesn't show anything beyond that; there's evidence that a more permissive attitude to porn reduces the amount of rape, for example.

Why the semicolon? It implies that you think child porn is OK because it reduces the incidences of child rape. If you didn't mean that, then think more carefully about what you write.
Perhaps you need to think more carefully what is meant?

Seeing as several people think you are defending child porn, I think it's you that needs to choose your words and punctuation more carefully. Unless you were defending child porn of course.
Of course. Good to plant the suggestion in people's minds, eh, Blagsta?

Thing is, I'm sure it's people like you, that are the real problem. Folks like you who have decided it is certain that someone who looks at porn will go on to rape.
I'm sure it's people like you, that are the real problem. Folks like you who have decided it's certain that someone who looks at porn will go on to rape.

And you resort to your usual straw man smearing tactics.
Oh, that made me laugh out loud!

It's not really funny I know; but for those who don't get the humour, Blagsta has a habit of siding with folks who like to sling around accusations like "rapist" and "paedophile". And the second-hand bully even tries to look moral and superior while he does it.

'Tis very amusing!
It's true I won't put up with you.

But I have no interest in you, so you could just leave me alone.
No, I won't.

Does that mean you will redouble your efforts to brand me as some sort of supporter of child rape?
I haven't done that you lying smearing piece of shit. What I have done is to question something you wrote (and I'm not the only one). As I said, maybe you need to think more carefully about how you phrase things.

Now fuck off.
Unless you were defending child porn of course.
Of course you have done that.

Perhaps my reading is mistaken, but it does look as if you meant to, and now you've been called on it you're resorting to foul-mouthed abuse.

Take a holiday!
Note to self: Blagsta doesn't do irony.

I'm glad we cleared that up :)

No need for future "confusions" from you about what I'm saying then?
Warts And All

fair enough, its pure speculation, but those flash games have got adertising agency written all over them and ad agencies dont come cheap

which suggests either a wealthy funder or venture capital, it doesnt suggest a grass roots working class movement

and even if it was cooked up in a dudley chip shop the whole premise of it is flawed and it comes across as reactionary rather than progressive

for the reasons mentioned on this thread there may be a case for communities organising and making each other aware that serious sex offenders are being housed locally but thats a long way from people needing to be informed of the naked ramblers location (described as a pervert) or the fact your social worker neighbour has appeared before a disciplinary hearing
Not to be supportive of genuine concerns could & more than likely will give advantage to fringe right and other reactionary elements.
Not to be supportive of genuine concerns could & more than likely will give advantage to fringe right and other reactionary elements.

ive argued for that, but this site has the potential to go way beyond what could be considered reasonable

id propse a counter-site which could feature info on nonces, but also scabs, bent coppers, screws, bailiffs and cunt landlords

if i had the time that is
Its not just about posting stuff on the internet.
Being involved in such action is far more important.
The general consensus amongst those who attended the demonstration was that, if enough people made their voices heard, then something would be done. What that something must be remains to be seen.
I think they should decide upon a set of realistic targets/policies/changes to be made rather than just turn up and try to look righteous.

Otherwise, I don't really see how the demonstration is going to make a difference.

ETA: Wow, this site is a hub of targets for thugs.
I think they should decide upon a set of realistic targets/policies/changes to be made rather than just turn up and try to look righteous.

Otherwise, I don't really see how the demonstration is going to make a difference.

ETA: Wow, this site is a hub of targets for thugs.

But that's the whole point, there are no "realistc policies" because it is a demonstration based on fear of mythical demons. The paedo in the park with a bag of sweets. Of course the abuse all around them, the very real issue of domestic abuse is completely ignored in favour of a tabloid inspired fear of strangers. The abuse isn't in the home.No, its out there, it's mysterious pedos surfing the web and hanging around the parks. Lets demand more CRBs. Lets demand something be done.

I'm not only talking about domestic sexual and physical abuse (which is where the vast majority of child abuse takes place) but also the mundane neglect of loveless relationships where children grow up feeling they are an unwanted burden.

I've lost count of the times I've collected my kid from school and passed miserable parents yelling at their kids to "get down, stop it, come ere, don't do that" Not the abuse that gets reported in the sun but miserable loveless lives nonetheless.
But that's the whole point, there are no "realistc policies" because it is a demonstration based on fear of mythical demons. The paedo in the park with a bag of sweets. Of course the abuse all around them, the very real issue of domestic abuse is completely ignored in favour of a tabloid inspired fear of strangers. The abuse isn't in the home.No, its out there, it's mysterious pedos surfing the web and hanging around the parks. Lets demand more CRBs. Lets demand something be done.

I'm not only talking about domestic sexual and physical abuse (which is where the vast majority of child abuse takes place) but also the mundane neglect of loveless relationships where children grow up feeling they are an unwanted burden.

Well hmm, I'm fairly sure that I'm not a paedophile, so am I allowed to care where sex offenders may be housed if they are near me, or not ??

I've lost count of the times I've collected my kid from school and passed miserable parents yelling at their kids to "get down, stop it, come ere, don't do that" Not the abuse that gets reported in the sun but miserable loveless lives nonetheless.

Is that abuse??
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