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Anti-paedophile demo - Weymouth

"Once upon a time, not so long ago, there lived an ugly old paedophile.

He was very afraid of grown up women, but he couldn't resist little girls and boys.

We see a repeating cycle of a deformed, bald man cuddling a small child, who then grows up to become a deformed, bald man. Via the medium of bizarre Ren and Stimpy style animation.

I'm very glad to learn that all paedophiles are ugly loners, though. It'll make it a lot easier to tell whose house needs burning down.

Oh, and all victims of child abuse will become abusers, apparently.
The authentic voice of the community? :hmm:

I think almost everyone knows (they ought to know!) that most child abuse takes place within the family.
The fact that many of them have since been convicted of child porn offences doesn't show anything beyond that; there's evidence that a more permissive attitude to porn reduces the amount of rape, for example.

As most child porn is a direct consequence of abuse, a more permissive attitude to child porn would not reduce the amount of abuse.

Pretty simple isn't it?

And by the way, I don't accept that adult porn and images of child abuse are in the same category.

That is leaving aside the questionable claim that porn reduces rape.

By the way, plenty of locals were also convicted of child abuse. Or do you just consider that a lifestyle choice?
Yes, there's a vast amount of it, mostly mediated through the family, not at all like the stranger danger as depicted by the "anti-paedophile" site.

We could talk about that.
You can search under the following categories:

Animal Cruelty
Britains Most Wanted
Child Abuse
Domestic Abuse
Elderly Abuse
Missing Persons
Northern Ireland Terrorists
Sexual Assaults
Social Services

When did working for Social Services become criminalised?

That bit, as you may have anticipated, seems to be about Social Workers' failures.

The bit I like is about 'animal cruelty'. Apparently, there is some brute who forgot to feed his goldfish all week. For people like that... pfff... hanging's too good for them.
I love the distinction between Northern Ireland and regular terrorists!:D

To be honest you can't really blame the people of Weymouth for being wary of strangers. It was strangers who brought the greatest disaster in european history to England through Weymouth.
The fact that many of them have since b
een convicted of child porn offences doesn't show anything beyond that; there's evidence that a more permissive attitude to porn reduces the amount of rape, for example.

I'm sure the children abused and raped in such "porn" - the violation exacerbated long after the event by the knowledge that paedophiles are continuing to gain gratification from that abuse - are so sanguine.

You fucking prick.
For my part, I'm sure it's people like you, that are the real problem. Folks like you who have decided it's certain that someone who looks at porn will go on to rape.

Better fling everyone who's ever looked at porn into a jail cell, just to be on the safe side, eh?

Let me say it again: there's no evidence that a more punitive attitude to porn and sex reduces the amount of rape and delinquent sexuality.

It would be odd if it did, if one thinks about it. Sexual violence and coercion is not really compatible with sexual liberation and openness. It seems to be more the case that sexual repression breeds violence and delinquency in sexual relations.

The gentle reader knows this perfectly well, I suspect.
Let me say it again: there's no evidence that a more punitive attitude to porn and sex reduces the amount of rape and delinquent sexuality.

It would be odd if it did, if one thinks about it. Sexual violence and coercion is not really compatible with sexual liberation and openness. It seems to be more the case that sexual repression breeds violence and delinquency in sexual relations.

The gentle reader knows this perfectly well, I suspect.

The point is that to make most child porn children are abused. It is that simple, and you have not responded to that point.

You have also tried to equate anti-paedo attitudes to obsessions about stranger danger. But, if you look at the site in question it reports on at home paedo scum as much as people attacking children they don't know.

What I find strange is why you have such a knee jerk reaction to people suggesting that child porn and paedophilia are wrong.
The point is that to make most child porn children are abused. It is that simple, and you have not responded to that point.

You have also tried to equate anti-paedo attitudes to obsessions about stranger danger. But, if you look at the site in question it reports on at home paedo scum as much as people attacking children they don't know.

What I find strange is why you have such a knee jerk reaction to people suggesting that child porn and paedophilia are wrong.
I don't.

Silly boy!
Let me say it again: there's no evidence that a more punitive attitude to porn and sex reduces the amount of rape and delinquent sexuality.

It would be odd if it did, if one thinks about it. Sexual violence and coercion is not really compatible with sexual liberation and openness. It seems to be more the case that sexual repression breeds violence and delinquency in sexual relations.
Even accepting that your dubious claims about porn featuring adults are true (and I don't), it doesn't change the fact that the production of child pornography necessarily involves the sexual abuse of a child. It's really very simple and trying to make it more complicated doesn't make you look as clever as you seem to think it does.
That strategy really worked well in March 2003, didn't it?
The government never listens to anyone.
Look at the anti war demos.

Don't see Peadophiles being 'located' in Rich parts of Hampstead, or other residential areas where upper middle or rulling class live so why drop these people in less affluent areas?
The point is that to make most child porn children are abused. It is that simple, and you have not responded to that point.
I have, actually; the view that "child porn is child abuse" was my response.

It's not always true of course; there have been cases where people have been accused of possessing "child porn" which turned out to be the kind of images any parent may take*. And a cartoon, which does not depict any particular child, may be called "child pornography" in some jurisdictions, even if no-one ever sees the cartoon apart from its creator.

You have also tried to equate anti-paedo attitudes to obsessions about stranger danger. But, if you look at the site in question it reports on at home paedo scum as much as people attacking children they don't know.
I was commenting on the video described above by fogbat.

But anyway, stranger danger is minute and easily guarded against, compared to the familial abuse. You should know this.

ETA: * this is not always as illogical as it might seem at first sight. Having a photo of oneself in the family album is quite different from having it in the public domain!
Even accepting that your dubious claims about porn featuring adults are true (and I don't), it doesn't change the fact that the production of child pornography necessarily involves the sexual abuse of a child. It's really very simple and trying to make it more complicated doesn't make you look as clever as you seem to think it does.
It should be true, I agree that "the production of child pornography necessarily involves the sexual abuse of a child". However, it is not true, not in many jurisdictions, and certainly not in England and Wales.

I'm not trying to look clever here, but you could help in that, if you were careful to look less ignorant.
Thought this might have been similar to R#dw*tche's n*ncewatch but has far right 'terrorists on its list likre Allen Boyce.

Might be quite an interesting movement to watch. With the knee jerk reaction from many leftists and liberals may push many campaigns and people concerned involved or sympathetic to such campaigns as this into the hands of BNP/UKIP and alike.

Obviously there are some dodgy views involved in this growing movement but patronising & condescending people about this issue is stupid and could have devastating effect on trying to build progressive working class movements.
Obviously there are some dodgy views involved in this growing movement but patronising & condescending people about this issue is stupid and could have devastating effect on trying to build progressive working class movements.

but we dont know whether this (ratbook) is a progressive working class movement

its got money behind it, thats for sure, my bet would be some ukip/FA/fringe tory types

whoever it is they dont want to say
but we dont know whether this (ratbook) is a progressive working class movement

its got money behind it, thats for sure, my bet would be some ukip/FA/fringe tory types

whoever it is they dont want to say

Not sure I 100% agree with you on this one.
Looked through Br*t Democr@cy F0rum, UK C0ll+m et al; the usual place where people of that ilk post and nothing there.

If they were involved these predominately eccentric ego maniacs usually close to suicidal for self publicity would have posted somewhere.

Same argument was put for the EDL.
Think you are putting the Kart Before The Horse on this one!
Let me say it again: there's no evidence that a more punitive attitude to porn and sex reduces the amount of rape and delinquent sexuality.

It would be odd if it did, if one thinks about it. Sexual violence and coercion is not really compatible with sexual liberation and openness. It seems to be more the case that sexual repression breeds violence and delinquency in sexual relations.

The gentle reader knows this perfectly well, I suspect.

Why not read what you wrote? Your post looks likes it's defending child porn. Is it?
So you say, but that's just your projection; it's not what I said at all.
there's no evidence that a more punitive attitude to porn and sex reduces the amount of rape and delinquent sexuality.
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