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Annual Midlands and North Christmas drinks meet at the Castle, Manchester. 24th November


It's that time of year again :D

This year it's easier, no poll or any argy bargy about who can/can't do that weekend. Last year we met in the Castle Pub on Oldham Street in Manchester (as usual) on the last Saturday in November. We had a good crowd turn up so this year it's a repeat, last Saturday in November.
Shout out or put your name down if you're coming. The more the merrier, me and barleybabes will be there for starters :D Early afternoon onwards and maybe grab some food at some point, there's plenty nearby. Or just have crisps and Tunnock's teacakes that they sell in the pub. :)
I'll try and go this year since I didn't bother last year. Why always the castle though? It's alright I suppose but I think there's better in the city centre
I'll try and go this year since I didn't bother last year. Why always the castle though? It's alright I suppose but I think there's better in the city centre
I don't think there's a reason why it's always the Castle apart from being creatures of habit and Tunnocks tea cakes :oops:
sounds interesting (i think that southerners were allowed last year) - although i see man united are home to crystal palace that day, so travelling from the south, what with the palace fans and all the man u fans from the home counties, might be a bit crap (and getting cheap train tickets isn't going to be easy either)
I looked at prices as thought it would be fun to attend a northern meet but ctealest tickets were over £80 so don’t think I can justify it :(
sounds interesting (i think that southerners were allowed last year) - although i see man united are home to crystal palace that day, so travelling from the south, what with the palace fans and all the man u fans from the home counties, might be a bit crap (and getting cheap train tickets isn't going to be easy either)
Oh :( never thought about football. You could come Friday and make a weekend of it :)
What do you mean, you're up for this? You don't have a choice, you're the main attraction. You will be doing your karaoke performance again this year won't you? :confused:

If I'm the main attraction that's a very low bar. You're not selling this very well. :(

Anyway, I don't want to frighten any newbies away. My singing would traumatise them. :hmm:
If I'm the main attraction that's a very low bar. You're not selling this very well. :(

Anyway, I don't want to frighten any newbies away. My singing would traumatise them. :hmm:

You're right, we don't want to frighten people away or put new people off coming .
Don't worry folks, karaoke will not be happening :D
What do you mean, you're up for this? You don't have a choice, you're the main attraction. You will be doing your karaoke performance again this year won't you? :confused:

On second thoughts this makes me sound like some kind of exhibit in a Victorian freak show. :mad: :hmm: :D

No smart-arse comments. :p
My diary between now and the end of time is a series of blank pages with the exception of sat 24th November where I'm going to see Kevin Bridges so looks like I can't make it then
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