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And next, Syria?

Some sort of ceasefire which leaves Assad in power in the western part of the country is probably the priority i should think.

I agree. That's the best the opposition can hope for at the moment, rather than their complete extermination.

Although I reckon Assad will finish these current operations and finish of the "liberation" of Homs first before it'll happen.

A chilling and depressing prospect.
That'll be the old Syria which supported the war on Iraq. Not much of a loss there, then.

Well, quite. I used the phrase in quotation marks coz it's Casually Red's description, and it's not a very good one to be honest.

Anyway Jordan was mentioned earlier on, here's a video I just found on liveleak that claims to show US soldiers in Jordan being moved to the Syrian border.

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What do people think? Is that what it claims to be? hard to tell really.
Well, quite. I used the phrase in quotation marks coz it's Casually Red's description, and it's not a very good one to be honest.

Anyway Jordan was mentioned earlier on, here's a video I just found on liveleak that claims to show US soldiers in Jordan being moved to the Syrian border.

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What do people think? Is that what it claims to be? hard to tell really.

Whatever happened to those 'Arab Spring' protests in Jordan? Seemed to have been quietly suppressed. I suppose it was just everyone coming to terms with their freedoms, and living together peacefully :rolleyes: .
heres an article from Al Jazeera...which can be a well dodgy source whether its syria or latin american leftists...that pretty much bears out what Ive been saying about the true nature of Hezbollahs role . Co ordinating and training the locals who generally only call on the HB when they encounter a nut thats too tough to crack . Lebanese clans now moving up to the Syrian border under HB guidance to stop the jihadists launching attacks within Lebanon


It also bears out what Ive been saying as regards what sparked the involvement of Lebanese fighters entering the fray, attacks on the local population by Jihadists . and it goes further in illustarting the lebanese involvement is cross sect . Local moderate sunnis supporting this stance as well . It was the jihadists in the Syrian opposition who poked and stirred up a hornets nest . Now theyre finding theyve bit off more than they can chew .

...What do people think?...

it might well be a video of a US convoy in Jordan - but given that the US has long stated that there are US soldiers in Jordan, and the US is staging a joint Air-Land exercise in Jordan, and that half of Jordan is within 50 miles-or-so of Syria, i'm not quite sure what the 'new-breaking' significance of seeing such a convoy is.

also worth noting that the US is Jordans biggest supplier - seeing a US built vehicle is no guarrantee that there'll be US personnel in it.

most importantly, the video shows soft-skinned vehicles like trucks and 4WD's - you do not invade a country in the grip of a civil war in anything less than a tank...
it might well be a video of a US convoy in Jordan - but given that the US has long stated that there are US soldiers in Jordan, and the US is staging a joint Air-Land exercise in Jordan, and that half of Jordan is within 50 miles-or-so of Syria, i'm not quite sure what the 'new-breaking' significance of seeing such a convoy is.

also worth noting that the US is Jordans biggest supplier - seeing a US built vehicle is no guarrantee that there'll be US personnel in it.

most importantly, the video shows soft-skinned vehicles like trucks and 4WD's - you do not invade a country in the grip of a civil war in anything less than a tank...

Well, it looks like America is deploying a large number of troops and Patriot Missiles there. The numbers could go into the thousands. Whatever the motives, it makes it more likely that America will be sucked into another bloody quagmire in the Middle East.
Well, quite. I used the phrase in quotation marks coz it's Casually Red's description, and it's not a very good one to be honest.


In fairness its not actually my description ,its the one habitually used by the likes of Hezbollah and Iran , amongst others . It may have been both naieve and presumptious of me to assume theyd have a better idea than anyone on here about who did and who didnt constitute this axis, but I just sort of assumed they were up to speed .
However I am prepared to accept the Brixton chapter of the resistance is better placed to comment and that Syria doesnt live up to the harsh revolutionary regime principles which are the norm amongst the formidable cadres of this less known front . That being the case I humbly apologise for my use of innacurate and probably insensitive terminology .
interesting report here about the composition of the jihadists in qusair, although it obviously comes from a biased witness . Doesnt mean its untrue though .

One Hezbollah fighter in the Bekaa Valley who returned from Qusayr over the weekend described how they were fighting rebels "wall to wall". He said the majority of the rebels he encountered were "foreign" fighters.
"From the identity cards we picked up, there were barely any Syrians... a large majority were from Britain, France, Jordan, the Gulf, Lebanon, and Chechnya," he told Al Jazeera on condition of anonymity. "We also found weapons from everywhere, including Israeli-made weapons."
"We discovered Chechen girls who were snipers," he said, describing one girl approximately 18 years old, who spent days hidden in a water tank, working as a sharpshooter.

interesting report here about the composition of the jihadists in qusair.....
Sunni preachers all over the region are urging their followers to support the anti-Assad cause. Syria has become THE Sunni - Shiite battleground.
Sunni Muslim preachers condemned Iran and its "Satanic" Shi'ite allies in Friday sermons, after a battle in Syria that has inflamed sectarian rhetoric which risks spreading violence around the Middle East.

"God, break the backs of Bashar and his supporters," Salah Sultan, secretary-general of Egypt's Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, said at a Cairo mosque. "God, break the back of Hezbollah, the party of Satan, God, break the back of Iran."

Senior Saudi cleric Sheikh Saleh al-Fawzan: Shi'ites, he said, "pretend to be Muslims and try to get closer to the Sunnis ... in order for them to be able to plot against Islam ... these days their hostility has become more apparent in their war against the Sunnis in Syria."

In the Gaza Strip, whose Palestinian Hamas rulers were once allies of Assad and Hezbollah, hardline cleric Imad al-Daya told worshippers that Qusair had exposed the "fraud" of Hezbollah's rhetoric about leading "resistance" to Israel. "Wake up," he told worshippers. "This is a war of religion." Shi'ites, he added, had always been "a knife in Muslims' backs".
at the same time sunni imams who support Syria and Hezbollah are being murdered . Not all sunnis are falling for this sectarian shit by a long shot, whether in Syria or Lebanon .

This is why I dread to think what could happen if Assad does a runner, the Syrian state collapses, and there's a power vacuum these lot can step into.

I don't wish to sound like a prophet of doom but does anyone get the feeling that in years from now, when the historians are writing Origins of the Third World War that we've probably lived passed the date they'll settle on for when it started. Like 1931.
2000 dead in iraq in sunni/Shia violence in the last month. I had no idea it was that bad.

It's go the makings of an all out regional war if neighbouring states get involved and then outsiders supporting along old cold war lines. Very dangerous.
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