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And next, Syria?

where have i done that?
"Certainly, there are now many radical extremists fighting in Syria against Mr Al Assad – but if the death toll alone is examined, the Syrian regime is far more deadly to the people of Syria, and serves as fuel for the narrative that ISIL recruiters need."

The author is agruing , sure there are a lot of bad eggs among the resistance but they at ultimately worth supporting
This is not a position, this is just throwing your hands in the air saying "isn't it all terrible" you're fine to think that, but it's not a position or an argument, if that's the extent of you're opinion on the conflict, why post links giving defacto support to the Islamists ?

He stuck up a link that claims over 200,000 dead Syrians are the work of the Syrian forces, when their own casualty total is well over half of that . That calls an international jihadist plague from the 4 corners of the earth " an organic movement for change" . A link that compares the besieged inhabitants of tiny gaza , or the farmers of tiny southern Lebanon facing one of the most modern militaries on earth backed by a superpower , to a globalised jihadist swarm fully supported by the US , Uk, France, Turkey , jordan and the sultans of the gulf states . Who even have an intermittent airforce, and more besides , courtesy of the zionists .
A link that covers itself by glibly stating the presence...yes the mere presence as opposed to the complete dominance...of some extremists has to be considered . No shit Sherlock .
He actually calls the ...invited...presence of the small Hezbollah group , from tiny little Lebanon..imperialism and directly equates it to the occupation of Palestine , Lebanon and instances of western occupation and dominance .

The entire article is chock full of that type of utter dung . That's just off the top of my head . And that's why I was sure initially he'd just posted it as a tongue in cheek wind up . But no...he was actually serious and agrees with it .
"Certainly, there are now many radical extremists fighting in Syria against Mr Al Assad – but if the death toll alone is examined, the Syrian regime is far more deadly to the people of Syria, and serves as fuel for the narrative that ISIL recruiters need."

The author is agruing , sure there are a lot of bad eggs among the resistance but they at ultimately worth supporting

It look more like an observation to me.

Incidentally to continue my all is not as it seems theme

How Assad helped the rise of his 'foe' Isil
lol There are any number of links demonstrating that there is cooperation between IS and the regime (where it suits them) on the main Islamic state thread and not from the torygraph either but I'm not digging them out for you, no doubt you will deem them complete bollox too.
lol There are any number of links demonstrating that there is cooperation between IS and the regime (where it suits them) on the main Islamic state thread and not from the torygraph either but I'm not digging them out for you, no doubt you will deem them complete bollox too.

They were and are bollocks . As is your link to the nazigraph .

The western regimes were arming and backing Syrian rebel groups for years while insisting they were moderates . Ive posted up videos showing conclusively they were working hand in glove with IS from the very outset as well as acting as propaganda mouthpieces for them and assuring the media that their atrocities were assadist propaganda . Showing that the so called FSA defected to them en masse , along with numerous other Islamists . That the rebel leaders were calling on Islamists across the globe to descend on Syria for jihad .
When Syrian Christian leaders went to the united states to explain what was being done to them by these loonies they were shouted down and almost chased out by MCCain and co . Denouncing them as liars and regime mouthpieces . And yet your claim is Assad was helping to build them up to make himself look good, when it was the wests proxies insisting IS we're misunderstood, and brothers in struggle . While western leaders were telling the world to ignore their victims .

The assertion in your link that Assad created them by emptying the jails of imprisoned Islamists....a key demand of the protestors by the way..in order to create IS is a complete nonsense . The other groups were and are almost every bit as bad , they're all cut from the same cloth . And half of them joined them , with foreign jihadists comprising the bulk of the rest .

Your link demands we don't examine turkeys role, or the gulf states , or the admissions by the Americans themselves that they helped create a monster . That we ignore the very deliberate destabilisation of Syria by the western powers that created an ideal breeding ground for this menace . That we ignore the fact the rise of IS as a military force in Syria miraculously coincided with a raft of states pumping billions of dollars worth of military equipment into Syria and handing it out to almost any fucker who stuck his paw out for it . While threatening to bomb and giving them the sniff of an impending victory .

And then it claims Syrias buying its oil from IS , when IS does what all the other smugglers do and sells it to brokers in turkey . And doesn't fight them , despite the fact they've massacred thousands of Syrian troops and overrun key bases . It's an absolute crock of dung from start to finish . Just like the last link .

Wtf is your game here ? You've posted a link to an article who's 2 primary sources are

a) an anonymous tweet on the abandoned US embassy Damascus twitter feed


b) a statement by fatboy Slim Idriss...who was chased out of Syria by his Islamist mates years ago and fucked off to a villa in Qatar and hasn't been since .

What you're at here is tantamount to trolling.
No not trolling. Attempting to demonstrate that things are a great deal more complex than they appear on the surface. You may not like the sources but that's a little pot kettle black tbh as you've regularly used RT as a source even though it's painfully obvious that it represents the interests of the Russian state. It's presenters might as well be wearing t-shirts with 'We've got an Agenda' printed on them.
No not trolling. Attempting to demonstrate that things are a great deal more complex than they appear on the surface. You may not like the sources but that's a little pot kettle black tbh as you've regularly used RT as a source even though it's painfully obvious that it represents the interests of the Russian state. It's presenters might as well be wearing t-shirts with 'We've got an Agenda' printed on them.

That's complete and utter nonsense . I've demonstrably challenged what they've actually said . The material itself . Because its complete bollocks and demonstrably so .and any time I've pointed to a story featured on RT I've asked that people do exactly the same, address the actual material in the report instead of whinging about sources they don't like. the basis for the claims made simply doesn't stand up to scrutiny .

And despite the fact your criticisms of rt can be made tenfold against the BBC , Al jazeera ....whove now stooped to calling for outright genocide...and pretty much the entirety of the MSM , it's clear you are patently unable to even begin addressing the issues put . So now instead of resorting to smilies and nonsense links you're engaging In outright deflection and distraction instead .
I think the Israelis are preparing to go to war against Syria, and inevitably Lebanon too . There was another air strike this morning and now there's reports of tanks massing on the border and Hezbollah going on full alert across southern Lebanon .

The dirty scum
Great, just what syria needs :( teqniq

Glad the jewish state of israel in the levant is bringing its own unique brand of bloodthirsty lunacy to the conflict:(
Zalloushes jihadist mob have also broken 2 longstanding ceasefires in the Damascus suburbs and have gone on an all out offensive on the outskirts of the capital . Just as he's finished a pr tour of the western capitals in a nice suit telling the lapdog media he's not a crazed Islamist anymore..honest guv .

One smells a very dirty move may be afoot .
Ive supported nations such as Libya , Cuba and Syria , their warts , cynicism , self interest and all because of we're they've historically stood during the world revolution...such as it was . And in the knowledge that's why the west were and are out to take them all down . In order to kill off all hope . In the sole persuit of a unipolar world we're there will never be alternatives . They've almost achieved that aim, they're pretty much on the verge of it . and for me the ramifications of that total victory are just appalling . And so I'll use my little voice to point out what they are .

You should underline the word historically, given that you couldn't bring yourself to acknowledge the extent to which the Gaddafi regime had embraced neoliberalism in the years since your worldview became set.
Casually Red I think it might be for the best if we agreed to disagree on any number of issues. As I have already stated I merely think that the whole situation is vastly more complicated that you do. What do you make of the regime bombing hospitals in post #3133? Please don't tell me that Doctors without borders have an agenda (apart from saving lives) too.
Zalloushes jihadist mob have also broken 2 longstanding ceasefires in the Damascus suburbs and have gone on an all out offensive on the outskirts of the capital . Just as he's finished a pr tour of the western capitals in a nice suit telling the lapdog media he's not a crazed Islamist anymore..honest guv .

One smells a very dirty move may be afoot .
Can't say I've noticed an increase in activities in that direction!
I think the Israelis are preparing to go to war against Syria, and inevitably Lebanon too .
Why would Israel want war with 2 of it's enemies that are tied down in a war with the ISIS types? If Israel were to seriously damage the Assad regime militarily, it would make it likely that Assad would be replace by ISIS as the Syrian government. I thought they would see it to their advantage to keep the war going perpetually as a stalemate.
I thought they would see it to their advantage to keep the war going perpetually as a stalemate.

Yes. They'll intervene covertly to the extent necessary to keep Syria--and as many of their enemies as possible--in permanent chaotic impotence.
Assad’s Atrocities Continue

Although the linked report covers events already linked to here I found this observation interesting

...While much is made of the vaunted propaganda of the Islamic State, there is nothing the group could produce that will draw as many supporters or recruits as Assad’s atrocities. The regime is a terrorism generator of epic proportion, engaging in state terrorism against its own people and inciting terrorism from its opponents. There is no justifying the actions of a group like the Islamic State or al-Nusra—whoseideology of bin Ladinism propels their supporters to savagery—but the Assad regime’s wholesale slaughter of civilians provides the groups with radicalized supporters far faster than Assad’s military can then fight them....
Yes. They'll intervene covertly to the extent necessary to keep Syria--and as many of their enemies as possible--in permanent chaotic impotence.

Iran is their enemy . It requires both Syria and HZB to project its power at the Zionist state . This is a golden opportunity to get rid of both .

Also PIJ have flat denied firing anything over the border . They don't even have a military presence in Syria . And those rockets were fired from the golan, which is a hotbed of Sunni Islamists who are assisted day and daily by the IDF . It looks to me like there was some mutual backscratching going on .

The SAA and HZB are on the verge of finishing the jihadists off in Zabadani . That will leave Qalamoun virtually cleared and the Lebanese border strongly secured . Once that's done the way to clearing the jihadists off the golan will be straight ahead . What that will mean is HZB and elements of the Iranian guards right on the zionists borders . Which is a nightmare for them .

One things been clear for the past 4 years the Islamists have absolutely no interest in having any type of go at the zionists . They can live with them on their borders . They can't tolerate the opposition though . That's we're the true threat to them lies .
Reports of yet another SAA offensive, this time targeting the rebel held corner of Latakia . Which sounds like a good move because their other main offensive is at the Al Ghaab plains . Which is on the other side of the Latakian mountains . After the loss of Idlib and Jisr Al shougour there's been a real danger that the rebels would make a major push accross the plains into Latakia, and if that happens there'll be genocide basically .
There was a previous SAA offensive in al ghaab plains some weeks back but they took a serious kicking due to the rebels occupying the high ground and being heavily stocked with advanced guided missiles courtesy of the western powers . Turned into a turkey shoot on the open plains , tanks and trucks going up all over the place like roman candles .
But they've gone straight back in and taken a fair bit of ground . And with the other offensive going into the hills behind them they may well cause a major upset . Hopefully . Saw some photos of that tankie mob on the front lines too .

But what's interesting is that despite the propaganda about not targetting the extremists this is the first time they've ever had a go at the " moderate " southern front, who are, as per usual, embedded up to their arse among a host of jihadist loons .

Also they've shot down a Zionist reconnaissance drone that was taking a keen interest in their progress in the south .
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