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And next, Syria?

Just had to chat with a couple of our local staff here to try and cheer them up,they're totally at the end of their nerves, told them if they don't want to go home and would feel safer (relatively) here then we will make space for them and I'll justify the cost. To be honest I'd rather take them all with me when I leave here for the last time.
Reports of yet another SAA offensive, this time targeting the rebel held corner of Latakia . Which sounds like a good move because their other main offensive is at the Al Ghaab plains . Which is on the other side of the Latakian mountains . After the loss of Idlib and Jisr Al shougour there's been a real danger that the rebels would make a major push accross the plains into Latakia, and if that happens there'll be genocide basically .
There was a previous SAA offensive in al ghaab plains some weeks back but they took a serious kicking due to the rebels occupying the high ground and being heavily stocked with advanced guided missiles courtesy of the western powers . Turned into a turkey shoot on the open plains , tanks and trucks going up all over the place like roman candles .
But they've gone straight back in and taken a fair bit of ground . And with the other offensive going into the hills behind them they may well cause a major upset . Hopefully . Saw some photos of that tankie mob on the front lines too .

But what's interesting is that despite the propaganda about not targetting the extremists this is the first time they've ever had a go at the " moderate " southern front, who are, as per usual, embedded up to their arse among a host of jihadist loons .

Also they've shot down a Zionist reconnaissance drone that was taking a keen interest in their progress in the south .

Heard the Iranians are going to have a lot of cash after the nuclear deal and apparently a lot of it will be going to the SAA etc. Although this just could be mainstream media pish.
Heard the Iranians are going to have a lot of cash after the nuclear deal and apparently a lot of it will be going to the SAA etc. Although this just could be mainstream media pish.

I've seen photos of some brand new Russian humvee type things...GAZ Tiger... and modern APCs in recent use on the battlefield , also what purports to be a Russian transport ship with so many vehicles on it they were also on plain view on the deck , passing through the Bosphorous . So they're definitely being resupplied by the looks of it . And using some better tactics .

Also not strictly war related but I came across this video of Easter being celebrated in Latakia . This is absolutely flipping crazy . Syrian Christians most definitely put their open carry , NRA counterparts in the redneck states to shame . And are much better dressed too .

I've seen some sights at Easter time in Ireland in my time but nothing that remotely compares to this . Jesus gets a volley and a half .:eek::eek:

Something tells me those people won't just be lying down to die if push ever comes to shove .
I've seen photos of some brand new Russian humvee type things...GAZ Tiger... and modern APCs in recent use on the battlefield , also what purports to be a Russian transport ship with so many vehicles on it they were also on plain view on the deck , passing through the Bosphorous . So they're definitely being resupplied by the looks of it . And using some better tactics .

Also not strictly war related but I came across this video of Easter being celebrated in Latakia . This is absolutely flipping crazy . Syrian Christians most definitely put their open carry , NRA counterparts in the redneck states to shame . And are much better dressed too .

I've seen some sights at Easter time in Ireland in my time but nothing that remotely compares to this . Jesus gets a volley and a half .:eek::eek:

Something tells me those people won't just be lying down to die if push ever comes to shove .

Are they trying to shoot God?
I've seen photos of some brand new Russian humvee type things...GAZ Tiger... and modern APCs in recent use on the battlefield , also what purports to be a Russian transport ship with so many vehicles on it they were also on plain view on the deck , passing through the Bosphorous . So they're definitely being resupplied by the looks of it . And using some better tactics .

Also not strictly war related but I came across this video of Easter being celebrated in Latakia . This is absolutely flipping crazy . Syrian Christians most definitely put their open carry , NRA counterparts in the redneck states to shame . And are much better dressed too .

I've seen some sights at Easter time in Ireland in my time but nothing that remotely compares to this . Jesus gets a volley and a half .:eek::eek:

Something tells me those people won't just be lying down to die if push ever comes to shove .

Where do all the bullets land?
For the first time, doctors call for truce in Douma

Regime warplanes continued to target the Outer Damascus suburb of Douma on Monday with repeated airstrikes, opposition media reported, one day after doctors and medical personnel in the city organized a protest for the first time calling for a truce to “stop the bloodshed of Syrians, whoever they are.”

Local media reported that surface-to-surface missiles and mortar shells struck residential areas of the city on Monday, killing at least eight people, even as rescue operations continued for those still trapped in the rubble of their homes after six regime airstrikes on Saturday that killed dozens of civilians....
...Amidst the ongoing fighting, Douma medical workers demonstrated Sunday for a ceasefire, with photographs posted on social media Sunday by the Douma Coordination Council.

“We want a humanitarian truce, we want a ceasefire from everyone,” one demonstrator’s sign reads.

“Stop the killing,” reads another....

Life in Assad held Syria:


Interesting piece, but it's impossible to say how much is spin and how much is for real.

Our water reservoirs are 90 kilometers [56 miles] away, in Hafsa, a region held by IS [Islamic State]. In May, they cut the amount of water [supplied] by half. They asked for sterilization tablets although they had them in their stocks. Using this pretext, they cut the water and resumed the supply only after the tablets were delivered. Our engineers are with them and are held as captives. We still pay their salaries. The second aspect of the problem is distribution. The water pumped by IS flows to the Suleiman Halabi and Bab al-Nairab stations here [in Aleppo]. Both areas are controlled by Jabhat al-Nusra, and they are using the water as a weapon to impose their demands. In return for water, they ask for electricity, for instance. Because they attack transformers, power outages occur. When we began using diesel to generate power, they started asking for electricity. To keep the [water] pumping station working, we wanted to send a diesel power-generation unit there via the Red Crescent. They added a condition that the machine should deliver electricity to them as well. We proceeded, but the pumps were switched off anyway. They are now pumping us half of the water. … We are able to supply water only one day per week. The people working with Nusra there are our employees as well, a total of eight people. They are kept in a room and made to work on shifts of four people, banned from using mobile phones. We dispatch teams for maintenance work as well. They are not taken captive because they bring in equipment.

This is so confusingly brilliant/ridiculous/bizarre/mundane all at the same time.
No I am tired of your link-free posturing. I have provided any number of links whereas you have provided none here to back up your claim and now you're trying to turn it round and make it look like I'm laughing at the deaths of a lot of people. Now do fuck off and find some actual sources to back up your claims, there's a good chap.

e2a I'm still waiting for a response to this one as well

'What do you make of the regime bombing hospitals in post #3133'
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No I am tired of your link-free posturing. I have provided any number of links whereas you have provided none here to back up your claim and now you're trying to turn it round and make it look like I'm laughing at the deaths of a lot of people. Now do fuck off and find some actual sources to back up your claims, there's a good chap.

e2a I'm still waiting for a response to this one as well

'What do you make of the regime bombing hospitals in post #3133'

Perhaps if you stopped posting smilies when discussing the subject of mass casualties the impression you found such subjects trivial at the least wouldnt be formed .

Yet again though you've provided links that are a statement of ...often very biased...opinion, and not fact . One from the extremely dodgy Mr Peter Bouckaert and the equally highly dodgy HRW , one of who's leaders has been advocating an Iraq style invasion . And it's an article that cites zero in the way of any proof for its assertion . Interestingly though it makes no mention of any female casualties either , and it's main pic is of an injured man of military age too.

And the second from a mouthpiece of the UAE , a regime that has been sponsoring terrorist groups in Syria from that start of the conflict . Safe to say both of them have a vested interest in hyping up unconfirmed reports as part of their pro war propaganda .

I've looked through the various horrible imagery on google and I'm quite struck by the lack of gore . The complete lack of any images of dismemberment , of blood spattered streets and all the rest you'd expect with the claims of over 100 civilians blown to pieces in a crowded market . In fact I haven't seen a single image of anyone blown to pieces . Not one . There's quite a few who look like they were pulled from collapsed buildings though . And the vast majority of the dead ive seen are men of military age . I havent any photos or videos of dead women in this attack at all .And it's hardly surprising buildings would collapse when the host of terrorist groups in control of that area habitually create a honeycomb of tunnels under the built up areas they control .
I'd expect a crowded market on a Sunday to be full of women , pretty much . However they appear to be grossly underrepresented among the casualties .

I think this article, which seems pretty well researched and hosts the supposed casualty list provided by the terrorist groups themselves, does a pretty good job disentangling this stuff .

And doctors without borders as evidenced in post #3133 (which I am still waiting for a response to) and post #3160 what's their agenda then?
Yes but the difference is Draitser is providing proof for his assertions and not just spouting off emotive language that idiots unquestioningly accept as fact . Which is what you and the people you link to continually seem to do .
No he is not. He is offering another opinion on how the events played out there with links which can be interpreted in whatever way suits your bias. In any case if it was engineered to precipitate intervention (something I personally find unlikely) it has failed. You have still not offered an opinion on the doctor's claims that hospitals are being deliberately targeted though.
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