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Anarchists sabotage railway signalling in Bristol

On the night of May 23rd May 2012 in Guildford.
Beneath an angry sky, we crept through the streets, watched over only by a bloody moon as we danced with an unfettered joy in our livid hearts.
We were like nightmares to the sleeping bourgeoisie who lay like complacent swine in their soft beds.
We strode on and on down the high street, slightly damaging things and painting over local bus timetables as public transport acts as yet another conduit for the circulation of people as commodities.

The streets are ours with hatred in our hearts.
Guildford IAF. In solidarity and love with the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire.

(posted on Libcom)

Someone really should sever frogwoman's internet connection. :)
That Mail article sucks whale cock, and the comments are a fantastic illustration of the political ignorance of some of their readership. Amusing that the journo chooses to introduce the concept of "low-intensity war" so early in the game. One might, if one were cynical, believe he was reading from a crib sheet written by a spook who'd read Kitson's "Low-Intensity Operations" and "Gangs and Counter-Gangs".

Not that I'm that cynical, oh no...not me...
Sorry to go all Jazzz but could this be agent provocateurs? Or are this group bona fide and fucking stupid?
I don't think anyone's heard of the groups before. My instinct, and Occam's Razor, would say that they're a real group of silly billies. The outed police infiltrators didn't really do any provocations, they were there to gather info.
Sorry to go all Jazzz but could this be agent provocateurs? Or are this group bona fide and fucking stupid?

It's hardly "going all Jazzz" (that sounds really sleazy!!) to speculate that our security services might have done something they actually have previous form for.
I don't think anyone's heard of the groups before. My instinct, and Occam's Razor, would say that they're a real group of silly billies. The outed police infiltrators didn't really do any provocations, they were there to gather info.

I just can't get my head around how a genuine anarchist group would do an action that put working class people at risk of harm.
I don't think anyone's heard of the groups before. My instinct, and Occam's Razor, would say that they're a real group of silly billies. The outed police infiltrators didn't really do any provocations, they were there to gather info.

Actually, you're applying Occam's Razor after you've implicitly categorised this as a police operation. ;)

Apply Occam's Razor on the assumption that it's an intelligence op, and (apologies for the cliché!) it cuts both ways.
Actually, you're applying Occam's Razor after you've implicitly categorised this as a police operation. ;)

Apply Occam's Razor on the assumption that it's an intelligence op, and (apologies for the cliché!) it cuts both ways.

No he didn't do that. He compared it police ops after applying occam's razor.
I just can't get my head around how a genuine anarchist group would do an action that put working class people at risk of harm.

I can't see how a "genuine anarchist group" could say that they want a "civil war", when what is needed is class war.
But wouldn't a class war in England be a civil war? :D

Not in the "traditional" sense of the word, given that most examples of civil war haven't been "class vs. class", but more along the lines of (and please pardon the jargon) "affinity groups vs. affinity groups".

And remember, comrade: "No war but the class war!".
Sorry to go all Jazzz but could this be agent provocateurs? Or are this group bona fide and fucking stupid?

My guess, and it's just a guess, is that they're real.

There's always been a few in ( or around ) the anarchist scene attracted to such "actions". Most grow out if it before getting around to actually doing much. In the past the likes of the AR fringes and the ELF have provided an outlet for them.
My guess, and it's just a guess, is that they're real.

There's always been a few in ( or around ) the anarchist scene attracted to such "actions". Most grow out if it before getting around to actually doing much. In the past the likes of the AR fringes and the ELF have provided an outlet for them.

See for example: DrRingDing
My guess, and it's just a guess, is that they're real.

There's always been a few in ( or around ) the anarchist scene attracted to such "actions". Most grow out if it before getting around to actually doing much. In the past the likes of the AR fringes and the ELF have provided an outlet for them.

I'm not even opposed to "actions" as such, I'm merely of the opinion that you should choose your target(s) well. It's basic strategy if you're a "guerrilla" operation, that you don't alienate those within whose community you reside.
Much more productive would be something like a concerted attempt to empty Cameron's bank accounts into a homeless charity's to remind him that we're all in it together.
Beneath an angry sky, we crept through the streets, watched over only by a bloody moon as we danced with an unfettered joy in our livid hearts.
We were like nightmares to the sleeping bourgeoisie who lay like complacent swine in their soft beds.
We strode on and on down the high street, slightly damaging things and painting over local bus timetables as public transport acts as yet another conduit for the circulation of people as commodities.

In fucking Guildford.

This is my favourite bit:

painting over local bus timetables as public transport acts as yet another conduit for the circulation of people as commodities

That's c&p'd straight from the PD blog isn't it?
Or you could have hours (well, minutes) of fun with this....


That's one of the best automatic-whatever-generators I've seen. It perfectly captures the mix of pretension, confusion and rank stupidity you get in real insurrectionist material. I suppose it must be easier when the stuff you are parodying is so incoherent to start with.
Yes it was. Unfortunately they were always second rate terrorists.IRA blow up canary wharf, Animal rights type engage in petty vandalism.

it could be be argued that if it wasn't for that 'petty vandalism' (which often came with stupidly disproportionate custodials for the perps ) , beagles would still be smoking 100 fags a day / monkeys having shampoo rubbed in their eyes etc, ie : the cosmetics / tobacco / drug companies in this country would still be totally unregulated re: testing .
it could be be argued that if it wasn't for that 'petty vandalism' (which often came with stupidly disproportionate custodials for the perps ) , beagles would still be smoking 100 fags a day / monkeys having shampoo rubbed in their eyes etc, ie : the cosmetics / tobacco / drug companies in this country would still be totally unregulated re: testing .
I think it was more consumers being woken to the fact of what was being done in their name.Rather than any so called terror campaign.
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