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Anarchists sabotage railway signalling in Bristol

If Mi5 was after more money which is why they'd start a campaign like this I think having trained operatives a big fuck off budget and access to weaponary.
I'd hope the op would be a bit more impressive than some vandalism.
Perhaps it is worth bearing in mind that the last time a similar act of sabotage was committed on the railway in Bristol by some clandestine group or other which then issued a communiqué subsequently picked up by the mainstream media, it led to raids on Bristol IndyMedia and the seizure of its server.


Depends on whether the Old Bill have a zaskar manque helping them this time, surely? ;)
If Mi5 was after more money which is why they'd start a campaign like this I think having trained operatives a big fuck off budget and access to weaponary.
I'd hope the op would be a bit more impressive than some vandalism.

Start with a couple of "establishing actions" to get the knobbers in the public mind, then go for the main action.

Then again, perhaps I'm complimenting them with more tactical nous than they actually have.
Tbf mi5 have plenty of cash because of jihadists they dont really need to invent threats.
if you were going to invent a terrorist threat Britstol anarchist wouldn't be my first choice can you even be threatining with a Bristol accent?
As someone who generally has lots of time/respect for liberatarian/anarcho ideas and people** , I still think this latest Bristol-area action seems like the ill thought out idiocy of some numpties.

Who don't seem to give a shit about who and what people they piss off.

They need a better spin doctor! :D

Losers'd better not try and do the same thing tomorrow -- we're travelling back to Bristol in the morning. By train! :eek:

**(anarchists : so much more laid back and into pubs, festivals, parties, etc than the more ranty and dour Trots! Fatter dreads and better sounds .... :p )
Everyone on my train was property owning capitalists I take it? You really think endangering people's lives with acts like this will advance any workers agenda?

Nope I'd agree with previous opinions that they're a bunch of numpties possibly egged on by undercover police :)

(sorry first post wasn't serious)
On the night of May 23rd May 2012 in Guildford.
Beneath an angry sky, we crept through the streets, watched over only by a bloody moon as we danced with an unfettered joy in our livid hearts.
We were like nightmares to the sleeping bourgeoisie who lay like complacent swine in their soft beds.
We strode on and on down the high street, slightly damaging things and painting over local bus timetables as public transport acts as yet another conduit for the circulation of people as commodities.

The streets are ours with hatred in our hearts.
Guildford IAF. In solidarity and love with the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire.

(posted on Libcom)
Obviously aint the sharpest tools in the box. They pull off a stunt like this which will no doubt push them up to the top of the shit list for MI5 and/or Special Branch and they do it on some minor provisional line. What does that transport ? Scrumpy ?

They have the whole of the London rail network at their mercy and the whole ripened to bursting point rush hours, at either end of the day but instead they go for somewhere obscure that nobody gives a shit about.

Ignorant, parochial wanker.
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