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Anarchists sabotage railway signalling in Bristol

Obviously aint the sharpest tools in the box. They pull off a stunt like this which will no doubt push them up to the top of the shit list for MI5 and/or Special Branch and they do it on some minor provisional line. What does that transport ? Scrumpy ?

They have the whole of the London rail network at their mercy and the whole ripened to bursting point rush hours, at either end of the day but instead they go for somewhere obscure that nobody gives a shit about.

No Gods, No Masters ? More like no brains. Divs.
do you know the difference between provisional and provincial? what was that you were saying about no brains?

people in london wanting to do this sort of thing would of course have 'the whole of the london rail network' at their mercy; people living out towards bristol presumably have to make do with what's on their doorstep. and i think you'll find there's quite a number of people, living in, er, bristol and so on who give a shit about what happens there. your condescension, and your ignorance, makes you look a right fuckwit.
in the early 90's animal rights activists(not the main ALF) mostly youngsters firebombed butchers, slaughterhouses, etc, and smashed more windows than crystal palace, but this was hardly reported on, now they(the radicals) are doing some pretty heavy and imo stupid damage, why isn't the press picking up on it?
in the early 90's animal rights activists(not the main ALF) mostly youngsters firebombed butchers, slaughterhouses, etc, and smashed more windows than crystal palace, but this was hardly reported on, now they(the radicals) are doing some pretty heavy and imo stupid damage, why isn't the press picking up on it?
You have noticed this signal thing's been well covered, haven't you?
Obviously aint the sharpest tools in the box. They pull off a stunt like this which will no doubt push them up to the top of the shit list for MI5 and/or Special Branch and they do it on some minor provisional line. What does that transport ? Scrumpy ?

No, just loads of ignorant stereotypes in case you ever run out of them.

Louis MacNeice
I once wanted to burn down the offices of GEO (profiteering private prison running pricks, who seem to specialise in immigration centres in this country, and used to have their head office on an anonymous little industrial estate a few hundred yards from where I lived...). I came up with a plan involving ladders and climbing over railway lines and shit, and we even had a little recce of the site. But when I shared my arson based suggestions, everyone else pussied out, and it was at least a 3 person job. Probably saved me a fairly lengthy prison sentence, looking back, but part of me wishes I had...
They have the whole of the London rail network at their mercy and the whole ripened to bursting point rush hours, at either end of the day but instead they go for somewhere obscure that nobody gives a shit about.

You do know that Bristol is a city, right? It's not an obscure place that 'nobody gives a shit about' you utter wanker.

Having said that, these people are idiots because the MOD building is north of Bristol so I doubt very much that attacking signals somewhere south of Bristol is going to affect them that much.
Obviously aint the sharpest tools in the box. They pull off a stunt like this which will no doubt push them up to the top of the shit list for MI5 and/or Special Branch and they do it on some minor provisional line. What does that transport ? Scrumpy ?

They have the whole of the London rail network at their mercy and the whole ripened to bursting point rush hours, at either end of the day but instead they go for somewhere obscure that nobody gives a shit about.

No Gods, No Masters ? More like no brains. Divs.

No more cocaine for you today little man.
A suitable argument for a more structured approach to activism and clearly demonstrating the need for a dress code on black bloc manifestations.
This is why Proletarian Democracy always have bouncers at the start of all demonstrations; "no jeans, no trainers". otherwise we would have nothing but anarchy.
Quite, our acts of adventurism have always positively sparkled with the intergalactic star-power only PD can muster.
the Proletarian Democracy summer offensive is seeking to complete the revolutionary Death Star in order to launch a preemptive strike against the Marlow/ Bourne End Branch line. (get them before they get us)
in the early 90's animal rights activists(not the main ALF) mostly youngsters firebombed butchers, slaughterhouses, etc, and smashed more windows than crystal palace, but this was hardly reported on, now they(the radicals) are doing some pretty heavy and imo stupid damage, why isn't the press picking up on it?
Yes it was. Unfortunately they were always second rate terrorists.IRA blow up canary wharf, Animal rights type engage in petty vandalism.
Half a dozen pratts do some minor vandalism not in london the secuirty services have given Reg some overtime to try to produce a currant list of anarchist groups he must love computers saves on gallons of tippex.
Obviously its a false flag opp to blacken the name of anarchist groups.
Although if they want to destroy vital infra structure getting a job with balfour beatty or joing the goverment would be a better bet :(
Anarchists wanting to overthrow capitalism complaining newsinternational and other mass capitlist media wont cover there actions hmm? Cant imagine why
Given the numerous recent revelations about undercover police infiltrators in obviously benign (to life and limb if not profit margins) protest organisations, one has to wonder what percentage of these nob-heads are actually undercover cops?

If they're infiltrating clearly harmless eco-hippies (often to the point of ejaculating into them) then presumably they're also infiltrating groups like this.

Of course that does raise the question of provocation.
Obviously aint the sharpest tools in the box. They pull off a stunt like this which will no doubt push them up to the top of the shit list for MI5 and/or Special Branch and they do it on some minor provisional line. What does that transport ? Scrumpy ?

You're pre-supposing that the security services had nothing to do with it.

It's not as if they haven't mounted the occasional infiltration or the occasional provocation.
Given the numerous recent revelations about undercover police infiltrators in obviously benign (to life and limb if not profit margins) protest organisations, one has to wonder what percentage of these nob-heads are actually undercover cops?


Shades of Chesterton.

If they're infiltrating clearly harmless eco-hippies (often to the point of ejaculating into them) then presumably they're also infiltrating groups like this.

Of course that does raise the question of provocation.

Although we still have the whole public interest immunity schtick to protect the state and its agents from exposure.
Perhaps it is worth bearing in mind that the last time a similar act of sabotage was committed on the railway in Bristol by some clandestine group or other which then issued a communiqué subsequently picked up by the mainstream media, it led to raids on Bristol IndyMedia and the seizure of its server.

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