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Anarchists sabotage railway signalling in Bristol

Seems silly to have pro-working class politics only to then plot attacks that affects the working class, no? Or are train drivers bourgeois?

From their communique, their politics aren't at all clear, beyond an apparent commitment to armed insurrection, and a rather top-down approach to doing things. :)
I crawled under a turnstile at Milton Keynes bus station yesterday in order to go to the toilet and avoid paying. Take that, capitalism.
Red thread of revolutionary continuity is the key: Let us do justice to Comrade P38

(i did put that text on line a few years ago, but it seems to have disappeared)
It must have its origins in Mayakovsky's Left March, which was 1918ish I think. 'Silence, you speakers! Comrade Mauser, you have the floor.' Unless he nicked it from even earlier.

(Good one for the Foundry Of Fighting Back pub quiz this)
"They haven't got pro-working class politics"

Is one of your poorer comments.
Would you like to tell me why? I can tell you exactly why they haven't. They view w/c people as sheeple, they view the necessity to earn as a moral failing - and they have come to this view through their own privilige (and the same shared juvenile idiocy to look radical to their parents as you). Now you. Tell me how they have pro-w/c politics. tell me how making it almost impossible to do anything without getting raided in this city or under fulltime observation a thing that you welcome.
So you can't answer at all then. You can't make a single political point in defence of your own post. Thanks for this opp to extend the laughter. Unless, unless you can answer? Unless you can fill the space below with something political? Can you?
Why do you consider their politics to be pro-working class, I mean?

Because they are blatantly class conscious in their efforts. Some of the arguments on this thread have been pretty crap. Especially regarding this particular action. Oh noes people can't get to work.
Because they are blatantly class conscious in their efforts. Some of the arguments on this thread have been pretty crap. Especially regarding this particular action. Oh noes people can't get to work.
Can you explain how they're 'class conscious' in their efforts, and how their actions contribute to working class self-organisation?

Their wider argument is that people in the situation of having to work are sell-outs, are moral failures and so justified targets. Do you agree? If so, can you tell me what is 'pro-working class' about this position?
There's more to being pro-working class than saying "bosses = bad" in an anonymous communique.

I don't believe that many people think these sorts of clandestine acts of sabotage are inspiring - quite the reverse. So where does that leave you? Either the action is wrong, or the people are...
Regardless of what I personally feel they are, in their heads at least, engaging in class warfare.

Attacking businesses
Attacking the police
Attacking the means to spread propaganda
...and numerous other actions.

What they're trying to propagate are more affinity groups to muck in with these simple repeatable actions. It's a tactic, I hope they don't see it as a strategy.
Regardless of what I personally feel they are, in their heads at least, engaging in class warfare.

Attacking businesses
Attacking the police
Attacking the means to spread propaganda
...and numerous other actions.

What they're trying to propagate are more affinity groups to muck in with these simple repeatable actions. It's a tactic, I hope they don't see it as a strategy.
I'm asking you why you personally fell what they're doing is pro-working class, why it helps pro-working class politics and what it says about what pro-working class politics are. Can you say why? You must be able to if these are so crucial tactics. So, let's read it.
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