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Anarchist Bookfair 2013 October 19th

It's fucking reality. Jesus fuck. I am making an honest observation from a working class point of view. Don't intend to be big and clever-whats that got to do with it?
i'm simply wondering why you think ignoring the history of the @ movement in the uk, which makes you look a stupid idiot, advances the point you wish to make: which point is a fact-free assertion.
So why not tell us something about that then? You know, for the benefit of those in ignorance. Some of us may find it interesting.
I had a spare paperback copy of up until a few weeks ago that i would have been happy to pass on.
I managed to get it from the library back when as I recall - not sure if that was on interlibrary loan as this was years ago. But you have failed me here - usually one mention of some long lost classic and you're there with the goods. This will not do.
I managed to get it from the library back when as I recall - not sure if that was on interlibrary loan as this was years ago. But you have failed me here - usually one mention of some long lost classic and you're there with the goods. This will not do.
There were people scanning it at libcom but they seem to have given up rather easily. And i did hear talk of a reprint a few years back (Maybe AK, can't remember) but tat also seem to have come to naught.
There were people scanning it at libcom but they seem to have given up rather easily. And i did hear talk of a reprint a few years back (Maybe AK, can't remember) but tat also seem to have come to naught.
Do you know anything about the author? Is he still alive? Can't recall him doing anything else.
Do you know anything about the author? Is he still alive? Can't recall him doing anything else.
I think he's involved in one of the london radical historian groups - he promised to write a history of the old Solidarity group when he retired a few years back, so he's hopefully on it right now. But, it's been a long time since i heard anything about any progress.
On Quail, here's the note from a back issue of Rev hist:

KEN Weller has informed us that there is now a Solidarity History Project underway, which will be written by John Quail. Ken adds: ‘Questionnaires flying around like confetti, cellars, attics and garden sheds being turned out, some surprising and interesting stuff being turned up, it is surprising how one’s memory plays tricks.’ He says that it will take several years, and that they are just at the stage of collecting materials. He ends: ‘In the unlikely event that any of your iron-hard Leninist readers know of caches of materials, could they let me know?’ Ken can be contacted via his email address kenweller@ukonline.co.uk, or through Revolutionary History.

Ken himself is an old solidarity stalwart, but i hear he recently gave his entire archive away, which may not auger well for the project.
Half of it's online at lib-com (via the old John Gray site). But i'd suggest Albert Meltzers' autobiography which extends the narrative of native working class anarchism post war - you can get it on-line here or from AK or cheaper 2nd hand from a number of places.

I've a surplus copy of the Meltzer which will be going spare if I ever get around to clearing my books from my parents attic. It could be a few months still.. frogwoman I haven't forgotten, there'll be books/pamphlets for you one day!:oops:
you could do worse than read 'the slow-burning fuse'
Cheers for the suggestion. Listen I don't mean to put down all anarchists in the UK, I know some great working class people who are in anarchist groups and are some of the soundest communists I know. But from my experience there are alot of middle class/upper class people involved who are a massive turn off to working class people especially when they go on about striking and stuff when you know if things went awry for them they could easily just step out and go back to mummy and daddy to bail them out.
Yeah you are you daft fucking prick. How about reading some of Abel Paz's books and get back to me you fucking toss pot. Cos youse are being called out on the middle class domination of the anarchist 'movement' in the UK youse are getting all defensive. This is not just the anarchist movement btw but is a general theme of the left in the UK with its middle class domination. If you want to put your head in the sand- carry on by all means you fucking cunt but don't try and be patronising to me.
Unsure how re reading a historian of the Spanish civil war and the resistance to Franco will teach me about the class background of the modern british anarchist movement. I would direct you to consider the political positions who are the posters on here who have challenged middle class ideas within the socialist and anarchist movement on numerous threads on urban 75, but that would be wasted on you, as you have proved yourself a troll, pure and simple.
i'm simply wondering why you think ignoring the history of the @ movement in the uk, which makes you look a stupid idiot, advances the point you wish to make: which point is a fact-free assertion.
I am more talking about now in 2013. In the past if you go back in time abit. Freedom used to be controlled by some people who were liberal as fuck and who had dodgy class politics(if any). Before that some of best working class activists were anarchists especially in the east end of london. Although if you are talking about history the working class anarchists in spain are hard to compare against. As anarchism was never and is not the dominant communist current/school of thought in the UK.
On Quail, here's the note from a back issue of Rev hist:

Ken himself is an old solidarity stalwart, but i hear he recently gave his entire archive away, which may not auger well for the project.
Visiting him a few years back resulted in me virtually unable to lift the bags of pamphlets he pressed on me
Unsure how re reading a historian of the Spanish civil war and the resistance to Franco will teach me about the class background of the modern british anarchist movement. I would direct you to consider the political positions who are the posters on here who have challenged middle class ideas within the socialist and anarchist movement on numerous threads on urban 75, but that would be wasted on you, as you have proved yourself a troll, pure and simple.
If you read my comments- I am anything but a troll. You came out all guns blazing with me cos u thought I was and now look at u. Also that is a complete strawman argument as I mentioned Abel Paz's books cause you claimed that I had read half of Homage to Catalunia and was giving my opinion on the Spanish Anarchist movement from that.
You are a cunt of the highest order.
Cheers for the suggestion. Listen I don't mean to put down all anarchists in the UK, I know some great working class people who are in anarchist groups and are some of the soundest communists I know. But from my experience there are alot of middle class/upper class people involved who are a massive turn off to working class people especially when they go on about striking and stuff when you know if things went awry for them they could easily just step out and go back to mummy and daddy to bail them out.
i appreciate your pov but ime the movement is not dominatedby the people you identify, although like you i have encountrred this phenomenon
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