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Anarchist Bookfair 2013 October 19th

That sticker is a bit shit though. And it does pander to the idea that anarchists can somehow live magical lives devoid of the pressures that most people face.
That sticker is a bit shit though. And it does pander to the idea that anarchists can somehow live magical lives devoid of the pressures that most people face.

I think there's an element of aspiration to that sticker/the idea it represents, rather than it being some (abstract) call to arms - ie : struggling towards a world beyond shit, uneccessary exploitative work, the idea of the the right not to work etc...it's an important message imo.
I think there's an element of aspiration to that sticker/the idea it represents, rather than it being some (abstract) call to arms - ie : struggling towards a world beyond shit, uneccessary exploitative work, the idea of the the right not to work etc...it's an important message imo.

I think it can be interpreted in different ways.
I think we should celebrate and recognise the important of labour to human beings while seeking to abolish waged-labour and other exploitative forms of it

I mean, what's not to like about this:-

Labour is, in the first place, a process in which both man and Nature participate, and in which man of his own accord starts, regulates, and controls the material re-actions between himself and Nature. He opposes himself to Nature as one of her own forces, setting in motion arms and legs, head and hands, the natural forces of his body, in order to appropriate Nature’s productions in a form adapted to his own wants.

By thus acting on the external world and changing it, he at the same time changes his own nature. He develops his slumbering powers and compels them to act in obedience to his sway. We are not now dealing with those primitive instinctive forms of labour that remind us of the mere animal....We pre-suppose labour in a form that stamps it as exclusively human. A spider conducts operations that resemble those of a weaver, and a bee puts to shame many an architect in the construction of her cells. But what distinguishes the worst architect from the best of bees is this, that the architect raises his structure in imagination before he erects it in reality. At the end of every labour-process, we get a result that already existed in the imagination of the labourer at its commencement.

He not only effects a change of form in the material on which he works, but he also realises a purpose of his own that gives the law to his modus operandi, and to which he must subordinate his will. And this subordination is no mere momentary act. Besides the exertion of the bodily organs, the process demands that, during the whole operation, the workman’s will be steadily in consonance with his purpose. This means close attention. The less he is attracted by the nature of the work, and the mode in which it is carried on, and the less, therefore, he enjoys it as something which gives play to his bodily and mental powers, the more close his attention is forced to be.

There be no place for generalised laziness in any communist utopia
This is just untrue, a load of bollocks.
The anarchist 'movement' in the uk ain't like it is in Spain for example. In spain it is largely made up of working class folk and always had an amazing anarchist working class history and tradition unlike here. Think you miss understand where I am coming from.
The anarchist 'movement' in the uk ain't like it is in Spain for example. In spain it is largely made up of working class folk and always had an amazing anarchist working class history and tradition unlike here. Think you miss understand where I am coming from.

Is that still the case in Spain?

"Thats a 6 month sanction for getting sacked at the old job centre unless you have the bank of mummy and daddy to support you- which as most so called anarchists I have met that is usually the case."

"The anarchist 'movement' in the uk ain't like it is in Spain for example. In spain it is largely made up of working class folk and always had an amazing anarchist working class history and tradition unlike here. Think you miss understand where I am coming from."

I think you are trying to be a clever, funny, cunt. But you know fuck all and hide behind lazy stereotypes straight from the Daily Mail and a half remembered half read copy of Orwell.
Or am I miss understanding you?
it's just lazy stereotyping done for political purposes.

What 'political purposes'? For calling out middle class/upper class folk who are highly influential in UK anarchist movements-who turn off/alienate working class people from anarchism/libertarian communism. Your the one that is being lazy here.
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"Thats a 6 month sanction for getting sacked at the old job centre unless you have the bank of mummy and daddy to support you- which as most so called anarchists I have met that is usually the case."

"The anarchist 'movement' in the uk ain't like it is in Spain for example. In spain it is largely made up of working class folk and always had an amazing anarchist working class history and tradition unlike here. Think you miss understand where I am coming from."

I think you are trying to be a clever, funny, cunt. But you know fuck all and hide behind lazy stereotypes straight from the Daily Mail and a half remembered half read copy of Orwell.
Or am I miss understanding you?

Yeah you are you daft fucking prick. How about reading some of Abel Paz's books and get back to me you fucking toss pot. Cos youse are being called out on the middle class domination of the anarchist 'movement' in the UK youse are getting all defensive. This is not just the anarchist movement btw but is a general theme of the left in the UK with its middle class domination. If you want to put your head in the sand- carry on by all means you fucking cunt but don't try and be patronising to me.
Yeah you are you daft fucking prick. How about reading some of Abel Paz's books and get back to me you fucking toss pot. Cos youse are being called out on the middle class domination of the anarchist 'movement' in the UK youse are getting all defensive. This is not just the anarchist movement btw but is a general theme of the left in the UK with its middle class domination. If you want to put your head in the sand- carry on by all means you fucking cunt but don't try and be patronising to me.
Not just badgers moving the goalposts.
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