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Anarchist Bookfair 2013 October 19th

"Like all really good ideas Anarchy is pretty simple when you get down to it - human beings are at their very best when they are living free of authority, deciding things among themselves, rather than being ordered about."

Then goes on to say your not allowed to bring your dog
Ho ho ho.


Amirite?!?! Youcouldn'tmakeitup!!!!
Can someone tell me what the bulk of the anarchists who attend do in between bookfairs?, I know some do very positive work, here they have a very successful book fair and then they seem to be invisible till the next time.
genuine question
work and raise families, same as most people who are struggling to survive.

Tbf I think it is a good point - there so very easily could be better politics encouraged, promoted and participated in by most anarchists if they dropped the barriers that prevents them from operating outside of their comfort zones. Of course, there are a very few notable exceptions, but certainly across large areas anarchists seem to prefer to do nothing, or what they do is destined for irrelevance. They seem to be scared of losing control.
Can someone tell me what the bulk of the anarchists who attend do in between bookfairs?, I know some do very positive work, here they have a very successful book fair and then they seem to be invisible till the next time.
genuine question

Tbf I think it is a good point - there so very easily could be better politics encouraged, promoted and participated in by most anarchists if they dropped the barriers that prevents them from operating outside of their comfort zones. Of course, there are a very few notable exceptions, but certainly across large areas anarchists seem to prefer to do nothing, or what they do is destined for irrelevance. They seem to be scared of losing control.

Agreed.Last year I saw plenty of @'s handing out fuck loads of flyers to other @'s at the bookfair advertising the bookfair. Completely pointless but far less risky than actually handing them out to Joe public.
There's a radical history area planned for the bookfair: some individuals from Bristol Radical History Group and Past Tense, among others:

"have put together a series of talks which we hope people will find interesting, but also useful. We don't see 'history' as a dry 'subject'; it isn't separate from our own experiences and the struggles, andsituations we are part of now, and the ideas and movements we hope can help build a freer future"

Details of the talks and exhibitions are available via http://www.past-tense.org.uk/
It's on the third floor, room 315.

11.00 - 12.00 - Solidarity: Martial Law - Capitalism in Poland, 1980-1989
Speaker: Marcin Wawrzyn
12.00 - 1.00 - Running down Whitehall with a black flag: memories of anarchism in the 1960s
Speaker: Di Parkin
1.00 - 2.00 - Anarchist Visual Art, Then and Now?
Speakers: Kev Caplicki and Gee Vaucher
2.00 - 3.30 - Occupying is Good for your Health?
Speakers: Rosanne and Myk.
3.30 - 5.00 - British armed forces' strikes and mutinies in 1918-19: a radical
history project for the anniversary of World War I
Speakers: Roger Ball, Neil Transpontine.
The first and final talks there sound excellent- especially the last.
There's a far wider year long project going on around that K. We have a public meeting on it next tuesday:

Date: Tuesday 15th October, 2013
Time: 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Venue: The Hydra Bookshop
Price: Free

Nationally there are plans to ensure that attention is given to the real causes and effects of the war, rather than an opportunity for our government to re-habilitate this war in particular or war in general. Bristol has long radical traditions and we know there are groups and individuals across the city who will want to ensure that there are events locally remembering the reality of World War 1. We want to facilitate this. We want to encourage the widest possible range and number of events – meetings, music, theatre, film, exhibitions etc. What might be organised (and how) will largely be determined by the individuals and groups who get involved. The involvement of a wide spectrum of people and groups will ensure a greater cross-fertilisation of ideas; events can be publicised more widely; and they can reach a wider audience. So if you are interested in participating please come along to this meeting.
Agreed.Last year I saw plenty of @'s handing out fuck loads of flyers to other @'s at the bookfair advertising the bookfair. Completely pointless but far less risky than actually handing them out to Joe public.
yeh avoiding the danger of talking to people you don't know.
there's a lot in local papers which seems to have escaped publick consciousness, for example suicides in hackney due to being unable to take the strain of bombing any more.

I'd be really interested in a Hackney angle for any of this - presumably that is Hackney Archives job? If you have any resources let me know...
so we should quit our jobs, ditch our families, and become roving vagabonds dedicated to taking down the state?
Give over, there's a failure of political ambition, it's blindingly obvious. And I say this not as a roving vagabond, but with a 'fully integrated family' and not a dysfunctional one.
He looked like a professor
Reminded me of a girl called Tessa
Met him at a Gala
Was a bit of a palaver
He called me ultra-leftist
Then raised up his left fist
Singing The Internationale
Made me feel a bit gnarly
So I went and had a brew
No, then I went and had two...
Two brews, two brews
He gave me a thirst
Now I feel cursed
Two brews, two brews
Meeting the very last true anarchist
In England made me wanna get pissed
He looked like a professor
Reminded me of a girl called Tessa
Met him at a Gala
Was a bit of a palaver
He called me ultra-leftist
Then raised up his left fist
Singing The Internationale
Made me feel a bit gnarly
So I went and had a brew
No, then I went and had two...
Two brews, two brews
He gave me a thirst
Now I feel cursed
Two brews, two brews
Meeting the very last true anarchist
In England made me wanna get pissed
Needs chord diagrams
Can someone tell me what the bulk of the bronies who attend do in between bronycon?, I know some do very positive work, here they have a very successful bronycon and then they seem to be invisible till the next time.

genuine question
Can someone tell me what the bulk of the bronies who attend do in between bronycon?, I know some do very positive work, here they have a very successful bronycon and then they seem to be invisible till the next time.

genuine question

Mainly taking the piss out of whatever the Guardian is going on about.
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