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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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theres a shitload of backtracking and arse covering going on in twitter
53s Laurie Penny@PennyRed
.@dieFALKENATOR well ok, to clarify, I've no idea whether @LoveDetective1 is racist, but given his record it's safe to assume that he isn't.

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6m Laurie Penny@PennyRed
.@GuidoFawkes Guido, debating evolutionary psychology with you is not on my to-do list for today.

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7m Laurie Penny@PennyRed
Maybe it's just wishful thinking? But I think most people, even when they act like dickheads, want and believe themselves to be good-hearted

8m Laurie Penny@PennyRed
I'm sure that most of the people who do sexist things don't feel, in their hearts, that they are sexist, that they believe women inferior.

9m Laurie Penny@PennyRed
I think a lot of it is a question of identity. Personally, whether someone 'is' (e.g.) a sexist is less important to me than their actions.

12m Laurie Penny@PennyRed
Why is it that thinkers on left and right seem happy to be called 'sexist' - but when 'racism' is mentioned they explode + threaten to sue?

14m Laurie Penny@PennyRed
.@Calderbank but I didn't call @LoveDetective1 racist. I thought the person who RTd that article in debate was arguing in a racist way.

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Why is it that thinkers on left and right seem happy to be called 'sexist' - but when 'racism' is mentioned they explode + threaten to sue?

Now, they aren't and no one threatened to sue. Threatening to sue is something Laura does,
I asked if the IWCA had taken advice, and made the point about publishing. I suppose that if anyone knows that the IWCA have got previous for litigation, they may be concerned.
they should know - I mentioned the fucking legal firm
she has now apologised to LD kind of

Laurie Penny ‏@PennyRed

@dieFALKENATOR @LoveDetective1 I just did - until your tweet just now I didn't realise quite how it looked.

Laurie Penny ‏@PennyRed
.@dieFALKENATOR you're right, the RT-reply system does make it unclear who that was directed at. My mistake, I apologise. @LoveDetective1

umm, what is she talking about here? the RT-reply system? who was it directed at if it wasn't LD? Spiney I could understand her saying this but I can't see how this could have been unclear, unless she is using some weird twitter client.. Surly LD just tweeted a link at her in reply to something She'd said to Spiney or Spiney had said to her?
I wonder if she saw my apology?

At least now we're "thinkers". Or you are, I'm not cool enough to join your gang.

I have been called a few things that end with ER; 'thinker' is not one of them. Cheers Laura!

(I think she maybe referring to me
she has now apologised kind of

Laurie Penny ‏@PennyRed

@dieFALKENATOR @LoveDetective1 I just did - until your tweet just now I didn't realise quite how it looked.

Laurie Penny ‏@PennyRed
.@dieFALKENATOR you're right, the RT-reply system does make it unclear who that was directed at. My mistake, I apologise. @LoveDetective1

umm, what is she talking about here? the RT-reply system? who was it directed at if it wasn't LD? Spiney I could understand her saying this but I can't see how this could have been unclear, unless she is using some weird twitter client.. Surly LD just tweeted a link at her in reply to something She'd said to Spiney or Spiney had said to her?
Because otherwise you're left with the improbable explanation that she's making it up as she goes along, which would be totally out of character.
She's a poster here. Nothing wrong with posting here to clarify what she meant, and apologise properly if an apology is her intention.
Can someone who knows how to get your twitter account back when it's been suspended send us a PM please?

Can't work out pm system on my phone so I'll post here.

I logged into Twitter from a desktop pc and there was a messsge about abuse of the @ system. I just had to agree to a statement that i wouldn't "abuse" it again and enter one of those captcha things to prove I'm not a bot. Too me 5 goes, mind.
she has now apologised kind of

Laurie Penny ‏@PennyRed

@dieFALKENATOR @LoveDetective1 I just did - until your tweet just now I didn't realise quite how it looked.

Laurie Penny ‏@PennyRed
.@dieFALKENATOR you're right, the RT-reply system does make it unclear who that was directed at. My mistake, I apologise. @LoveDetective1

umm, what is she talking about here? the RT-reply system? who was it directed at if it wasn't LD? Spiney I could understand her saying this but I can't see how this could have been unclear, unless she is using some weird twitter client.. Surly LD just tweeted a link at her in reply to something She'd said to Spiney or Spiney had said to her?

Yes, when that woman accused her of apropriation I said she'd been hoist by her own identity politics - thought it was ironic that someone who threw this kind of thing around so liberally was actually shown to be doing it herself. She replied saying that all politics are identity politics and then LD tweeted the article, and I retweeted it cos I think it's a really good piece. So apparently I'm the only racist in the village now.
Because otherwise you're left with the improbable explanation that she's making it up as she goes along, which would be totally out of character.

I'm prtty sure this is the case but I just want other people to confirm they don't know what she's on about, would be odd on twitter to say something most twitter users will be confused by and not sure what she means, we'll see. She needs to apologise to spiney as well as he was caught up in that tweet.
She's a poster here. Nothing wrong with posting here to clarify what she meant, and apologise properly if an apology is her intention.
She ain't got the same kinda audience here, wouldn't play into her PR strategy. I wish I was joking.
Yes, when that woman accused her of apropriation I said she'd been hoist by her own identity politics - thought it was ironic that someone who threw this kind of thing around so liberally was actually shown to be doing it herself. She replied saying that all politics are identity politics and then LD tweeted the article, and I retweeted it cos I think it's a really good piece. So apparently I'm the only racist in the village now.
No. Because she clearly stated that the IWCA's article was racist.
Her campaigning style in pictures:



'Meep Meep!'
Can't work out pm system on my phone so I'll post here.

I logged into Twitter from a desktop pc and there was a messsge about abuse of the @ system. I just had to agree to a statement that i wouldn't "abuse" it again and enter one of those captcha things to prove I'm not a bot. Too me 5 goes, mind.

Cheers mate. Well I've got my account back but my followers/following lists have disappeared - not all that bothered though, I didn't have any followers until Laura called me a racist.
FFs I replied to that half-assed apaology saying 'there's still a 'sorry' missing from this tweet' and then 'and what about Spiney Norman?' and she's blocked me :rolleyes:
I saw she used the word "apologies" somewhere in that thread, but cannot for the life of me work out who she's apologising to or what for.
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