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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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...Anyway, they went to Greece - Laurie and Molly. What they've produced is guaranteed to make the old men in cardigans who write for the mainstream media cough up more spleen, and the art critics shake their postmodernist heads.

For the first duty of journalism is to record reality. To do that you have to go to ordinary places and see them in an extraordinary way.

Greece is no longer an ordinary place. But in the summer of 2012, once the left had failed to win the election and the fascist terror against immigrants was in full swing, it was a place that seemed to defy conventional reporting by the mainstream media.

How do you record despair, fear, the slow exodus of the talented and the entrepreneurial to somewhere else' How do you record the kind of sporadic protest that its proponents call 'beautiful trouble'. You go. you write, and in the case of Molly Crabapple. you sketch...


Just as a reminder - they were there no more than a week!

No, it's about a type of journalism which continually crosses the border with fiction; which relates the life and experiences of the author rather than the subject, and merely uses subjects as pegs on which to hang self-referential anecdotage; which happily "lifts" and decontextualises the work and words of others.
And about a specific type of journalist that does this sort of thing: Children of privilege whose experiences have very little in common with the sort of political and social activism they use as a vehicle for their careerism.

Not "Bollocks" at all, in other words.

a VERY specific "type".
a VERY specific "type".

Unfortunately not. The self-referential stuff had already crept into the mainstream at the end of the last century, albeit in the more Thompsonesque writings of Will Self, or the rants of Ann Leslie. The "activist"/politically-engaged slant was in place by the mid-00s through the likes of Hari. The media love such "cred"-bestowing faux-activist commentators. The genre is growing.
What's important is that participants see nothing wrong with the careerism, as long as it doesn't become liberal. They are as anti-liberal as the posters on u75.
I'm confused. So they're a bit like the Living Marxism lot? Pro-capitalist far lefties? The US has it's fair share of third worldist maoist sects as well, are they from that stable?
It's no skin off my nose, tbf.

Nor mine. I fully agree with anybody ignoring comments that are insulting or spiteful or threatening. What twists my tit is anybody ignoring any criticism, no matter how accurate or fair, if they can ignore it and smear any critic they can't by throwing insults and outright lies at them.
Nor mine. I fully agree with anybody ignoring comments that are insulting or spiteful or threatening. What twists my tit is anybody ignoring any criticism, no matter how accurate or fair, if they can ignore it and smear any critic they can't by throwing insults and outright lies at them.
I think what's pissing her off is that she's discovered that there's a slightly more radical left than hers already in existence, and she doesn't like it.
I think what's pissing her off is that she's discovered that there's a slightly more radical left than hers already in existence, and she doesn't like it.

I think it's like when you come to the realisation in your early teens that your parents have sex. And *shudder* enjoy it
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