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A thank you to Brexiteers.

You did tbf. But I'm not sure what you're expecting anyone to write. Us remainers lost and we need to deal with it, so I don't see what kind of remainer argument would be worth positioning anymore.

What we can do is point out problems as they occur due to the nature of the Brexit that has occurred. That doesn't warrant a load of leavers telling us to get over it and that we look ridiculous. Our opinions are valid.
I only wish they were
Yeh only some are 16k spectrums and others are 48k

Don't knock the 16k Speccy, that was my first computer got it for my birthday (October) took loads of badgering to get the upgrade kit from Watford Electronics for the Xmas. Looking back now I never wrote anything on it that used more than 16k and I spent far to long playing games once I had the 48k
Don't knock the 16k Speccy, that was my first computer got it for my birthday (October) took loads of badgering to get the upgrade kit from Watford Electronics for the Xmas. Looking back now I never wrote anything on it that used more than 16k and I spent far to long playing games once I had the 48k
My first was a ZX81, with its wonderful membrane keyboard and a 16K RAM module that you had to velcro to the back, in case a fly farted 100 yards away and caused it to shake and crash.
A celebration of British weather?? Seriously?? Anyone making a list of what they like about the UK and then putting the weather on the list needs confining for their own safety.

To be moderately serious, to many who have lived in countries where you can tell what the weather with be like on any given day four or five years into the future, the vaguries of the British climate are an absolute joy.

I'm currently sat outside, eating an ice cream while my children run around in t-shirts, in two days time it will snow. That is joyous.
As drought conditions around the world worsen due to global warming, we may slowly realign our cultural attitude towards the 100+ days per year that water is guaranteed to fall freely from the sky (assuming it continues to fall so freely in future)
To be moderately serious, to many who have lived in countries where you can tell what the weather with be like on any given day four or five years into the future, the vaguries of the British climate are an absolute joy.

I'm currently sat outside, eating an ice cream while my children run around in t-shirts, in two days time it will snow. That is joyous.
Couldn't agree more.
That said, I don't need the vermin spaffing my taxes on a celebration 'to bring the country together' to convince me further. :D
Let's see how much cold water the remoaners can pour on this before the day's out :D
I for one can’t wait, it’s going to be brilliant, a cornucopia of wonders, like the great exhibition of 1871 which I missed. I’m not going to say a word against anything Boris Johnson or his friends choose to do in the name of brexit cos that would make me ‘politically unmoored’. It’s going to be great I’m wondering what to wear.
I for one can’t wait, it’s going to be brilliant, a cornucopia of wonders, like the great exhibition of 1871 which I missed. I’m not going to say a word against anything Boris Johnson or his friends choose to do in the name of brexit cos that would make me ‘politically unmoored’. It’s going to be great I’m wondering what to wear.
Rictus grin?
I hope all those whinging whiskey exporters show up to the festival dressed appropriately and enjoy it wholeheartedly, else they’re politically unmoored.
(In semi-serious mode) I presume the vermin will attempt to disguise this Brexit Festival as something to do with celebrating the victory over Covid, revival of the economy, Global Britain's levelling up and building back better?

With all the visual highlights ready to be exploited in SM clips/PPBs when Johnson springs an early GE on the floundering Starmer.
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