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A Manchester thread for all things Manc

Went to the anti-brexit demo today and it had a good turnout. "Bollocks to Brexit" was a common chant. Wasn't able to go to the anti-tory one that started in another part of town unfortunately. Police say 30k turnout which isn't bad.
I would boycott any demo that had Vince Cable speaking on principle.

(I went to the anti-tory one, of course)

He was full of shit as usual, and the place was full of lib-dems with their fucking stupid yellow balloons. It was good to hear people speaking on behalf of Gibraltar and EU nationals living in the UK though, along with British nationals living in Spain.

Anyway, you should have told me you'd be in Manc - could have went for a brew.
Ha, I'm there all the time, my mrs lives in Whalley Range - I'll hit you up sometime.

We just missed off being in all the papers too - we were just to the right of this guy.

I found some old photos of Throbbing Angel a while back. Probably date back to when I did a charity abseil from the Maths Tower at Manchester Uni. PM me if you want me to send them - although I'll have to dig them out first...
Must have been at least ten years back - possibly more. I've got a picture of me hanging off the roof - and looking like a twat. :hmm:

It's something like that, seems longer ago .. according to wiki it was demolished in 2005 ... :oops:

Always remember walking past it as an undergrad. My most memorable time being told to clear the area as there was a possible leaper on the top :eek:
Do it, it's glorious. The big video installation in the gallery next door is good too, but the Khan show is outstanding.

The standing collection in the Manchester gallery is always worth a look through too - they have some great pre-raphaelites, and the series of Valette paintings they have of Manchester in the fog are gorgeous.
Nice pics. Not sure when Manchester Piccadilly had character though. I suppose the previous version had a kind of Life on Mars claustrophobic 70s vibe.
Nice pics. Not sure when Manchester Piccadilly had character though. I suppose the previous version had a kind of Life on Mars claustrophobic 70s vibe.
I don't recall ever thinking of it as having much character. Unlike Central station, which was gorgeous, and had some of the nicest ironwork I've ever seen.
I worked on the transformation from what was Central Station to what became G-Mex. There were miles upon miles of tunnels under the station and spreading out around Manchester. A lot of the tunnels had been filled in but If I'm not mistaken, there were plans to use the tunnels as part of Manchester's planned subway system, which was abandoned in the mid-late 70s and never came to fruition. I don't know why it was never finished but I'll blame Thatcher.
I don't recall ever thinking of it as having much character. Unlike Central station, which was gorgeous, and had some of the nicest ironwork I've ever seen.
I worked on the transformation from what was Central Station to what became G-Mex. There were miles upon miles of tunnels under the station and spreading out around Manchester. A lot of the tunnels had been filled in but If I'm not mistaken, there were plans to use the tunnels as part of Manchester's planned subway system, which was abandoned in the mid-late 70s and never came to fruition. I don't know why it was never finished but I'll blame Thatcher.

The proposed Picc Vic tunnel - Picc-Vic tunnel - Wikipedia
Abandoned in '77 due to high projected costs.
I doubt it, the atmosphere of violence round the city centre on a derby day suggests to me that the two things are fairly incompatible...

There has just been a crowd of football supporters pass in Ancoats fighting by the sound of, and given the smoke possibly letting off flares. Dickheads.
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