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A Manchester thread for all things Manc

This is a well-deserved bit of recognition given her involvement in an anti-violence campaign, but surprising that it is the first sculpture of a woman in the town hall. Made from 50 melted down shotguns, and will be on permanent display. :cool:


The first ever sculpture of a woman in Manchester Town Hall...
There's a brilliant exhibition on at the People's History Museum atm, big lino prints by Paul Peter Pietch - mostly political posters, but a few jazz related bits too. I totally loved it. Til early february.

Dedicated to all Defenders of Human Freedoms – People's History Museum : Manchester Museums

Manchester Art Gallery has a fantastic exhibition of photographs curated by Martin Parr – it’s in a gallery up at the top that I’ve never come across before, and definitely worth a visit. They also have a nice show of modern Japanese design (fashion, ceramics and furniture) which we loved.

Strange and Familiar: Britain as Revealed by International Photographers | Manchester Art Gallery
Went to both of these this weekend, both excellent, thank you for the tips. PHM is surprisingly vast and detailed. A lot of shocking material on Syria, and more generally, an interesting time to be there. There's something uncomfortable right now about these ideas being in a museum. It's an apt reminder that this kind of history is not some linear, ratcheted progression - lots of the documented struggles are or could be back on the agenda today.
Manchester International Festival have just announced the programme - some good stuff. Tickets on sale from tomorrow 1pm. Going to book for the John Adams, Jane Horrocks and Portico Quartet. Wouldn't mind seeing Colin Stetson, but I'm boycotting Gorilla 'cause the sound is always shit.

I shall ask the missus. Would be good to get in some real life heckling after a decade of Urbanisation :D

Do ye do any Slayer?
Manchester International Festival have just announced the programme - some good stuff. Tickets on sale from tomorrow 1pm. Going to book for the John Adams, Jane Horrocks and Portico Quartet. Wouldn't mind seeing Colin Stetson, but I'm boycotting Gorilla 'cause the sound is always shit.

Aren't you a sound engineer? We went to Gorilla to see Okkervil River and had a really good night (up on the balcony FWIW) but at the same time a bit of a crap gig down on the ground at other stuff.
I really need to make more use of the fact I have this city right near me. Went out yesterday with my GF, did the Science and Industry museum, walked around all the canals and then had a lovely pizza. Totally randomly I bumped into a mate from Uni and she invited me to her wedding later this year.
Aren't you a sound engineer? We went to Gorilla to see Okkervil River and had a really good night (up on the balcony FWIW) but at the same time a bit of a crap gig down on the ground at other stuff.
I think the in house PAs at all the Trof venues are quite shit- I've had similar issues at Albert Hall. Sometimes bands bring their own sound so you do occasionally get a good show, but mostly they don't.

(I'm not a sound engineer)
Does anyone care about the greater manchester mayor election? I must admit my interest in it has nose dived since the communist league candidate withdrew
So I'm playing Gullivers in Manchester tonight. Anyone around? I might possibly have a small guest list...
I would have liked to have gone to this but I'm still dealing with the fallout of my disastrous week (burglary etc) unfortunately. Hope it's a good one.
There's an amazing new video installation at the Whitworth that's worth a special visit IMO - I found it quite overwhelming, and I was there with the kids who were constantly distracting, so I'm going to have to go back - check it out anyway (the Warhol and Petherbridge shows are both still on too).

John Akomfrah | Whitworth Art Gallery
Dear Ls, Gs, Bs and Ts and +s, I'm taking my vile M-I-L to Manchester this weekend, so do your best to be proper vulgar in front of her.
moose just out of curiosity why are you taking her to Manchester? Not a bit of bonding I'm guessing :)
It's her 80th. Much as I'd like to leave her all alone, to reflect on her unsatisfactory life and miserable existence, D wants to take her out.
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