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all roads lead to sedgley

ancestry does a two week free trial if you wanna do your own and see!

obviously will vary locally, but local library service here has put access to ancestry online because of lockdown.

haven't used it for much family research (did some digging when happened to find a 1930s photograph of a shop in southend with my family name on - went back 3 generations in the hoxton patch and can't see any obvious link to family i'm aware of) but the phone book archive is quite handy for trying to nail down locations of old street scenes that come up on the interweb
it all went wrong when my seventh great grandfather got my seventh great grandmother pregnant, ten and a bit months before they married. her very posh family (muschamp) had married into a family of tipton gentry, the jevons family, who i presume made a lot of money during the industrial revolution. their daughter met my iron working grandad, johnny webb, in tipton. then it all went to shit for them.
talking to my brother about the ten and a bit month delay before the marriage of poor johnny webb and posh pregnant anne jevons, he reckons the parents made her wait to see if the child lived before getting married. sounds about right.
william elwell, born 1580, sedgley. married anne gunson who was also born 1580 in sedgley.
gunson is a bit of an odd name. i would like to have met her father and say gunson, you sonofagun.
I'm amazed you are able to find all this information...and seemingly quite quickly too!
Are you using information online, like Ancestry, census, church records etc ?
I'm amazed you are able to find all this information...and seemingly quite quickly too!
Are you using information online, like Ancestry, census, church records etc ?
ancestry mainly. a lot of the work is done by other people and i just have to cross reference stuff to make sure it is ok. if you find a proper posho its easy to trace their ancestry on wikipedia. im back to rollo the viking, born in 860, and poppa of bayeux, born 880. poppa of bayeux may have been the daughter of berengar ii of neustria. Poppa of Bayeux - Wikipedia
just found the engels quote about the children of black country, "so stolid, so hopelessly stupid, that they often asserted that they were well treated, were coming on famously, when they were forced to work twelve to fourteen hours , were clad in rags, did not get enough to eat, and were beaten so that they felt it several days afterwards. They knew nothing of a different kind of life than that in which they toil from morning until they are allowed to stop at night, and did not even understand the question never heard before, whether they were tired."

thats not stupid, thats survival, top hatted bourgeoise cunt.
just found the engels quote about the children of black country, "so stolid, so hopelessly stupid, that they often asserted that they were well treated, were coming on famously, when they were forced to work twelve to fourteen hours , were clad in rags, did not get enough to eat, and were beaten so that they felt it several days afterwards. They knew nothing of a different kind of life than that in which they toil from morning until they are allowed to stop at night, and did not even understand the question never heard before, whether they were tired."

thats not stupid, thats survival, top hatted bourgeoise cunt.
engels, so stolid, so hopelessly stupid, asserted he was coming on famously, when he was forced to wear the ridiculous clothes of his and grow a big stupid beard. he knew nothing of a different kind of life where people had a laugh and took the piss.
this one always makes me laugh though,

‘In Wolverhampton,’says Commissioner Home, ‘I found, among others, the following example: A girl of eleven years had attended both day and Sunday school, “had never heard of another world, of Heaven, or another life.”A boy, seventeen years old, did not know that twice two are four, nor how many farthings in two pence even when the money was placed in his hand. Several boys had never heard of London nor of Willenhall, though the latter was but an hour’s walk from their homes, and in the closest relations with Wolverhampton. Several had never heard the name of the Queen nor other names, such as Nelson, Wellington, Bonaparte; but it was noteworthy that those who had never heard even of St Paul, Moses, or Solomon, were very well instructed as to the life, deeds, and character of Dick Turpin, the street-robber, and especially of Jack Sheppard, the thief and gaol-breaker. A youth of sixteen did not know how many twice two are, nor how much four farthings make. A youth of seventeen asserted that four farthings are four half pence; a third, seventeen years old, answered several very simple questions with the brief statement, that he “was ne jedge o’nothin’”. 12 These children who are crammed with religious doctrines four or five years at a stretch, know as little at the end as at the beginning. One child ‘went to Sunday school regularly for five years; does not know who Jesus Christ is, but had heard the name; had never heard of the twelve Apostles, Samson, Moses, Aaron, etc.’13 Another ‘attended Sunday school regularly six years; knows who Jesus Christ was; he died on the cross to save our Saviour; had never heard of St Peter or St Paul’. 14 A third, ‘attended different Sunday schools seven years; can read only the thin, easy books with simple words of one syllable; has heard of the Apostles, but does not know whether St Peter was one or St John; the latter must have been St John Wesley’. To the question who Christ was, Home received the following answers among others. ‘He was Adam’, ‘He was an Apostle’, ‘He was the Saviour’s Lord’s Son’, and from a youth of sixteen: ‘He was a king of London long ago’. In Sheffield, Commissioner Symons let the children from the Sunday school read aloud; they could not tell what they had read, or what sort of people the Apostles were, of whom they had just been reading. After he had asked them all one after the other about the Apostles without securing a single correct answer, one sly-looking little fellow, with great glee, called out: ‘I know, mister; they were the lepers!’

from one gleeful sly looking little fellow to another, i tip my hat.
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just found the engels quote about the children of black country, "so stolid, so hopelessly stupid, that they often asserted that they were well treated, were coming on famously, when they were forced to work twelve to fourteen hours , were clad in rags, did not get enough to eat, and were beaten so that they felt it several days afterwards. They knew nothing of a different kind of life than that in which they toil from morning until they are allowed to stop at night, and did not even understand the question never heard before, whether they were tired."

thats not stupid, thats survival, top hatted bourgeoise cunt.

where is that from pal?
ancestry mainly. a lot of the work is done by other people and i just have to cross reference stuff to make sure it is ok. if you find a proper posho its easy to trace their ancestry on wikipedia. im back to rollo the viking, born in 860, and poppa of bayeux, born 880. poppa of bayeux may have been the daughter of berengar ii of neustria. Poppa of Bayeux - Wikipedia
Are they related to Poppa Large?
anyway, fuck all them dickheads for a bit, heres great great great great grandad james ingram, born in 1809 in west bromwich, died 1892, friar park, west brom,

i never knew they had synths then.
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