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all roads lead to sedgley

an earl, a baronet, a lord of the manor in surrey, some of them born in castles, a colonel, knights of the garter, a chancellor of the exchequer, henry the sevenths standard bearer, sherrifs, constable of calais, ambassador to france, master of hunting, privy chamber member, all sorts of flotsam and jetsam.
an earl, a baronet, a lord of the manor in surrey, some of them born in castles, a colonel, knights of the garter, a chancellor of the exchequer, henry the sevenths standard bearer, sherrifs, constable of calais, ambassador to france, master of hunting, privy chamber member, all sorts of flotsam and jetsam.

this is why i've never been all that keen on family research - the risk of finding someone disreputable...

this is why i've never been all that keen on family research - the risk of finding someone disreputable...

it all went wrong when my seventh great grandfather got my seventh great grandmother pregnant, ten and a bit months before they married. her very posh family (muschamp) had married into a family of tipton gentry, the jevons family, who i presume made a lot of money during the industrial revolution. their daughter met my iron working grandad, johnny webb, in tipton. then it all went to shit for them.

if i'm reading that right, then a few more generations back was king henry iii

when are you going for the fitting?

i worked it out, of the 1024 ancestors i have in the late seventeenth/early eighteenth century, one is norman bastard posh, one is tipton gentry posh and the rest are all working class or agricultural labourers.
obviously i was hoping to not find any trace of the normans. or the saxons for that matter. but overall that is a tiny percentage.
Mate surely when you get that far back, cos presumably for each generation you step back there are four possible grandparent lineages to potentially follow, by 16 generations haven’t you got to the point where everyone’s descended from Henry the Eighth or Attila the Hun anyway?
i think so. plus you only have to get one aristo in your tree and you are pretty much into all of them, the fucking inbreds. from cursory looks i seem to have gg parents from italy, france, welsh princes and brian boru. ancestry does a two week free trial if you wanna do your own and see!
i think so. plus you only have to get one aristo in your tree and you are pretty much into all of them, the fucking inbreds. from cursory looks i seem to have gg parents from italy, france, welsh princes and brian boru. ancestry does a two week free trial if you wanna do your own and see!
I still remember you saying being born working class was like winning the lottery of life, and I still fully love you for that comment possibly over a decade on :D
when i read that one of my g. grannies might have murded one of my coal mining g. grandads, i was very upset. now i have just read about one of my great grandads being executed with a blunt sword that took twenty two hacks to get through and it made me laugh out loud! these cunts are like the sopranos. posh people are awful. Edmund Fitzalan, 2nd Earl of Arundel - Wikipedia
i just had some fun with my homophobic dad. "one of your great grandads killed the kings boyfriend!" i says, setting the trap. "he soon got another one" says my dad. "he did, another one of your great grandads!" says i. boom! have that.
I still remember you saying being born working class was like winning the lottery of life, and I still fully love you for that comment possibly over a decade on :D
now, finding the tiny teensy bit of norman in me i have something to blame all my faults on. lazy? those fucking normans. feel like wildly riding round on a horse stabbing people? fucking normans.
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