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A Birmingham and Black Country thread for all things Brummie and Yam-Yam

Ah, interesting. I've always connected Himley with Dudley so I thought it was in Worcestershire but I can see now it's just over into the Staffs county.
Let's hope Staffordshire Council act, but given that they are also Tories I cannot imagine that cracking down on developers is their thing. Interfering with enterprise and the market etc...

They don't sound very happy tbf. It won't bring the building back, but hopefully it might put a stop to this all too common situation.

"At no point did the council agree on the demolition of the whole structure nor was this deemed necessary."
Councillor Lees continued: "This council finds the manner in which the situation was managed following the fire completely unacceptable and contrary to instructions provided by our officers.
"As such, we are currently investigating potential breaches of both the Town and Country Planning Act and the Buildings Act.

"Demolition of a building should be carried out in accordance with Schedule 2 Part 11 Class B of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015. The steps required by the legislation were not carried out in this case.

"We have referred these matters to our legal team with a view to taking enforcement action.
So I have to drive to Manston Green more often then I like. I hate the driving from Manchester when I have to go/return. I've got a couple of days this week and worked out would be cheaper for the boss if I just found a cheap hotel. I found one that's very cheap near Alum Rock road. Looking at Google Maps it seems there is lots Pakistani/Afgan food. Any recommendations?

Will take my running to kit to see the area and work up an appetite first. :)
ok, I know Im new to the West Midlands , and I know what a Brummie is ...... but whats a Yam-Yam ? (and .... why?)
A Yam Yam is someone from the Black Country area, they have particular ways of pronouncing words and also ways of saying things which is different to Brummies.

I think the Yam Yam comes from the way they say y'owm meaning you are. If you look up Black Country accent you can find examples of some of their unique way of speaking.
It has :D

Both Digbeth and Handsworth were billed as these amazing upcoming hipster spaces for a while
When was Handsworth an ‘up and coming’ hipster area?

As for Digbeth the council and cops have closed brilliant clubs and spaces and now wonder why the area is dying culturally and socially. The plan seems to be lots of flats and shops using the areas officially curated ‘history’ to sell it to the gullible.
Well, neither of them are. Wolverhampton is definitely in Staffordshire and part of the West Brom ground is in Handsworth.
where in the black country wasnt staffordshire? apart from the odd exclaves like dudley, halesowen, warley wigorn and warley salop, it all was.
the eastern side of wolvo is on the thick coal seam and had a huge number of mines in amongst some of the densest industrial developments and ironworks in the black country. so from blakenhall up to horseley fields and up to the cannock road, wolverhampton is definitely black country.
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where in the black country wasnt staffordshire? apart from the odd exclaves like dudley, halesowen, warley wigorn and warley salop, it all was.
the eastern side of wolvo is on the thick coal seam and had a huge number of mines in amongst some of the densest industrial developments and ironworks in the black country. so from blakenhall up to horseley fields and up to the cannock road, wolverhampton is definitely black country.

I haven't got a dog in the fight, but everyone I know from the BC is of the view that Wolverhampton isn't in it (bar the bits of it like Bilston that they hoovered up in the 1960's due to local gov't changes and which aren't really Wolverhampton). Crucially, even on your definition the Wolves ground isn't in it. Similarly, Albion fans often forget that their ground isn't in the town, its down the road and that the new stand used to be called the Handsworth Stand for the precise reason that it's in Handsworth. They are also far far closer to the Villa ground than the Wolves.

Ultimately, all of these areas are part of Greater Birmingham anyway*

*Only joking yam yams :cool:
I haven't got a dog in the fight, but everyone I know from the BC is of the view that Wolverhampton isn't in it (bar the bits of it like Bilston that they hoovered up in the 1960's due to local gov't changes and which aren't really Wolverhampton). Crucially, even on your definition the Wolves ground isn't in it. Similarly, Albion fans often forget that their ground isn't in the town, its down the road and that the new stand used to be called the Handsworth Stand for the precise reason that it's in Handsworth. They are also far far closer to the Villa ground than the Wolves.

Ultimately, all of these areas are part of Greater Birmingham anyway*

*Only joking yam yams :cool:
asking people from the black country is the worst thing you can do. none of us agree on anything.
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