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90% of all big fish have been taken from the oceans


Shocking and depressing stuff. The world's diet has to change.

It has been achieved with industrial fishing. Large boats with large nets and large fleets with satellite tracking are stripping the oceans of fish. But the most prized large valuable fish are the most fertile. So as they are removed, so is the reproductive capacity of a species. Some species such as sturgeon are almost extinct. Now more countries are involved in this industrial removal of fish. Some countries sell fishing rights in their exclusive economic zones. And this leads to overfishing. China has the largest fishing fleet and is a major player in distant water fishing.

such a disgrace

rip fish

no amount of environmental collapse headlines makes a difference
humans are fucking dicks

As evidenced by the same four or five small, sad wankers who post in defence of the status quo on every animal-related thread on here, while pretending they’re not.

“oh yes of course, overfishing is a problem everyone agrees something must be done. I will now spend the whole thread rejecting every remotely possible option for addressing the problem but I do want to register my very real and sincere concern about it.”
As evidenced by the same four or five small, sad wankers who post in defence of the status quo on every animal-related thread on here, while pretending they’re not.

“oh yes of course, overfishing is a problem everyone agrees something must be done. I will now spend the whole thread rejecting every remotely possible option for addressing the problem but I do want to register my very real and sincere concern about it.”

"I'm not giving up meat for no cunt"
I hope everyone's ready to explain to their grandkids why they were happy to order Endangered Species and Chips for an easy Friday night tea. Nobody is ignorant of the situation at this point, so the only excuse left on the table is, 'I was a cunt and I didn't give a shit'.
My sister, long term veggie, has started eating fish. She needs the protein apparently. And I'm stood there as she says this, vegan for years and still built like a brick shithouse.
As posted in the other thread, I was pretty much going to cut out fish/meat entirely, but have now decided to allow myself three portions of oily fish a week, going as sustainable/ethical as possible. To me, this means mainly mackerel. Oily fish does seem to have some major health benefits, including possible mental health benefits.

If you are going to eat fish, it's worth researching the sustainability or environmental impact of the particular fish.

Marine Stewardship Council | MSC in the UK | Marine Stewardship Council
My sister, long term veggie, has started eating fish. She needs the protein apparently. And I'm stood there as she says this, vegan for years and still built like a brick shithouse.
You're saying she is overweight? That would be carbs, plenty of vegans are fat. Introducing fish a good idea. I eat it once a week but otherwise have a vegan diet
You're saying she is overweight? That would be carbs, plenty of vegans are fat. Introducing fish a good idea. I eat it once a week but otherwise have a vegan diet

Introducing fish bad idea. Read the title of the thread ffs.
It's too late.

Attenborough keeps making programmes telling us how bad things are, then at the end offers hope, but the reality is that there is none, the tipping point was reached and breached quite a few years ago. BB1 is doing Environmental Science A level and every single model they do comes out with the same result; fucked.

The world won't vanish and neither will nature, but pressure on humans will become greater and greater and of course the poorest will suffer most. Cutting back on cod and chips on a Friday will achieve nothing, the way society works must change, but it won't, so there you are. What is needed is a devesting plague, not this crappy, half-arsed Covid rubbish, but a real killer to halve the global population, that is the only model where eco-systems won't collapse.

Happy Friday! :thumbs:
Damn, I already gave up on eating tuna. Why the hell isn't my lack of individual consumption saving all those poor tuna already dammit?! Why, it's almost as if tuna fishing is being operated by for profit industry, and that getting shitty with humanity and/or individuals about it is just a pathetic excuse for misanthropic flexing.

If enough people stop eating it, then maybe that industry will stop fishing it. This is a bit like the girl at my work who thinks it's morally fine to take at least half a dozen sets of holiday flights a year because the plane is going to take off anyway.
I keep toying with the idea of giving up cod, but then it occurs to me that my individual consumer choice will make zero difference to the fact that cod will soon be wiped out (or fishing for it banned), which has the perverse effect of motivating me to eat as much as I can whilst it's still available.

The 'if everybody did that' argument doesn't stack up, because my individual choice is independent of others'; in principle, I could continue to eat it whilst everyone else boycotts it, until the species is saved.

I'm being a bit facetious, obviously, but there's a serious point there about the in inadequacy of a response based on individual consumer choice.
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It's too late.

Attenborough keeps making programmes telling us how bad things are, then at the end offers hope, but the reality is that there is none, the tipping point was reached and breached quite a few years ago. BB1 is doing Environmental Science A level and every single model they do comes out with the same result; fucked.

The world won't vanish and neither will nature, but pressure on humans will become greater and greater and of course the poorest will suffer most. Cutting back on cod and chips on a Friday will achieve nothing, the way society works must change, but it won't, so there you are. What is needed is a devesting plague, not this crappy, half-arsed Covid rubbish, but a real killer to halve the global population, that is the only model where eco-systems won't collapse.

Happy Friday! :thumbs:
Keep your eyes on Arctic methane
My sister, long term veggie, has started eating fish. She needs the protein apparently. And I'm stood there as she says this, vegan for years and still built like a brick shithouse.
People's bodies are different. I've met people who've really struggled with vegan diets, even with eating protein every meal and taking supplements.
:facepalm: It’s a heinous crime being perpetrated by the elitist bloc, against poorer nations of mainly people of colour, that the UK will no longer be a part of.

Yes, it is, and action needs to be taken, but still not sure what it has to do with Brexit. Is that why we left the EU?
If enough people stop eating it, then maybe that industry will stop fishing it.

That's not how it works at all. Have you forgotten about things like industry lobbying and regulatory capture? This idea that things are only produced because individuals in the market demand them, is to ignore the significant role of profit-seeking industries in pushing their products. That's why advertising is such a massive industry in and of itself. It works.

This is a bit like the girl at my work who thinks it's morally fine to take at least half a dozen sets of holiday flights a year because the plane is going to take off anyway.

No, it is not. I don't eat tuna at all. But this is another example of how (neo)liberal environmentalism always turns its focus back to the consumption patterns of individuals while ignoring industry.
Diets need to change but this isn't a mere lifestyle thing. The systems that make these diets a profit maximising no-brainer for the corporations that promote them need to be radically transformed.
Simple solution is stop fishing in areas for concerted periods. unfortunately it’s all about the money

I’ve worked in an area (massive regional sea) since 2014 where they stopped all fishing in the areas we were working and paid off all the local fishing fleets which stayed in port tied up

7 years on and the sea in the area is absolutely heaving with fish. Not anecdotal, I’ve worked alongside Environmental consultants for the duration and it’s measured and incredible

and turtles, Dugongs, marine cetaceans, ospreys and other rare seabird breeds are all booming

economics/capitalism is all it is

Humans are greedy destructive shits and have already fucked the future
The world won't vanish and neither will nature, but pressure on humans will become greater and greater and of course the poorest will suffer most. Cutting back on cod and chips on a Friday will achieve nothing, the way society works must change, but it won't, so there you are. What is needed is a devesting plague, not this crappy, half-arsed Covid rubbish, but a real killer to halve the global population, that is the only model where eco-systems won't collapse.

Nah, what's needed is for all the neo-Malthusian wankers to be shot into the Sun.
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