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7/7 Home Office 'narrative' leaked: Iraq led to July 7

detective-boy said:
I look forward to you providing a link to that precise prediction which will not cost me $5.95. The freely available clips do not contain anything which amounts to anything like such a precise prediction. Which is strange, if he really wants to expose the lies for all to see ... :rolleyes:

Well actually all his docus are available for free online at a million and one mirror sites.

Places like, http://www.lastingnetworks.com/alex/ ;)

The archiving system for the radio shows only goes back to 2003, its actually quite hard to find small clips of a radio show aired 5 years ago. But I know its around because i`ve heard it myself. The radio clips are good because they are more detailed.

However heres a free clip,

Azrael23 said:
The archiving system for the radio shows only goes back to 2003, its actually quite hard to find small clips of a radio show aired 5 years ago.

Quite remarkable. A major obsessioal self-publicist makes the career-building prediction of a lifetime - then fails to show the world the proof that he did so?


I'm betting that yer man's transcript above is accurate and that the conspiraloons are doing no more than yell "heah our man pro-phe-sy! pro-phe-sy! Hallieulia!"
Azrael23 said:
Well actually all his docus are available for free online at a million and one mirror sites.

Places like, http://www.lastingnetworks.com/alex/ ;)
I am not interested in "all his docus". I'm interested in the show from 25 July 2001 in which he allegedly predicted the WTC attack and the blaming of Osama Bin Laden. I have looked at your link. I cannot see that show listed there.

(ETA: And the second link you provide is EXACTLY the fucking free clip I was talking about - it says absolutely nothing which could be portrayed as the precise prediction alleged)
laptop said:
Quite remarkable. A major obsessioal self-publicist makes the career-building prediction of a lifetime - then fails to show the world the proof that he did so?


I'm betting that yer man's transcript above is accurate and that the conspiraloons are doing no more than yell "heah our man pro-phe-sy! pro-phe-sy! Hallieulia!"

I heard there was a secret chord
That David played and it pleased the Lord
But you don't really care for music, do you?

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Azrael23 said:
Yes he did, REPEATEDLY.


You have no idea do you?

* Expletives deleted for the sake of brevity. ;)

No. He. Didn't.

You drone on and on and on about "research", but you wouldn't know research if it came up and repeatedly punched you in the face. Believing any old crap you read on the net is not research.
Blagsta said:
No. He. Didn't.

You drone on and on and on about "research", but you wouldn't know research if it came up and repeatedly punched you in the face. Believing any old crap you read on the net is not research.

You see thats just slander.

Why don`t you watch the clip I provided.

BTW anything that repeatedly punched me in the face gets a flat palm up the nose. Self defence is the law of nature.
Azrael23 said:
You see thats just slander.

Why don`t you watch the clip I provided.

BTW anything that repeatedly punched me in the face gets a flat palm up the nose. Self defence is the law of nature.


Nutter. Might knock some sense into you. Freak.
Blagsta said:
Just watched it. All it is is some cobbled together clips of some nutter making very generalised statements. Where's the prediction?

People can watch it and judge for themselves. If you can`t see the prediction (which lasted two months before 9/11, not just isolated clips) then your an idiot.

You can`t expect him to be spot on saying "yeah on september 11th they will etc." What he`s doing is saying the govt are planning an attack, they`ll use bin laden as the boogeyman, call them and tell them if anything happens you know who to blame.

Thats good enough to call a prediction to me, you hack. ;)
Azrael23 said:
One general broke those orders and ordered his interceptors at max speed rather than at the speed dictated to him. I`ll find the name for you.
Looking forward to the name and a credible source for this one!

Azrael23 said:
Sounds like Alex must be in on it too along with all those airlines, military personnel, insurance companies, pilots, aircraft controllers etc etc!!!
Azrael23 said:
You can`t expect him to be spot on saying "yeah on september 11th they will etc." What he`s doing is saying the govt are planning an attack, they`ll use bin laden as the boogeyman, call them and tell them if anything happens you know who to blame.

Thats good enough to call a prediction to me, you hack. ;)

(By the way, did you say you are at Uni? Studying what? Creative writing?)
Azrael23 said:
Why don`t you watch the clip I provided.

I did watch it and found nothing to confirm your wild statements. At that time everyone was forecasting that terrorism could attack America. All Jones does is getting his conspiracy theory out early.
Azrael23 said:
The archiving system for the radio shows only goes back to 2003, its actually quite hard to find small clips of a radio show aired 5 years ago.
Strange. You would have thought he'd gone out of his way to show off his amazing predictive powers and supply the clip for all to see!

I listened to some of that idiot's drivel a while ago at the behest of some conspiraloon or another. Never again.

Govt planning terror attack
They`ll use Bin Laden
JCS have already said they`ll use hijacked planes in terror attacks
Phone congress and tell them you know.

Operation "Expose the Govt Terrorist" was running for 2 months before 9/11.


BTW I`m studying a dual honours Neuroscience and International Relations. Though I`m quite good at storywriting according to my old english teacher.
Azrael23 said:
Thats good enough to call a prediction to me,

Well, yes, but that merely demonstrates that you suffer paranoid disordered thoughts.

"I want you to let [the government] know that if there is any terrorism, we know who to blame."

This doesn't predict anything. Except, perhaps, predict a conspiraloon theory.

And Alex Jones predicting a conspiraloon theory is as starting as Michaael Fish predicting that there will be weather.

Get. Help. Seriously.
Azrael23 said:

Govt planning terror attack
They`ll use Bin Laden
JCS have already said they`ll use hijacked planes in terror attacks
Phone congress and tell them you know.

Operation "Expose the Govt Terrorist" was running for 2 months before 9/11.


BTW I`m studying a dual honours Neuroscience and International Relations. Though I`m quite good at storywriting according to my old english teacher.

laptop said:
Well, yes, but that merely demonstrates that you suffer paranoid disordered thoughts.

This doesn't predict anything. Except, perhaps, predict a conspiraloon theory.

And Alex Jones predicting a conspiraloon theory is as starting as Michaael Fish predicting that there will be weather.

Get. Help. Seriously.

Your forgetting the WTC, Bin Laden, Hijacked Planes link.... :rolleyes:

Your all too cowardly to face the fact people like us might be right. Why would we lie? Mental illness is hardly a reasonable conclusion...no wait, it might be if your mad....lol :D
Azrael23 said:
Your forgetting the WTC, Bin Laden, Hijacked Planes link....

He also mentions Oklahoma City as those were places already hit by terrorism.

No-one could discuss terrorism in July 2001 without mentioning Bin Laden.

Highjacking planes had been a favorite method of terrorism for decades.
detective-boy said:
(By the way, did you say you are at Uni? Studying what? Creative writing?)
He's previously claimed to be a student of neuro-science.

We've never been able to get him to clarify whether this is a) one of the "hard" branches of neuro-science (with sums and molecules and all that tricky stuff) or b) one of the "soft" branches (with astral projections, telepathy and whatever you're having yourself). I'm running a book on this - unfortunately, however, my probability calculations mean that I'm not taking bets on b). I am open for bets on a) though and can offer juicy odds of 4.3 billion to 1 to the punting public.

Azrael, what is the quote from Alex Jones video which predicts 9-11? I am not willing to do your research for you, so if you are making this claim, provide us with the quote.
Why is that not a prediction?

Hell if I told you alex jones said its now spring you`d argue it was winter and hes a loon..... :rolleyes:
gurrier said:
Azrael, what is the quote from Alex Jones video which predicts 9-11? I am not willing to do your research for you, so if you are making this claim, provide us with the quote.

That's not possible because Alex Jones doesn't predict 9/11.
Azrael23 said:
Hell if I told you alex jones said its now spring you`d argue it was winter and hes a loon..... :rolleyes:
Personally, I couldn't give a flying fuck what Alex Jones thinks about anything, but only a gullible fool would swallow his unqualified claims wholesale.

Step forward Azrael23!
Lock&Light said:
I certainly would if I was living in Australia. :p

lol Good point :D

Don`t slander astral projection, unless you believe you have an informed opinion on it? :rolleyes:
Are you familiar with the works of monroe or the idea of the Akashic record? Quick....go google! :D
editor said:
Personally, I couldn't give a flying fuck what Alex Jones thinks about anything, but only a gullible fool would swallow his unqualified claims wholesale.

Step forward Azrael23!

Alex Jones is not my Jesus, I`m not beholden to any man. That doesn`t mean I can`t agree with people nor that I can`t respect other people. I can even respect people I disagree with.

*editors mind breaks at the thought of it

What i`m concerned with are the fruits, not the trees.

*cue lame joke about fruit, fruit cake, or even Fruit Bats.... :cool:
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