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Search results for query: political compass

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  1. bimble

    What stupid shit has Trump done today?

    Do you transcribe these yourself? It is a sort of work of art to see it laid bare like that.
  2. Yossarian

    What stupid shit has Trump done today?

    From Thursday's installment of the clown show: "in recent weeks, as the virus has spread and economic hardship has followed, we have seen Americans unite with incredible selflessness and compassion. I want to remind everyone here in our nation’s capital, especially in Congress, that this is not...
  3. Irish353.109

    Recording your jobsearch when on Universal Credit

    Since having to claim UC since my redundancy from a U.K. supermarket after 17 years at age 49 in Sept 2019, aside from any political considerations one way or the other, I do consider that some aspects of UC need to be reviewed and I do empathise with those who do find some aspects of the system...
  4. brogdale

    Who will be the next Labour leader?

    Where's that political compass graphic when you need it? :D
  5. ska invita

    Political compass

    Just came across a political compass in a 1970s sociology book about attitudes and suggests that something called the Rokeach Value Survey from 1973 was doing this Got to wondering when the compass axis was first used and surprisingly according to wiki there are two earlier ones from Rokeach...
  6. The39thStep

    Ireland Election 2020

    Never found thid 'authoritarian/libertarian' lens helpful in any way tbh
  7. brogdale

    Ireland Election 2020

    With all the usual caveats regarding the reductive, cross-axis Political Compass format as a given...for the benefit of non-Irish posters...does this pattern make any sense or are there some glaring errors? Be interested to hear what those with better knowledge of Irish politics than me make of it.
  8. L

    Ireland Election 2020

    What happened to him was absolutely barbaric. Of that there is no doubt. Nor is there any doubt that nobody local would claim to be surprised that the ongoing situation in that area, over many years, had (as they say round here) 'A bad end'. I don't know how many 'That will all end in...
  9. Pickman's model

    Laurence Fox. The twat.

    forgive me for pointing out the obvious but the disabled and sick weren't doing really well under labour, see eg from 2002
  10. Y

    Inside HMP Belmarsh

    To be honest, i dont give two hoots about rehabilitation and if the system is working. Once you commit a Serious crime and convicted, then thats the end for you. ZERO TOLERANCE is the way forward and i can bet that this will certainly bring down the crimew stats here IMHO.
  11. skyscraper101

    Inside HMP Belmarsh

    Well thats one hell of a generalization based on literally a few minutes of screen time. Do you think the current system is working? I don't think so. There's nothing 'politically correct' about imagining better ways to balance punishment and reform. Even without your compassion, you can't deny...
  12. ska invita

    Inside, against and beyond the Labour Party: Thoughts for the Left post-GE

    This is pure gleaning based on social media posts etc but i think labour transformed might have something to do with Plan C? And Mutiny, judging by its book shop and also facebook posts involves at the least Neil Faulkner and Simon Hannah
  13. Proper Tidy

    Inside, against and beyond the Labour Party: Thoughts for the Left post-GE

    That labour transformed looks a bit like that, the new socialist lot or something. The other two look a bit teenage black hoodie have you seen political compass and chomsky if you know what I mean
  14. CH1

    Lambeth Council Watch - news and updates about the 'co-operative' council

    I went to the launch of Clive Lewis's camapaign to be national Labout party leader, which was held at the Black Cultural Archives Friday morning 9th Jan. Nothing at all has been reported about this - except his off the cuff response to a reporter's question about the Harry, Megan and the royal...
  15. Gramsci

    Combating hopelessness

    Thanks for posting this. A lot of it resonates with me. I found the whole election depressing. As a regular on Urban for years on the Brixton section I've found the response there making me feel hopeless. I thought Urban was an antidote to hopelessness and in last few days I've been...
  16. Lurdan

    Is there a BBC "Ghost Story For Christmas" this year?

    Gahan Wilson 1930-2019 Yet again the BBC are tossing aside Xmas tradition. But happily the tradition dropped this year is the recent one of making miserabilist 'grown up' adaptations of Agatha Christie. Instead we have a new ghost story for Christmas. On Christmas Eve at 10pm BBC Four is...
  17. brixtonscot

    Combating hopelessness

    Is there need to revive this thread ? It was started by friendofdorothy before Corbyn was elected leader of LP. Which , for me at least , was a glimmer of hope - which has now been largely dashed. Except for places like London , Liverpool , Manchester , Bristol etc And over 10 million voted...
  18. teuchter

    Grenfell Tower fire in North Kensington - news and discussion

    Looks like Brendan O'Neill is in line for a face slap Jacob Rees-Mogg is right about Grenfell
  19. gentlegreen

    Political polling

    Just like Political Compass, this places me waaaay further left than many on here would place me - and I was fairly honest with my responses....
  20. gosub

    Political polling

    Has this been political compassed to death yet? Electoral Calculus Plot My Three-D Position
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