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Locking them up isn't the problem. Letting them out is the problem.

So what's your solution and can you justify it as cosf effective compared to alternatives being tried elsewhere? Can just about forgive newbie Yogs for spouting Daily Mail comments but you need to do better than that.

Really enjoyed that episode despite the grim and depressing bits. Shame about Charlie Pope fucking it all up too, but he did make that choice.

Also I think anyone would be a bit broken by 10 weeks in solitary... and it's not like TR is Trotsky is it, uniting the prisoners and negotiating with the governor 30 prisoners to a cell or in -20 degree weather. Neither an intellectual heavyweight or a heavyweight in any other area, just chat.
They are scum and the lowest of the low, so thats where they desrve to be, please do remember its a prison and not Butlins, or a holiday camp. They are lucky that they are locked up in this country, just be thankful they are not locked up in a South / Central American jail, where Life means life.......... Live by the sword, Die by the sword is my motto.

I was going to "Like" this, as I thought it was satire. But it seems you're actually serious. Have you decamped from the Mail Online, by any chance?
I was going to "Like" this, as I thought it was satire. But it seems you're actually serious. Have you decamped from the Mail Online, by any chance?
Not satire at all, and yes i have decamped from the mail, online and moved to this forum. I have no sympathies for any person convicted of a crime, why should they be treated with cotton wool, when the victims, familys and the community suffer. Lock them all up and throw away the keys.
If the prison population is overcrowded and bursting at the seams, then ship them of to USA.................
Well thats one hell of a generalization based on literally a few minutes of screen time. Do you think the current system is working? I don't think so.

There's nothing 'politically correct' about imagining better ways to balance punishment and reform. Even without your compassion, you can't deny there's an economic argument in there.
To be honest, i dont give two hoots about rehabilitation and if the system is working. Once you commit a Serious crime and convicted, then thats the end for you. ZERO TOLERANCE is the way forward and i can bet that this will certainly bring down the crimew stats here IMHO.
To be honest, i dont give two hoots about rehabilitation and if the system is working. Once you commit a Serious crime and convicted, then thats the end for you. ZERO TOLERANCE is the way forward and i can bet that this will certainly bring down the crimew stats here IMHO.

I think we should be offering criminals a chance to rehabilitate. Incarceration alone has limited benefits and the evidence from other places suggests that we’d be saving more money and getting less reofffending if we weren’t just locking them up by default and instead putting a focus on rehabilitation, tag monitoring, etc.
They are scum and the lowest of the low, so thats where they desrve to be, please do remember its a prison and not Butlins, or a holiday camp. They are lucky that they are locked up in this country, just be thankful they are not locked up in a South / Central American jail, where Life means life.......... Live by the sword, Die by the sword is my motto.

Luck isn't the reason they are not in a latin american jail tbf, it's mostly because they haven't committed any crimes there I think
You can tell someone's come from mail online cos capital letters get inserted in an odd way to make things more factual. An oldskool English approach.Tough on Crime... tough on the Causes of crime!!

Im looking forward to ep2. Pretty shocking how spice is getting in so readily and loads of prisoners are just sitting around getting mashed... guess it's always been a bit like that but still.

While I am fully in favour of a more progressive system and proper rehabilitation, I think there is a strong argument for continuing to deprive persistently violent and dangerous people of their freedom, and this happening within prison until people are actually ready for release. Those guys who started fighting in front of the kids in the visitors room ffs.... yeah I bet their communities want them back.
Well if locking them up is not an option, what do u suggest?
We ship them out to a desrted island and let them reform themselves over there?
Also these people are not interested in reforms, they are all rotten to the core and the scum of the earth, imho, let them rot, and bollocks to "Political Correctness"

You'd throw away the key and let rotten to the core scum of the earth Tommy Robinson rot too? I think he'd have probably agreed with your general argument until he got banged up.
You can tell someone's come from mail online cos capital letters get inserted in an odd way to make things more factual. An oldskool English approach.Tough on Crime... tough on the Causes of crime!!

Im looking forward to ep2. Pretty shocking how spice is getting in so readily and loads of prisoners are just sitting around getting mashed... guess it's always been a bit like that but still.

While I am fully in favour of a more progressive system and proper rehabilitation, I think there is a strong argument for continuing to deprive persistently violent and dangerous people of their freedom, and this happening within prison until people are actually ready for release. Those guys who started fighting in front of the kids in the visitors room ffs.... yeah I bet their communities want them back.
How FACTUAL would you prefer?
Well if locking them up is not an option, what do u suggest?
We ship them out to a desrted island and let them reform themselves over there?
Also these people are not interested in reforms, they are all rotten to the core and the scum of the earth, imho, let them rot, and bollocks to "Political Correctness"

I’m expecting a death penalty arguement from you in about three posts
Not satire at all, and yes i have decamped from the mail, online and moved to this forum. I have no sympathies for any person convicted of a crime, why should they be treated with cotton wool, when the victims, familys and the community suffer. Lock them all up and throw away the keys.
If the prison population is overcrowded and bursting at the seams, then ship them of to USA.................
you're a crime
Second episode leaves me feeling sad that so many young men are incarcerated with what seems such little hope. Our society is failing people
They are scum and the lowest of the low, so thats where they desrve to be, please do remember its a prison and not Butlins, or a holiday camp. They are lucky that they are locked up in this country, just be thankful they are not locked up in a South / Central American jail, where Life means life.......... Live by the sword, Die by the sword is my motto.

Well this is a measured, thought through and well researched piece of reasoning. Do you think this sort of nonsense makes you look tough or like a big guy or something?
I’ve just watched the first one. The bit at the end where the gang members were chatting was emotional...
Second episode leaves me feeling sad that so many young men are incarcerated with what seems such little hope. Our society is failing people
Why so sad? incarceration is the best form of remedy for these twats, if u cant handle the punishment, then think before doing a crime. Zero Tolerance is the way to go, not giving them sentences and then letting them out on good behaviour,
Well this is a measured, thought through and well researched piece of reasoning. Do you think this sort of nonsense makes you look tough or like a big guy or something?
Not sure what sort of coffee you on this morning? I dont need to look big or act tough. I am an honest and law abiding citizen and i do not have any sympathies for people who are locked up. Thats the problem with our country, its too lenient
Not sure what sort of coffee you on this morning? I dont need to look big or act tough. I am an honest and law abiding citizen and i do not have any sympathies for people who are locked up. Thats the problem with our country, its too lenient

Have you never made a mistake in your life? Many people in prison are there because they’ve never been shown the right way to live a life. Surely you must have some sympathy? Charlie and his brothers clearly never stood a chance of living a normal, decent life. They grew up in a house where crime and drugs are the norm. It’s all they know.
Not sure what sort of coffee you on this morning? I dont need to look big or act tough. I am an honest and law abiding citizen and i do not have any sympathies for people who are locked up. Thats the problem with our country, its too lenient
Bet you’re a nonce
Not sure what sort of coffee you on this morning? I dont need to look big or act tough. I am an honest and law abiding citizen and i do not have any sympathies for people who are locked up. Thats the problem with our country, its too lenient

America has much harsher sentences and sentencing laws but it doesn’t seem to have helped in an enormous reduction of crime at all. Likewise many other countries have much harder prisons where conditions are extremely poor but they don’t necessarily have low crime rates either. Nobody here is suggesting people don’t take responsibility for their actions but if you can’t be bothered to challenge yourself by having even a cursory look at the research into why people commit crime and what works then there’s no point engaging in a debate with you, is there. You don’t want to think about it, you just want to make sure everyone has heard what you think.
I have no sympathies for any person convicted of a crime,

i do not have any sympathies for people who are locked up

Presumably that applies as much to Stephen "Tommy Robinson" Yaxley-Lennon as to everybody else. Because if you think he was wrongly convicted or given too heavy a sentence then it would be an amazing concidence if he were the only one.
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Not sure what sort of coffee you on this morning? I dont need to look big or act tough. I am an honest and law abiding citizen and i do not have any sympathies for people who are locked up. Thats the problem with our country, its too lenient
You sound like a blethering idiot.
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