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The current cat is the only one of mine who’s ever shown anxiety about fireworks. Last year I did this thing that seemed to work for him. I guess I‘ll find out this November if it still works.

He likes it when I sing. I do that anyway. I make up little songs for him and weave his name(s) into the song and he’ll relax like he‘s resting back on a seaside bench. So with the fireworks I’d start singing a soothing song with a lullaby tune and when each volley of fireworks went off I‘d gently and calmly go “Pop. Poop-pop. Crackle crackle crackle Boom”. so I’d mimic the sequence of the fireworks going off immeidately after each volley.

I‘d had the thought that me repeating “it’s okay there’s nothing to worry about” etc was no good because if I wasn’t reacting to the fireworks myself, maybe he was thinking “Maybe the human can’t hear them?????wtf???“ So if I mimic the sequence of them going off, he’ll know I can hear them too and he’ll be able to recognise that my lack of concern / efforts to comfort him were associated with the noise.

Anyway, something worked and he ended the week pretty chilled out about the bangs. Sio if he’s anxious again this year I’ll try the same thing and see if it works.
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The current cat is the only one of mine who’s ever shown anxiety about fireworks. Last year I did this thing that seemed to work for him. I guess I‘ll find out this November if it still works.

He likes it when I sing. I do that anyway. I make up little songs for him and weave his name(s) into the song and he’ll relax like he‘s resting back on a seaside bench. So with the fireworks I’d start singing a soothing song with a lullaby tune and when each volley of fireworks went off I‘d gently and calmly go “Pop. Poop-pop. Crackle crackle crackle Boom”. so I’d mimic the sequence of the fireworks going off immeidately after each volley.

I‘d had the thought that me repeating “it’s okay there’s nothing to worry about” etc was no good because if I wasn’t reacting to the fireworks myself, maybe he was thinking “Maybe she can’t hear them?????wtf???“ So if I mimic the sequence of them going off, he’ll know I can hear them too and he’ll be able to recognise that my lack of concern / efforts to comfort him were associated with the noise.

Anyway, something worked and he ended the week pretty chilled out about the bangs. Sio if he’s anxious again this year I’ll try the same thing and see if it works.
I was killing myself laughing yesterday because The Who's "Pictures Of Lily" came on my Spotify and I started singing it to Lilith. The middle bit where he sings "Lily, oh Lily" is not unlike my gooey cat voice. And not just pictures, but Lilith does make my life so wonderful.
None of mine were/are worried about fireworks or storms.
I don't know if it helped that I'm quite into computer games and some of those have a lot of explosions, gunfire, spell type whizz-bang, and other audio effects, so they were always used to that anyway - if it was going on outside it probably didn't seem an awful lot different to them from if they were sitting on my lap while I was blowing stuff up playing a game.
None of mine were/are worried about fireworks or storms.
I don't know if it helped that I'm quite into computer games and some of those have a lot of explosions, gunfire, spell type whizz-bang, and other audio effects, so they were always used to that anyway - if it was going on outside it probably didn't seem an awful lot different to them from if they were sitting on my lap while I was blowing stuff up playing a game.
I've mentioned the story on here before, but weirdly Lilith doesn't seem to mind fireworks! She can always sense when I'm about to sneeze though, and bolts before the explosion.
I've mentioned the story on here before, but weirdly Lilith doesn't seem to mind fireworks! She can always sense when I'm about to sneeze though, and bolts before the explosion.

Oh yes, whenever I sneezed it would cause consternation - especially with Sonic, he was always really startled by it and looked really worried.
I was killing myself laughing yesterday because The Who's "Pictures Of Lily" came on my Spotify and I started singing it to Lilith. The middle bit where he sings "Lily, oh Lily" is not unlike my gooey cat voice. And not just pictures, but Lilith does make my life so wonderful.

I have to say, all our cats have had songs that were “theirs” and we’d sing them to the cats. One cat would come and do the weaving about and demanding attention thing when another cat was getting their song. When it was his turn he’d sit down and purr and cock his head at the person singing.

And yes, one cat hated sneezing and would bolt when he saw one building but no other cat I’ve lived with has had this issue.
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I watcbed Jackson Galaxy this morning. He was moving 50 kittens from one state to another in a van
It took 20 hours.
They were the most adorable well socialised kittens. So cute and very friendly.
I love that programme 🥰
Looks like Akiro is being kept indoors for a few days to remind him that thats his home. #freeakiro #justice4akiro :D

Jakey's a bit funny about who he likes and dislikes.

He is not keen on men and is nervous around them - he has hissed at my dad, at male friends, and even at OH sometimes if he initially doesn't notice him nearby.
He loves me and loves having visits from my mum, he always makes a beeline for her lap when she comes round to ours and will just snooze and purr there until she leaves. He's like that with me too.

I feel a bit sorry for OH - Radar was "his" and really loved him, but I got plenty of love from Radar too. Sonic was "mine" and was glued to me. He would seek attention from OH if I wasn't in the room, but was very clear about the fact he was just making do until I was available. Jakey doesn't like him much so OH gets no cat love here now :( At least until we go round other peoples' houses, our friends' cat loves him!
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