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My old lady cat (she's 88 you know!) has been struggling with the heat. Think she actually overheated on that really hot day last week, was vomiting, off her food, shivery and shakey, and it's gonna be worse tomorrow, so I got her a water-based cooling mat. Put it down next to her bed. She won't go on it. Put it half on her bed. She shot away from the bed, so I had to put it back next to her bed. I bet she doesn't bloody go near it now :facepalm::D:mad:
I put a big plastic bottle filled with water in the freezer then on a hot day get it out and stand it on the floor - when it's hot, they usually gravitated to sit near it and lick off the cold condensation off the side of the bottle - you could try that, and keep a couple in rotation if you have room in the freezer.

You can also stand one in front of a fan to cool the room a bit more, but I wouldn't leave a fan going in room unattended with a cat in case they decided to stick their paws or nose into it somehow - also energy costs/environment etc.
I put a big plastic bottle filled with water in the freezer then on a hot day get it out and stand it on the floor - when it's hot, they usually gravitated to sit near it and lick off the cold condensation off the side of the bottle - you could try that, and keep a couple in rotation if you have room in the freezer.

You can also stand one in front of a fan to cool the room a bit more, but I wouldn't leave a fan going in room unattended with a cat in case they decided to stick their paws or nose into it somehow - also energy costs/environment etc.
Great idea, thanks Epona. She's always been a scaredy cat, but is much worse in her old age. Terrified of Everything now. We don't have a freezer with space for a big bottle, but I might see if we've a smaller one that would do the trick.

I wouldn't leave a fan on unattended anyway but thanks.
Another thing you can do if she is suffering is wipe her down with a wet cloth, no she is not going to like it one bit but it is a short distress to provide some relief if she is overheating.

(Just seen your post above about her being nervous, this may not be suitable for her)
Another thing you can do if she is suffering is wipe her down with a wet cloth, no she is not going to like it one bit but it is a short distress to provide some relief if she is overheating.

(Just seen your post above about her being nervous, this may not be suitable for her)

I used to do similar with a former cat - called it the cool hand stroke :oops::D Wet your hands and stroke them as normal. Might be more tolerable than a cloth? sojourner
Vastra's definitely been getting through a lot of water the last few days but seems mostly happy with the warmth.
Lilith's been coming in with green sticky velcro-like balls stuck in her fur and thinks it's a game when I try to pick them out! Happy days...

We call them Sticky Willies here and I've just been pulling-up loads of the plants, which entwine themselves with and through other vegetation in the sneakiest ways. Three years of mercilessly removing every one I see as soon as I see them and before they flower/seed has finally resulted in a noticeable reduction in the blighters!
Akiro Chloe and Rogue enjoying evening outside

I got back from work this afternoon to see the very fat cat from a few doors down sitting outside my front door. I don't know his humans, but you can certainly tell they know how to feed him. Absolutely gargantuan, but quite affectionate too.
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