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I've attracted another one. Only 5 houses where I live and rural. So I suspect another has been dumped ( cost of living maybe).
It's beautiful and very friendly. Unfortunately Charlie has started over grooming and has bald bits on her belly and back legs :(
While I figure out what to do with the stray would a feliway help with the overgrooming?
New kitty on the block, unneutered tom.
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Feliway seems to have better results for some cats than others, but giving it a try can't hurt, some people do get good results with it.
Feliway seems to have better results for some cats than others, but giving it a try can't hurt, some people do get good results with it.
I've used them before when I found Red until she settled in. Seemed to work well then. Never had a cat over groom before. It's very upsetting, plus she lies on my legs in bed and keeps me awake grooming.
Moved house. Feels pretty horrific. They were kittens when we got here and had never been out. Had a huge garden and fields out the back and grass out the front. Grabbed shoved in crates and taken somewhere they don't know. Such as contrast. They've got got two rooms for now. Katniss is walking round howling and Odin hasn't left his cat basket. :(

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hope they settle in soon. will they be allowed out again once they have had some time for the cat-nav to reset?

Yes totally. We still have a garden and others near by. There's a big road, but not right out the front. The back door is to a pretty enclosed garden.

Im not sure how to leave it but it will a good while. I'll give them a few days in those two rooms before they get the run of house partly for them and partly as I've a lot of stuff to sort from the garage and that's stress I don't need.

It's going to be expensive as well. In the last place I just cut a hole in a new PVC door for their cat flap. This PVC door has strange mouldings for a fake panel effect, so think I'll need a new bit (been told you can replace part the door, but won't be cheap). Apparently you can get smart cat flaps now which tells me if they are in or out by their chips. Will amuse me that the cat flap has an IP address....
Yes totally. We still have a garden and others near by.


Im not sure how to leave it but it will a good while

i'll let others comment, as it's not something i've done, but think a couple of weeks or so is recommended

Apparently you can get smart cat flaps now which tells me if they are in or out by their chips. Will amuse me that the cat flap has an IP address....

one of my colleagues at previous workplace had something like this - complete with an app on his mobile phone that would meow whenever kitty went in or out, which he would usually forget to switch off before going to meetings...

and hmm - what if your cat flap gets hacked by the russians?
Moved house. Feels pretty horrific. They were kittens when we got here and had never been out. Had a huge garden and fields out the back and grass out the front. Grabbed shoved in crates and taken somewhere they don't know. Such as contrast. They've got got two rooms for now. Katniss is walking round howling and Odin hasn't left his cat basket. :(

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Moving house is always fairly horrific for cats, everything is about territory. Especially as they get older, kittens and young cats are a bit more adaptable.

They will adjust in time, I would make sure to leave some cardboard boxes on their sides around the place that they can use as hidey holes to sit in and observe.

Might be worth giving a feliway plug in a try while they are settling in.
Moving house is always fairly horrific for cats, everything is about territory. Especially as they get older, kittens and young cats are a bit more adaptable.

They will adjust in time, I would make sure to leave some cardboard boxes on their sides around the place that they can use as hidey holes to sit in and observe.

Might be worth giving a feliway plug in a try while they are settling in.

Well there's plenty of boxes. :D

It they are now roaming the house. Katniss was scratching the door and making such a racket my partner let them out. This is not in unusual behaviour. She is not a quiet cat. Odin came for a fuss and a purr when my alarm went off which was. Going to have to shove them back later as have a mountain of stuff in boxes outside to sort and can't risk them getting out.
Cats to the left of me, cats to the right of me….
Last night when feeding Harry his deadly rival Napoleon turned up, as he did again this morning as this picture shows


And of course scrounger Bloom then appeared at my back door so I let him lick my cereal bowl once I’d’finished’.

Or Pet Remedy, which I find great. It does have a valerian smell to it at first, but that disappears after a few minutes of spraying. Our vet uses it and I've never been able to smell it. Can't recommend it enough.
Stuff turned up today.
Red claimed the wipe after wiping her and Charlie, Charlie got bored of waiting for her go and it turned into handbags. Now both chilled and looking a bit stoned.
Not tried the spray yet. So far so good.
Oh, them wipes do honk a bit as you mentioned.
neighbours have put some new railings round the lawn here (to stop kidlets and doggies walking on it - there's public footpath at the edge of it)

someone was being dramatic about it

garden, railings and kitteh

for some reason i've had the 'prisoner cell block h' theme song on my mind this afternoon...
As I walked along the path in front of our row of houses this morning I thought I saw a new plant in one of my neighbour's front garden. It looked a bit abstract though, and as I got closer I realised it was my ginger/tortoiseshell/white neighbour curled up into a perfect circle.
Rogue cuddling up with Chloe. Both Rogue and Bella seek out Chloe for cuddles as they seem to recognise her as the mother cat of the family, which I guess she is-being the oldest and chonkiest of the three

Crikey a bit of an eventful couple of days. On Tuesday we had a visit from Oscar the tripod from down the street. He’s a friendly fella and I gave him a stroke. Mrs SFM came out and carried on where I left off while I put out the rubbish. Suddenly she let out a scream and I rushed over to find that Oscar had scratched her hand badly and there was blood everywhere. We ran it under cold water and put on antiseptic and bandages and all seemed OK. Yesterday morning at 5am she awoke in terrible pain and her hand had swollen twice it’s normal size. We went straight down to “Jimmy’s” (St James’ Infirmary) and were there 6 hours while she got examined (seems it was a bite - not just a scratch), had blood tests (positive for tetanus) and got prescribed antibiotics and painkillers. I was late for work so decided to pick up the prescription on the way back. Dropped Mrs SFM back at the house and went to work. Realised, when I read the small print, that I could only redeem it at the hospital pharmacy (not a regular chemist) so it was a dash back to bloody Jimmy’s before the pharmacy closed at 6pm. Got home and realised I hadn’t eaten anything all day so had a piece of cheese on toast, a stiff quadruple vodka and went to bed at 7pm.

Lil’ Bob was a total star throughout - never leaving her side - and even Vic behaved himself. Oscar the tripod is now persona non grata round here…..(see below). Not sure what got into him - overstimulated perhaps?

(One plus was the purchase of a scandal rag to pass the time with the lurid headline “Marry me or I’ll cut off your head!” 😱)

Crikey a bit of an eventful couple of days. On Tuesday we had a visit from Oscar the tripod from down the street. He’s a friendly fella and I gave him a stroke. Mrs SFM came out and carried on where I left off while I put out the rubbish. Suddenly she let out a scream and I rushed over to find that Oscar had scratched her hand badly and there was blood everywhere. We ran it under cold water and put on antiseptic and bandages and all seemed OK. Yesterday morning at 5am she awoke in terrible pain and her hand had swollen twice it’s normal size. We went straight down to “Jimmy’s” (St James’ Infirmary) and were there 6 hours while she got examined (seems it was a bite - not just a scratch), had blood tests (positive for tetanus) and got prescribed antibiotics and painkillers. I was late for work so decided to pick up the prescription on the way back. Dropped Mrs SFM back at the house and went to work. Realised, when I read the small print, that I could only redeem it at the hospital pharmacy (not a regular chemist) so it was a dash back to bloody Jimmy’s before the pharmacy closed at 6pm. Got home and realised I hadn’t eaten anything all day so had a piece of cheese on toast, a stiff quadruple vodka and went to bed at 7pm.

Lil’ Bob was a total star throughout - never leaving her side - and even Vic behaved himself. Oscar the tripod is now persona non grata round here…..(see below). Not sure what got into him - overstimulated perhaps?

(One plus was the purchase of a scandal rag to pass the time with the lurid headline “Marry me or I’ll cut off your head!” 😱)

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Hope Mrs SFM recovers soon.

Here's Lilith in cheeky baby pose.IMG_20220428_150809463.jpg
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